Current streak - 16 days *
Highest streak - 72 days *
Age - 21
Gender - M
Location - India
Status - Single
Only 14 days competition…
Welcome to this New Competition
In this race. there will be a winner or winners from the group who will get Trophy. For example, if anyone Reach 14 days streak from 08-06-2020 will be the winner or winners.
the person who wont relapse will be in this group…If anyone relapse in these 14 days will be out from this group.
Send your age,sharing code, country name, sex, married or single. The competition will be started from 08-06-2020
When joining the competition, you should add yourself in the scoreboard at the bottom.
Please add yourself in the scoreboard in the format in which others put their details.
In bottom of comments there is an option. Change it from Tracking to Watching to receive group notifications.
If anyone relapse(PMO) I will Remove his/her Name from scoreboard
Invite your friends in this competition …
Let’s see who will be the winner or winners
And Update your details…etc…in the format…
The RACE will be started from 08-06-2020 Note: The 14 days will be counted from 08-06-2020