120 DAYS "BEASTMODE" NOFAP BATTLE BTW. @_TIGER & @TAGORE (extreme accountability + daily check-ins) Entries Closed

@Tagore bro thank you for explaining me . It’s very important for youths like us cause by preserving our semen we won’t only benefit ourselves but our good deeds will bring changes in society as well. I will start my journey from tomorrow and will look further towards your guidance in my journey :pray::hugs:

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Hey man, nice you want to know more about Brahmacharya and celibacy.

I don’t know much about pranamaya since I have respiratory problems so I don’t do Pranamaya but I do recommend it with meditation and yoga.

Well celibacy is an international term and means only no sexual contact. (you can bend the rules because it is not well defined).

If you want to practice Brahmacharya (absolutely not recommended for those who have Girlfriends or boyfriends) , well it’s a whole new level my friend.
No eye contact, no speaking, no touchy touchy , no pondering/thinking about opposite sex and many more.

The fact that you apologized for your actions against her is a very respectful move.
I know we tend to become idiots and expect those crazy fucks , we all see in vids online.
It’s just bad and god I feel awful for women , they have to go through so much pain.

I am not gonna tell you what to do but seriously, you can instead do unorthodox/different method of Brahmacharya like staying with your girl( can do anything except sexual contact, can touch,but no cuddling and stuff, be very much respectful in terms of manners and don’t do what perverts tend to do.)
you can stop looking at girls other than your partner ( no restrictions for you mum, sister,teachers and people you should respect).

It will make you damn loyal to your girl .
Take my words with a pinch of salt and it’s left to you.


Sure bro I will do this and try hard for it and will follow this group to get more knowledge regarding celibacy .
Thanks friend for kind words.:hugs::pray:


Today :14/04/2021
:x:1]wake up - 4.00am
:white_check_mark:2]take water -1 bottle
3]pray - 1 hr
:white_check_mark:4]exercise- 1 hr
:white_check_mark:5] meditation- 2 mint
:white_check_mark:6] motivation-(no fap) - 15 mint
:white_check_mark:7] visulaization
:white_check_mark:8] affirmation
:x:9]hair care
:x:10]Cold shower
:x:11]eat in proper time
:white_check_mark:12]work in afternoon
:x:13]Study 9 hrs.
:white_check_mark:14]meditation 10 mints
:white_check_mark:15]srimad Bhagavad geeta
:white_check_mark:16]plan 4 next day
:white_check_mark:17]small exercise
:white_check_mark:18]limited dopamine
:white_check_mark:19]small pray
:x:20]close mobile before 10.15pm


Some points to keep in mind for celibacy from the book Pratice of Brahmacharya:

Observe strict continence in thought, word and deed. Give up thinking useless and vain thoughts. Keep balance of mind in all conditions and circumstances, contemplating the Divine. Practice Sirshasan, Sarvangasan and Oordhva Padmasan, besides Viparitakarani Mudra. Preserve the energy by constantly repeating the Name of the Lord, doing intense Japa and meditation, and study of the Gita, the Bhagavata, and the like. Develop Viveka, Vairagya and Vichara. As dispassion increases, so is the vital energy not allowed to leak out. The greater the Vairagya (non-attachment to worldly objects) the more secure will be the semen. The more the preservation of semen, the greater will be the transmutation into Ojas which means abundant physical, mental, moral and spiritual strength and quick evolution. Pranayam helps a lot in gaining control over the physical machinery and the mind. To have control over the mind means to have control over the Prana Sakti and prevent Veerya from being let out. To have control over this masculine power means to have abundant Ojas which enables the aspirant to glow spiritually. Intense Sadhana, with the desires reduced to the barest minimum, will sublimate the sexual energy into spiritual energy.

Also anger and muscular energy can also be converted to Ojas sakti


Only 7 hrs work…!:;*;

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Today :15/04/2021
:x:1]wake up - 4.00am(9.00 am)
:white_check_mark:2]take water -1 bottle
:white_check_mark:3]pray - 1 hr
:white_check_mark:4]exercise- 1 hr
:white_check_mark:5] meditation- 2 mint
:white_check_mark:6] motivation-(no fap) - 15 mint
:white_check_mark:7] visulaization
:white_check_mark:8] affirmation
:white_check_mark:9]hair care
:white_check_mark:10]Cold shower before 7
:white_check_mark:11]eat in proper time
:x:12]work in afternoon
:x:13]Study 9 hrs.
:white_check_mark:14]meditation 10 mints
:white_check_mark:15]srimad Bhagavad geeta
:white_check_mark:16]plan 4 next day
:x:17]small exercise
:white_check_mark:18]limited dopamine
:white_check_mark:19]small pray
:x:20]close mobile before 10.15pm


Keep going bro. This time we’ll become real kings.
Iam just sending some of the posts in jumping Buddha’s diary for semen retention knowledge, Meditation, and related topics bro.
This will be really helpful for this. I think, this man’s diary is a treasure. Iam digging into it :sweat_smile:

A life changing story

Story of a great warrior @JonSnow001



Death meditation


@Tagore more knowledge on semen retention =more streak :fire:

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Bro tomorrow 9 hrs challenge ? I wasted my morning routine . :pleading_face: Woke up at 9 am. So today only 6 hrs .

Not only streak bro. We have to avoid nightfalls, we have to avoid all (100%) of the bad thoughts, we have to eradicate 100% of lustful thoughts from mind. We have to make our mind pure as a vajra or sparkling jewel. Iam gaining more and more knowledge.
There are a lot of yogic practices for semen retention and converting semen into Ojas Shakti for brain. Everything these ancient master of India have taught have been proven by modern science these days.
Like benefits of pranyama, asanas, yoga etc. If all those things are truth then the semen retention is also truth .
I started practicing Sheershasan, sashangasan, pranayam, sarvangasan etc. Just after doing these for 2 days my Brian and body is on flame. These are all gold brother. You also start practicing


Tomorrow we’ll kill the days. Let’s work as much as we can today

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I saw a asan -brahmacharya asan do this … it reduces nightfall… But 2 times nightfall per month is okay bro… in my nightfall a small drop pf semen and 90% precum so it’s not a problem…


You are in 100 days …so you should talk more pressure… And stay alert don’t forget day 112. :muscle::muscle::muscle:

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Jalandhar bandha, uddiyana bandha, moolbandha, mahabandha, mahamudra, Pranayam + Meditation
These were all suggested by jumping Buddha
We have to learn more about all these. These ancient wisdom are all jewels. What the modern scientists do is Re-Sreach. They are not finding anything new but re searching what was always there.

Yes bro, I know, I’ll only reach a safe position after 180 days. This is a life long journey, extreme mindfulness is needed

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I practice sheershana not daily but sometimes. I knew about the blood flow, but did not knew about these facts regarding semen convertion to ojas. Thanks for sharing this info bro. I will also include this yogaasana in my routine daily.


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@Tagore Congratulations for your 100 days. I think you are a writer . Here is a video which might be useful for you



Today :16/04/2021
:x:1]wake up - 4.00am(7)
:white_check_mark:2]take water -1 bottle
:white_check_mark:3]pray - 1 hr
:white_check_mark:4]exercise- 1 hr
:white_check_mark:5] meditation- 2 mint
:white_check_mark:6] motivation-(no fap) - 15 mint
:white_check_mark:7] visulaization
:white_check_mark:8] affirmation
:white_check_mark:9]hair care
:white_check_mark:10]Cold shower before 7
:white_check_mark:11]eat in proper time
:white_check_mark:12]work in afternoon
:x:13]Study 9 hrs.
:white_check_mark:14]meditation 10 mints
:white_check_mark:15]srimad Bhagavad geeta
:white_check_mark:16]plan 4 next day
:x:17]small exercise
:white_check_mark:18]limited dopamine
:white_check_mark:19]small pray
20]close mobile before 10.15pm


Good job, nice routine daily!