The Hero's 90 Day Challenge! 👑

Welcome apprentice! The life of a hero awaits you! All that stands in your way is the dragon of PMO. You may have tried many times to slay him in the past, but here you’ll receive training to defeat him at long last!

The king has declared that all dragons throughout the land must be destroyed to save the kingdom from destruction. There will be a great reward for anyone who agrees to train and fight to become a hero.

Many apprentices like yourself have enlisted, looking to earn their weight in gold and be recognised across the country for their achievements as noble dragonslayers.

Equip your sword and shield, and prepare for battle!

NOTE: To join, you choose to commit fully to the rules of the game. If you have significant religious or philosophical differences with the challenge or feel that it’s just not for you, best of success to you and no hard feelings for not joining. There are other ways to become PMO-Free. I pray that you will achieve your goals.


Rules of the Challenge:

  1. Read all the details of the challenge and commit to its terms.
  2. You are a HERO! Choose a hero who inspires you which will be your avatar through the challenge - check first to make sure it hasn’t been taken by someone else!
  3. Come up with 5 strong reasons why you want to quit - 5 ways that the addiction has negatively impacted your life.
  4. Come up with 5 strong reasons why you want to be free and clean - 5 ways your life will improve as a result of quitting that would not be possible otherwise.
  5. Use your 5 strong positive reasons to come up with a short but powerful vision statement of what your life will look like without PMO within the next 60-90 days.
  6. Review your 10 reasons every day.
  7. Your Sword: Commit to taking a positive action every time you get an urge. Share it here so others can keep you accountable, decide if they’d like to follow the same action, and ask you whether you used the action you decided on.

For example: my action for every urge will be to remind myself that PMO is against the life I want to live, and that I’m moving towards freedom and true happiness.

  1. For 21 days, practise the method at least 10 times daily, whether you have 10 different urges or not. After 21 days, practice at least 2 times a day. Simply start your practice with Step A and finish with Step D.
  2. Every time lustful thoughts come to your mind, use the urge method so your mind will think of something positive instead, and focus on your vision.
  3. Your Shield: Choose positive activities you will engage in whenever you’re feeling negative emotions like stress, anxiety, distress, discomfort, sadness, anger, boredom etc. Possible activities include: listening to good music, dancing, singing, taking some deep breaths, smiling, laughing, reading a good book, watching your favourite movie or a documentary, going for a walk, prayer or meditation, conversation with loved ones, journaling your thoughts etc. No matter what emotions you feel as a result of life’s struggles, pornography is not the answer. PMO is not an option. If you choose PMO for any reason, the dragon attacks you and you’ll have to restart the challenge.
  4. If you are struggling for any reason, come and share with the group. Don’t go through it alone. Everyone can relate in some way to what you’re going through, and doing so is very likely to save you from a relapse.
  5. If you see someone struggling, lift their spirits. Help them out, advise them, support them back up again so they can make their way through their troubles and continue their streak.
  6. Share! Share your progress, your thoughts and insights, your benefits, your struggles, your enthusiasm and praise at other people’s progress.
  7. Choose to check-in daily with your report. Anyone who doesn’t check-in within 3 days will be attacked by the dragon, and have to restart without all of their gold.
  8. There’s nothing heroic about watching pornography. Regardless of your personal boundaries and your counter, even ‘just a peek’ will result in an attack from the dragon, and you’ll have to restart the challenge.

Your Commitments:

  1. I choose to believe in myself. I know that I deserve to be free, and I’m willing to do what it takes to make that happen. I will give it my very best. I’m here to add 90 days to my streak.
  2. I choose to follow the rules and trust the principles of the challenge, even if they seem unusual, to begin with.
  3. I choose to accept no excuses. I am stronger than every urge. No matter what comes my way or how I feel, I choose to continue being free and clean. No stress, anxiety, distress, boredom, anger, frustration, exhaustion, insomnia or illness will affect my streak.
  4. I choose to allow only positive thoughts to remain in my mind. I choose not to indulge any sexual thoughts, fantasies or pornographic memories.
  5. I choose to challenge each urge directly using the method described and choose my positive vision of a better life every time. I look forward to experiencing the power of transformative change.
  6. I choose to report here whenever I’m struggling and to help others if they need it.
  7. I choose to put in the work and check-in daily with my progress.

Signing Up

To join the Hero’s 90 Day Challenge, reply with the information below:

Current Streak:
Highest Streak:
Sharing Code:

A sentence confirming you have read and agreed to commit to the rules of the challenge.

Share your 10 reasons and your vision. Sharing adds greater commitment and others will learn from your reasons and vision. If you’re not comfortable doing so, that’s fine, but confirm that you have created them and will use them to defeat every urge that comes.

From then, your basic daily check-in is simple:

  • Day …
  • One affirmation - I am a hero, I am a winner, I am successful etc.
  • One thing you’re thankful for in your life - I’m thankful for my family, I’m thankful for my health, I’m thankful for good food…
  • Report your progress for the day - Another clean day!
  • Report the number of urges defeated/practices completed - I defeated 3 urges today and practised 7 times.
  • Feel free to share more if you have the time - how you’re feeling, what you accomplished today, what threats you perceive and how you’re dealing with them etc.

Prepare for battle! Strength and honour!

Rules of the Challenge:

  1. Read all the details of the challenge and commit to its terms.
  2. Come up with 5 strong reasons why you want to quit - 5 ways that the addiction has negatively impacted your life.
  3. Come up with 5 strong reasons why you want to be free and clean - 5 ways your life will improve as a result of quitting that would not be possible otherwise.
  4. Use your 5 strong positive reasons to come up with a short but powerful vision statement of what your life will look like without PMO within the next 60-90 days.
  5. Regularly review your 10 reasons, a minimum of once a week.
  6. Your Sword: Use this tried and proven urge-overcoming method whenever you get an urge, taken from Brian Brandenburg’s book Power over Pornography: The Proven Solution to Overcoming Pornography Addiction:
  • A. Acknowledge the urge immediately by saying to yourself: “I want to view and do.” (View and do is a more positive way of saying watch pornography and masturbate.)
  • B. Accept the urge. “It’s normal. Everyone is tempted, it is our actions which count. I don’t need to feel ashamed or guilty for any temptation.”
  • C. Acknowledge your freedom to choose. “I am free to choose. My choice is for this urge only. I am free to choose differently the next time.”
  • D. Choose your vision, picturing it in your mind each time: “I choose my vision where I am happily engaged in the pursuit of my goals, I feel comfortable in my own skin, my confidence has skyrocketed, I’m full of love, peace and joy and I achieve success daily.” (Example)
  • E. For best results, carry a physical piece of paper or card with you and write down the steps A-D, and read the paper/card aloud in your mind each time.
  1. For 21 days, practise the method at least 10 times daily, whether you have 10 different urges or not. After 21 days, practice at least 2 times a day. Simply start your practice with Step A and finish with Step D.
  2. Every time lustful thoughts come to your mind, use the urge method so your mind will think of something positive instead, and focus on your vision.
  3. Your Shield: Choose positive activities you will engage in whenever you’re feeling negative emotions like stress, anxiety, distress, discomfort, sadness, anger, boredom etc. Possible activities include: listening to good music, dancing, singing, taking some deep breaths, smiling, laughing, reading a good book, watching your favourite movie or a documentary, going for a walk, prayer or meditation, conversation with loved ones, journaling your thoughts etc. No matter what emotions you feel as a result of life’s struggles, pornography is not the answer. PMO is not an option. If you choose PMO for any reason, the dragon attacks you and you’ll have to restart the challenge.
  4. If you are struggling for any reason, come and share with the group. Don’t go through it alone. Everyone can relate in some way to what you’re going through, and doing so is very likely to save you from a relapse.
  5. If you see someone struggling, lift their spirits. Help them out, advise them, support them back up again so they can make their way through their troubles and continue their streak.
  6. Share! Share your progress, your thoughts and insights, your benefits, your struggles, your enthusiasm and praise at other people’s progress.
  7. You earn gold pieces for your actions in the challenge:
  • 2 Gold Pieces for each urge overcome and each time you practice
  • 5 Gold Pieces for checking in daily
  • 10 Gold Pieces for each clean day
  • 15 Gold Pieces for helping others
  • 1000 Gold Pieces for 90 days free and clean!
  1. Choose to check-in daily with your report. Anyone who doesn’t check-in within 3 days will be attacked by the dragon, and have to restart without all of their gold.
  2. There’s nothing heroic about watching pornography. Regardless of your personal boundaries and your counter, even ‘just a peek’ will result in an attack from the dragon, and you’ll have to restart the challenge.

Your Commitments:

  1. I choose to believe in myself. I know that I deserve to be free, and I’m willing to do what it takes to make that happen. I will give it my very best. I’m here to add 90 days to my streak.
  2. I choose to follow the rules and trust the principles of the challenge, even if they seem unusual, to begin with.
  3. I choose to accept no excuses. I am stronger than every urge. No matter what comes my way or how I feel, I choose to continue being free and clean. No stress, anxiety, distress, boredom, anger, frustration, exhaustion, insomnia or illness will affect my streak.
  4. I choose to allow only positive thoughts to remain in my mind. I choose not to indulge any sexual thoughts, fantasies or pornographic memories.
  5. I choose to challenge each urge directly using the method described and choose my positive vision of a better life every time. I look forward to experiencing the power of transformative change.
  6. I choose to report here whenever I’m struggling and to help others if they need it.
  7. I choose to put in the work and check-in daily with my progress.

Signing Up

To join the Hero’s 90 Day Challenge, reply with the information below:

Current Streak:
Highest Streak:
Sharing Code:

A sentence confirming you have read and agreed to commit to the rules of the challenge.

Share your 10 reasons and your vision. Sharing adds greater commitment and others will learn from your reasons and vision. If you’re not comfortable doing so, that’s fine, but confirm that you have created them and will use them to defeat every urge that comes.

From then, your basic daily check-in is simple:

  • Day …
  • One affirmation - I am a hero, I am a winner, I am successful etc.
  • One thing you’re thankful for in your life - I’m thankful for my family, I’m thankful for my health, I’m thankful for good food…
  • Report your progress for the day - Another clean day!
  • Report the number of urges defeated/practices completed - I defeated 3 urges today and practised 7 times.
  • Feel free to share more if you have the time - how you’re feeling, what you accomplished today, what threats you perceive and how you’re dealing with them etc.

Prepare for battle! Strength and honour!


Hall of Fame:
Challenge Owner: Forerunner
25M :uk: (eoivgi) Highest: 250 Current: 19 :money_with_wings::moneybag::x: Rank: MIA

Rebooted Heroes! :man_superhero: :dagger: :shield: :fire: :dragon_face:
:houses: :man_in_tuxedo:t5: Wyatt/Doctor Strange 35M :india: (2sov9d) Highest = Current: 103 (+70) :moneybag: 3865
:houses: tuku/Spider-Man 22M :india: (ve1hew) Highest = Current: 86 (+86) :moneybag: 1606

:crown::crown: :crown: :crown: :crown: :european_castle: Hero: 81 - 90 Days:european_castle: :crown: :crown: :crown: :crown: :crown:

:fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::volcano:Dragonslayer: 71 - 80 Days:volcano::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:

:lion::lion::lion::lion::lion::deciduous_tree:Champion: 61 - 70 Days:deciduous_tree::lion::lion::lion::lion::lion:

:shield::shield::shield::shield::shield::japanese_castle:Paladin: 51 - 60 Days:japanese_castle::shield::shield::shield::shield::shield:

:crossed_swords::crossed_swords::crossed_swords::crossed_swords::crossed_swords::classical_building:Knight: 41 - 50 Days:classical_building::crossed_swords::crossed_swords::crossed_swords::crossed_swords::crossed_swords:

:trident::trident::trident::trident::trident::mountain:Warrior: 31 - 40 Days:mountain::trident::trident::trident::trident::trident:

:bow_and_arrow::bow_and_arrow::bow_and_arrow::bow_and_arrow::bow_and_arrow::mountain_snow:Mercenary: 21 - 30 Days:mountain_snow::bow_and_arrow::bow_and_arrow::bow_and_arrow::bow_and_arrow::bow_and_arrow:
:houses: Wannabeliberated/Professor X 30M :us: (z7yag9) Highest = Current: 177 (+24) :moneybag: 2091

:dagger::dagger::dagger::dagger::dagger::herb:Adventurer: 11 - 20 Days:herb::dagger::dagger::dagger::dagger::dagger:
:houses: EmeraldArcher/Green Lantern 25M :canada: Highest: 104 Current: 11 :moneybag: 178

:hammer_and_wrench::hammer_and_wrench::hammer_and_wrench::hammer_and_wrench::hammer_and_wrench::chains:Apprentice: 0 - 10 Days:chains::hammer_and_wrench::hammer_and_wrench::hammer_and_wrench::hammer_and_wrench::hammer_and_wrench:
Backincontrol/Shazam 31M :india: (v8l8ic) Highest: 45 Current: 7 (+7) :moneybag: 158
Selfconquror/The Flash 23M :india: (hbfj3h) Highest: 20 Current: 1 (+1) :moneybag: 70
Shahzaib8/Robin 17M :india: (9tolpb) Highest: 5 Current: 4 (+4) :moneybag: 66
:man_superhero: BenThor/Thor 18M :uk: (y171tc) Highest: 102 Current: 3 (+3) :moneybag: 35
Bytewar/Neo 23M :ethiopia: (nus3ox) Highest: 8 Current: 2 (+2) :moneybag: 25
Luke/Obi Wan Kenobi 33M :de: (n7qs51) Highest: 47 Current: 0 (+0) :moneybag: 0

The King’s Reward:
:moneybag: 10 000+: Become the Next King! :crown:
:moneybag: 7 000+: Second in Command! :prince:t5:
:moneybag: 5 000+ Your Own Castle! :european_castle:
:moneybag: 3 000+: City Mayor! :man_in_tuxedo:t5:
Heroes: Wyatt
:moneybag: 1 000+: Nobleman! :houses:
Heroes: Wyatt, Tuku, Wannabeliberated, Alegend

Heroes Missing in Action:
raj10 23M :india: (gny4x7)
Paulkijkduin 55M :netherlands: (hdytgh)
shazy6 17M :india: (0jrm5j)
sikandar2907 18M :india: (15mvoc)
rakshit11 22M :india: (o1ytyr)
Thenofap_king 15M :india: (oki7gu)
Strongmind 27M :australia: (1b1lb3)
Sahas 27M :india: (kbwwju)
Frankensteinmonster 19M :pakistan: (fee2uf)
Karan050 21M :india: (xno9ys) Day 41 :moneybag: 415 :question:
Teekay 16M :south_africa: (i9epod)
Alfred161101 18M :india: (v3wtj8)
Spirituals11 15M :india: (dfhus8)
Vishmush 27M :india: (14bebc)
Consecrator 19M :india: (4b9hus)
Adioz 25M :india: (uce8d1)
ncubeanelem 24M :zimbabwe: (8beeb4)
devansh4 25M :india: (ggwv8t)
rah110 26M :india: (5ch3ak)
Antares 20M :it: (1vu2nj)
exhander 29M :poland: (sutlez)


Current streak: 10 hours
Highest streak: 9days 17 hours
Age: 23
Gender: male
Sharing code: gny4x7


Current Streak: 8 days
Highest Streak: 51 days
Age: 27
Gender: male
Country: india
Sharing code : kbwwju

I have read and agreed to commit to the rules of the challenge.

My 10 reasons for nofap hard mode :

  1. To have confidence to face anything.

  2. To enjoy life fully.

  3. To earn money with my hard work.

  4. To become socially active.

  5. To run & play sports.

  6. To have a unwavering focus & concentration.

  7. To break the circle of addiction & achieve Freedom.

  8. I want to achieve God.

  9. I want to be a good husband & a father.

  10. To help others.

:black_small_square:My vision : To have a life full of energy, strength, power, meditation, peace, happiness, bliss, love, positivity & health.


I am ready to achieve my vision with my own hard work & dedication.


@raj10 Hello brother, good to meet you!

Please write a sentence committing to the rules of the challenge, and share your 10 reasons and your positive vision of a better life.


Welcome hero @Sahas!

Powerful reasons brother! Your vision needs to be positive though, focused and looking forward to your better life.


add me also in the challenge

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Current Streak: 59
Highest Streak: 59
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Country: Australia
Sharing Code: 1b1lb3

I understand the challenge. It will be fun!

My reasons are

• To be a better person.
• Healthy lifestyle.
• To be productive.
• Focusing on things which are more important in life than sex.
• Better health.


5 Powerful Reasons Why I Never Want To Relapse

  1. No more shame: For so many years I’ve been swimming in a deep pool of shame and guilt because of PMO. I’ve been dishonest and paranoid about my devices and internet activity. These are attributes I don’t want to have anymore.
  2. No more lying to myself: PMO addiction has hugely weakened my integrity and ability to discipline myself. I’ve been failing to do what I promise myself to do which leads to my life being deprived of purpose, except to constantly pursue fake “mating” opportunities in PMO.
  3. No more mediocrity: Subconsciously, PMO addiction has made me complacent with being an average person. I want to be the best at what I love to do, and showcase my talents, but PMO has taken away my personality, edge and zest for life.
  4. No more corrupting my mind: Gradually over the years of my ever worsening addiction, my morals have declined because of the ideas ■■■■ has put in my head. I’ve become inured to horrific, unacceptable paraphilias. I need to distance myself from these by not relapsing anymore.
  5. No more numbness: It’s sad that PMO has ruined my ability to feel and express intense and genuine emotion. I’ve distanced myself emotionally from people, which has lowered my chances of finding a partner to bond with and fulfill my innate social needs.

5 Powerful Reasons Why I Need To Stay Free and Clean

  1. Self-confidence from now on: By making the effort to stay free and clean for longer and longer, I’m strengthening my self-confidence more and more, because I am showing myself that I value my own worth by not fapping. Also, delaying sexual gratification gives me greater drive to achieve more and more.
  2. True happiness from now on: Life is short and I need to live it happily and fully, doing the things I love (things which PMO makes me so indifferent to). I want to spend my life achieving the dreams I’ve so far only imagined.
  3. Mental and physical health from now on: In this “training” journey I’ll grow stronger than I’ve ever been, or imagined I can be. Then, I will be able to vanquish not only the dragon that is PMO, but also other more fierce monsters.
  4. Time to be strong from now on: I want to develop and maintain a strong resilience to fight through the inevitable challenges of life that will come up from time to time. Whenever life hands me lemons, I should be ready to make lemonade.
  5. Motivation from now on: I wish to be a source of strength and motivation to other people who may need it. That’ll happen if I remain free and clean.

Vision of my life within 60 – 90 Days of noPMO.

After so many years of being addicted and failed attempts to quit, I will feel the happiest I’ve been to be finally freeing myself of the tight grip of addiction. All the shame and pain will be far behind me, and I will be ascending the ever brightening staircase of healing and glory.

Book cover illustration, by Keith Parkinson, of Fire Sea: The Death Gate Cycle Volume 3


3 October 2019

My daily check-in :

*affirmation - i have super intelligence
*I’m thankful for the shelter, food, & clothes which i am getting without doing anything *

  • Report of the day - Another clean day
  • the number of urges defeated = 2 . One in morning and one at night. I choose better life over fake comfort* Urge Method practised.
  • Diary : I am feeling better. my energy levels & intelligence are rising.


What is this practise ?

1 Like

@Vansh24 Good to hear you’d like to join brother! It’d be great to have you.

To join the Hero’s 90 Day Challenge, reply with the information below:

Current Streak:
Highest Streak:
Sharing Code:

A sentence confirming you have read and agreed to commit to the rules of the challenge.

Share your 10 reasons and your vision. Sharing adds greater commitment and others will learn from your reasons and vision. If you’re not comfortable doing so, that’s fine, but confirm that you have created them and will use them to defeat every urge that comes.

Welcome hero @Strongmind!

Great reasons brother - it’s good to have some negative reasons as well that you’re leaving behind, and a strong positive vision for the near future.

Welcome hero @ncubeanelem!

Beautiful start to the challenge brother! Let’s make that vision a reality!


The practice is going through the 4 step urge-overcoming method, even when you don’t have urges. When strong urges return, this practise really helps as you are prepared to handle urges directly, remembering the consequences and picturing your positive vision in your mind. With practice, urges are overcome within minutes using this method.

  • One affirmation - I am a winner!
  • One thing you’re thankful for in your life - I’m thankful for my family.
  • Report your progress for the day - I’ve won one more day (day 14)!
  • Report the number of urges defeated/practices completed - I defeated 2 urges today and practiced twice.

I’ll write down the 4 step method (my sword) on a sheet of page, so that I’ll be ready to defend myself whenever urges attack.


4 October 2019

My daily check-in :

*affirmation - i am super fast
*I’m thankful for the comfort of playing games *

  • Report of the day - Another clean day
  • the number of urges defeated = 1 . at night my wife was horny… she jumped on me and start kissing… i was hypnotized for some time. i would have been Relapsed. She asked if i was interested or not ? And i said… i dont want to do it. Thus, i saved my 10 days hard work. I admit i got weak in that moment. God give me awareness & strength to fight if such incidence happens again. I dont want to stay like this… i want to break the circle.
    No practise done.
  • Diary : my wife said she is going to bring bananas for me to recover my loss. I said fuck yourself with that banana… I am not going to go through the same circle again. Eat. Make sperms. Ejaculate. This is shit hole. I want to get out of this shit hole.


Too much information. lol. Ask your wife to help you in this journey. Maybe ask her to join as well. Without her help you won’t be able to do it.


2nd day of the challenge

  • Affirmation - I am a fighter.
  • One thing I’m thankful for my life - I’m thankful for good friends.
  • Progress for the day - Today I have succeeded in defeating temptation with the help of the 4 step urge-overcoming method (day 15)!
  • The number of urges defeated/practices completed - I defeated 2 urges today and practiced about 5 times.
1 Like

Hello there, I heard ghat you want to know more about God. Shall I tell you about God?

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