Immediate help needed

And also tell me some tips to stay away from it…as I am entering college!!!


Brother ,
" cheap dopamine" is what can precisely describe how much damage drugs and alcohol and masturbation to porn ( or any other harmful addiction of that sort) does to our psyche. Dopamine , as you probably would know , is our " anticipation happiness hormone" . It is basically the " thrill" in the achievement.

You see , our species started out as hunter gatherers , and one had to work his ass off and play with fire and death just so he could ensure that one will live to see another day. And in order to lead a purposeful life , they had to be ferociously active . Their bodies rewarded them with the hard earned sense of achievement in the form of dopamine. That’s what the rule of survival is all about - " if you want to be happy, prosperous anfld feel satisfied and complete, you gotta work.

But as we advanced , humans found out that we can trick our brains into believing we have achieved something and , by ingesting the body with some chemicals , which will basically give them the false sense of happiness and completion that we always long for . Those chemicals are what those narcotics are . Alcohol works much the same , the only exception is that it heightens the senses and gives a sense of relief. It doesn’t really screw with the endocrine system .

Drugs screw with the endocrine system , and triggers the release of hormones without any outside stimuli. Since our brain craves whatever feels good , and we are fooling it into believing that this will do good to our body. But they don’t.
These are harmful chemicals , containing high amount of phosphorus, and aromatic compounds (which have been proved to be carinogenic).

But it’s also morally incorrect.We may have made these discoveries , but these are just shortcuts to that thrill of achievement and completion. Our bodies are still hard wired much like our ancestors , we still need to work hard to get real satisfaction and happiness.

The choice is ours , we can ruin our body by feeding it with fake happiness and cheap dopamine , or we can go get the real stuff done , so that we can deserve that satisfaction that comes out of it.

Happiness is not cheap , you know.
Hope you have a great life ahead :grin:.


Share your code man i think it need help too


My code is 8h7ogy bro

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In accordance with medicine, your brain hasn’t developed completely. Alcohol and drugs can damage this process.
Make new friends, brother


It is not good for your health at the present moment because your brain is filled with dopamine and if you are drunk you will do something really, REALLY bad. You know. You should leave all this.


You are already my companion

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If you are a weak person, drugs may end your current life.

It can damage your brain cells needed for critical thinking & decisions.

Bottom Line 》
If you love yourself, you will never harm your body


One of the most inspiring stories I have ever read

And by the way, thank you for your response …

Lets be in touch brother…


Yes this hits hard because i never liked the way i look
I hate my face Im 16 but look like a grown man i hate to go out and mix with people bcz(they are elder than me but call me brother with respect i don’t like it)
So i always prefer to run away from the reality i didn’t have any friends because the way im i look i don’t want to make friendship with someone who are like me

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@JonSnow001 I read your post…:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: My heart says I love you so much bro…you are an inspiration for me now… Bro what’s your code??


Wow bro really inspiring


At some points, i can relate to myself :slightly_smiling_face:
I am also 28 and getting bored of everything. Assuming of this pmo Hopefully we all will free from this addiction.Wish you all d Best :slight_smile:

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Wow… I really involved in activities such as
advising such people those who are addicted to alcohol and weeds, this will be very helpful, thank you.

And i really wondered about the change happen in u.
So always be grateful to your lord, our creator, who gave you ur life back.

At last, I want to tell that, you must win, the life hereafter, so you only worship, him, the god, the only one, the creator, who created us, the worlds and all…
Don’t make partners to god❤️


First of all bro, if the acts of your friends are tempting you to try out such harmful acts, then know that such people are NOT your “friends” at all. You yourself know very well that consumption of alcohol, drugs and other narcotics and hallucinating items is harmful and thats why you’ve created this thread bro.
Don’t fall in this trap. Such addictions can destroy your life completely. Now, I will give you simple scenarios of how this can affect you. Suppose you try alcohol once. It won’t harm you much and you’ll feel it can’t affect you much. So, you try it again. Alcohol has hallucinating chemicals which will trigger dopamine and serotonin inside your brain, giving you a feeling of pleasure. So, you’ll begin to use it more frequently. With regular use, harmful effects of alcohol will come into play. Even if I ignore medical effects that its gonna have on you, it’ll greatly interfere with your life in other ways too. Alcohol comes with a price, and since you need your dopamine dosage, you’ll begin to lie to your family, stealing money and may even indulge in anti social activities. Hallucination will engulf a major amount of your time and you’ll not be able to focus on studies or developing human relations. You’ll have weak will power and will have hard time overcoming any bad habit ,or in getting used to any good habit. It’ll slow down your metabolism and you’ll become a fat guy whom noone would like. And then when you’ll try to quit it, you’ll suffer from withdrawal symptoms and in extreme case may even suffer from worst form of liver diseases which will stay there for the rest of your life. If you live in a tropical/ subtropical warm country like India, envieonment will not help you either and you’ll suffere from other gastric problems too. Not to say, addiction of drugs is even more dangerous.
Addiction of anything can destroy your life bro. PMO is similar, but atleast in this case, environment supports you, you don’t suffer from the guilt of spending so much money on porn, there are little to no withdrawal symptoms, your will power is not deteriorated that much and you are still able to rewire your brain. But remember that in cases of addiction to drugs and alcohol, there’ll be worse things which can happen to you and even when you’ll try to quit it, you may not be able to go back to your previous self ever again.
And bro, make good friends or don’t get peoplle so close to you atleast that they begin to affect your life.


Well said bro…they are not my friends…will go in search of good friends

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Im 25 years old and from Indonesia so sorry for my broken english.
From my opinion, drugs and alcohol is bad for health, ive used to drink alcohol for my self and the only good think you feel only last for an hour and after that its just suck, try to see someone that have alcohol addict and compare that to yourself, think that if you start drinking and drugs that gonna be your life for maybe 10 to 20 years.


Well yeah.

Not my personal story but it happend to alot of friends around me. I always heard my friends go out, got drunk at a party didn’t know what happend to them at all. How they got home etc.

My one friend was raped when he passed out and he didn’t know about it. He said he felt pain the next morning and did feel uncomfortable like stuff was out of place.

Well, my one friend straight same as me. Well I was sober and he piss drunk actually hit on me he became super inviting in his house like sit down with me on my bed and it was real weird. And he phoned me all super concerned as I drove home. Said stuff like the other guy with us was a jerk and said you are gay and weird stuff like are you home yet and I am watching porn or gonna.

I didn’t mind the phone call it was good having the company, but I wished I was home and ringing off and going to bed. Don’t worry I was on speaker phone. So no texting or stuff like that.

Also if you fall asleep at a party or passed out. Well be prepared to get pranked. As you might get some whip cream all over you.

For drinks too at clubs or parties and everyone knows peoples drinks get spiked. And well also anything can happen with you here as well. And you wouldn’t know of it.

Well if you are drunk you just sometimes vomit all over the place, get into risky fights, cause car accidents and if you killed someone you’ll get to walk with that on your conscience the rest of your life. Die in an accident. => even if your not driving. A guy in my church died as his drunk friend who was the assigned driver crashed the car.

Well a story close to home. My sister used drugs. Nowadays if she gets a good nights sleep it is a miracle for her. Some sleep medication she can’t use as they are addictive or some strong ones don’t work for her. Also pain meds are ineffective as the body just is use to it or damaged by the drugs because of it and it doesn’t work.

Also my sister said her one friend is a “vegetable” thanks to a drug overdose on LSD and acid which practically started eating her flesh and really messed up her head very bad. My sister said she got lucky as some girls were hookers for the dealers to get their fix. They were raped and some badly hurt and abused during their intercourse time.

My sister was arrested numerous times, either for tresspassing or breaking and entering. Well she stole from my parents. To get money for drugs. One friend of her hung himself when he was high.

My sister was out on the streets and my parents picked her up under bridges and at dodgy places.
Not only stress for you but your parents too. Also get very skinny and malnourished as you don’t eat much. You stink as you don’t care to shower or groom yourself.

Then you get unnecessary jail time as I mentioned you don’t go to school or study and well in jail you can’t so you can’t make something decent for your life.

People constantly watch you, you’ll be in and out of rehabs or dependent on AA groups.

Abuse your wife and children when you get super drunk and mad. Also with some highs go crazy and could injure them seriously.

Not only that alcohol and drugs are lethal. You can die off and overdose in drugs, or drug use as mentioned some contain acids and poisons if the dealers lab didn’t process it well then you are just along for the ride. Seizures and suffocation. And organs going dying one by one.

With alcohol poisoning is what you get from an alcohol overdose. Not so nice some accounts you die very quickly and some you suffer a bit with vomiting, heaviness in breath, seizures and heartfailer.

Also stupid things can be done like walking and falling alot when drunk as you are very disorientated and could get seriously injured or die falling from stairs possibly. Or if near a pool alone might pass out and drown. A lot of potential risks. And in both drugs or drink might have suicidal thoughts.

So yeah very dark times if you use drugs. No casual nip here and there. Nope, it happend with my sister nips here and there at a party got her in massive trouble.

As a casual drink is okay and you must limit it. Control it before the booze controls you. You can have fun without being “wasted” or drunk. All it gives you is a nasty sick feeling, vomiting all over the show, empty pockets and a terrible headache and or sick feeling the next day.

Good luck bro stay strong and awesome !

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Bro I don’t know if you are trolling with your sisters story, coz that’s some dark stuff man. I do feel awful after hearing all of that.

My experience with alcohol is nothing compared to that. At most, I got piss drunk, puked twice, passed the f out.



Well said bro…really u and your family faced hard times.

Praying for u and your family…

Won’t touch drugs in my life time!!!

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