"Check-in" Daily - diary challenge

Week 12 - Thurs, June 4, 2020 - Streak: 4 days

@Karan050 Definitely a real struggle bro :man_facepalming:t3: but you’re right, with discipline and strict rules we can form better habits for ourselves. Today I was successful actually in leaving my phone on the charger and going and getting my coffee. It was good, I think creating a very specific plan the night before as to what I would do the next morning really helped. Stay strong bro :muscle: we can do this!

@Forodwaith Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers man :pray:

Today was a good day. Went hiking with my sister. Very peaceful, sunny day. Didn’t get work done today, but I decided not to try, as I got home fairly late. Passed 8 my focus starts to deteriorate, so I figured it was better to not bang my head against the wall trying to work when I can’t. Getting to bed pretty much on time today, so that’s good.

For that reason, I’ll keep it short tonight. Urges today, but I reminded myself of my values, the darkness surrounding relapse, and of this community. I’m tired of adding to the misery and bad news. I did it once and I can break free again, but this time for real.

Goodnight guys :zzz:


Day 33. Check in. I am doing good :+1:.


Checking in | Day 11/21 | 5 june | 10.13 pm | 2 hr delay bcz of work


@anon67854825, I m not able to see the poll… not sure about the poll

Day 34. Check in. Winning in nofap but lots of wasting time on phone. I will try to reduce this and make the day productive.


Friday, June 5

@anon67854825 @Forodwaith

All good. Still need to pick up the pace with my study, but I am getting better, I worked more over the last two days. Probably need to cut off some more YouTube during the day, because I feel like it gets in the way of my work a lot of times during the day, often I stop studying to watch a couple of videos, make little pauses. Anyways, today it felt better.

I am currently surpassing one month of no PMO whatsoever, I cannot believe I am getting this far! :muscle:
Really happy for the results, and I feel pumped to keep going, because I want to see and feel this recovery happening, I think that to get back to my normal brain functioning several months will be necessary, given I started basically 10 years ago during adolescence and I am 24 now. But I am really stoked about how things are going, and liking the new course of my life right now! ■■■■ is not an option in my life anymore. Probably flatlines and withdrawal symptoms are still yet to come and I need to keep my guard high, but I want to get rid of this addiction forever and I will do everything in my power to get to the end!


Friday 5th

@weir @reboot123
The June Poll is the second post down.
I only use this app through Android. Is it really not showing for you guys still?

@Gk-00 @Forodwaith

First time in ages to check-in before midnight.
I woke early today and had another productive day. I managed to live stream a Mass for a few minutes before work began :pray:
I want to live stream a Mass again tomorrow.

Worked hard today,…
Had a bit of an argument,…
And then a row about it… Haha :sweat_smile:
And then a long chat.

I knew and admitted I was just being childish.
I just wanted to be pissed, but it wasn’t the reality.

I’m glad we can row, but come together and talk. It’s a very good relationship with my elderly friend. I actually like it when he is firm and bossy, I’m quite a soft person, but in the work environment, I’m just as arsy and bossy :joy:

I don’t give him enough praise,…
He also takes on some of my thinking if he sees wisdom in it… I’m feeling emotional thinking about it right now. He really is a good man, with human faults we all pick up.
He will listen, he will debate, and wants to be challenged. And he will challenge, though sometimes he goes very deep and often upsets people, when actually it is a treasure.
I’ve seen so many people misread him, and drama come, also sadly vengeance and trauma.

“What irritates, teaches”
Even when you think you’re right about something, being defensive shows there is an issue.
A settled, calm person, someone who is in love with God is not fazed.
I really miss Mass. I walked the dog through the park, and purposefully walk beside my home (my church), and the Polish church. I feel the holy ground, I think of the clergy, the choir, friends, singing, and a deep longing to be recieving communion. To be back in my spiritual routine.
But Online Mass is good enough for now.

Thanks be to God for today :pray:
I am spiritually lacking these days.
There’s been weed going on at my home a lot recently, and lots of hours of work.

I feel overloaded with being unable to reflect on anything in particular. My dreams have been interesting - something is going on - but I just can’t remember any of them, not even first thing, or later in the day. I just know I’ve dreamt and met people.
It’s annoying. I’ve had some very vivid clear dreams in the past, and some extremely profound iconographic ones. Strong obvious symbols I could make sense of.
I know it’s because of weed,… Its such bs,… And it just placing more baggage on my head… A veil.
It’s the same with pmo. Just more clutter to the pile.
There’s some amazing stuff down there, completely beyond our understanding, take Christ with you.

I saw that Elliott Huse quote in app today,
“Foolish man gave up and died in the cold winter, not realising Spring was coming”

Excuse the long post. I’ve got so much I want to sweat out. I want to be sharper, Lord :pray:
I want Love and relationships in my life.
I want to stop wanting, but being, allowing, accepting, being honest, fearless, calm/wise, saying “Yes” to God. He’s always calling, I trust :pray:… When will I pick up and say “yes, yes, of course… I can do that!”
Why am I so fearful, wound up, and concerned about what a few people might think about me?
People evolve and change.
I made my feelings known, a month or so ago. No pulling verbal punches, though I was loaded with them. This isn’t something I need to hold onto anymore, there is no reason to but move on, and give others the benefit of the doubt they can evolve and grow, just as I allow myself to.

There is nothing to fear except fear itself.
My life is God’s alone, that I’ve been granted


Week 12 - Fri, June 5, 2020 - Streak: 0 days

Relapsed. I was going to say it’s unbelievable, but it really is believable. What did I expect? Skipping out on my daily journal for the past few days, giving myself the same old excuses that when I have urges I just need to ignore them and keep working. I can always work, but taking 20 minutes to evaluate myself is most important, it’s the difference between a high streak and 0 days. Between a life where I wake up at 30 and realize I’m still addicted, and a life where I find inner peace and happiness.

So yes, this was foolish, very foolish. I hate how I feel, I hate what I have become, and I hate that I lose meaning like this. I want to contribute to myself, my family, and my community. I want to feel meaning and peace when I wake up in the morning. I want to feel energized to do my work and my personal projects. Because I enjoy those things, but not when I’m relapsing. Everything is empty when I am relapsing.

I’ll set a daily alarm from now on to remind myself to journal. I’m thinking 12 is probably a good time. I also want to figure some way to consistently read about the harmful effects of PMO and the importance of mindfulness/following your values. I’m thinking, maybe my first break from work in the morning, I read an article or watch a YouTube video about it. That sounds good. Additionally I’m going to start reminding myself of why I do this in my daily journal. So even if I don’t have urges, I’ll still write that.

I guess there’s no where to go but forward. Got to keep learning, but I also can’t stay complacent like I have. Life is short.

Goodnight guys :zzz:


Checking in | Day 12/21 | 6 june | 10.13 pm | 2 hr delay bcz of work


Are you talking about this

1 Like

Saturday, June 6

All good. It was another average day, I read, did some light work and I had a meeting online with the kids I do voluntary work with, we are doing it every Saturday since the beginning of lockdown. I guess it is a way to dedicate some of my time to others.

Thanks to God for another clean day :pray:


Yeah, that’s the poll :smile: @weir

Saturday 6th

It’s been a good day,… Actually, no it hasn’t, what am I talking about?.. Many urges, peeking, thoughts - then inspiration and motivation… All drifting like clouds.
And it has been a very cloudy day, the sun only peeking through at times.
“That” praise naturally and justly appeared without thought.
A long time friend of my elderly buddy called me, and had a long chat with him… He sounded drunk, my buddy had a good chat with him, and gave him good advise. It was interesting to hear the conversation and his wise words.

Today was a good day, despite all the persistent urges, but I’ll take them to be good omens in the rewiring process.

Pffff,… Argh man… I just want to sweat out some more words and thoughts right now, but at the same time rest and let it all go for now.
I managed to watch Mass online again.
Tomorrow I want to get up earlier and,… Actually no wait, today was early enough,… I want to get up early and take the dog for a walk, relax in the park and watch Mass on my phone, yards away from the church.

I want to grow more in God.
The desire I had to give back to my friend came so naturally and without thought,… I just want to keep this going Lord :pray: - I feel its in the asking,
“ask and you shall receive” I feel you are truly faithful, Thank you :pray:
I was thinking about these human things today, I’d thought this thought before “Nobody loves you, but God alone”
At first glance it may look pessimistic, but it’s the opposite. We are capable of deep love, but we can easily hate or dislike the same person, and we can very very surely hate what threatens.
We are weird, drifting, floating mix of contradictions, unaware of ourselves and shortsightedness.

I edited some videos we’d made recently, it was shocking to see me and how I am, it’s been a long time to see myself on camera.
I could see so many flaws. (edit; please excuse the negativity - I’m all good :wink:)
Things I’ve gathered overtime, completely naive, so naive, to what I am actually like. I thought I didn’t have a persona, I thought I was a good listener, had some margin wisdom, transparency.
I’m a bit of a selfish jerk - retentive, concerned with the opinions of others, quick on the defensive, a ‘know-it-all’ who is disinterested in the lives of others, and I feel I’m somewhat of a social vampire thriving off attention and “my” wisdom being acknowledged.

Anyway, yep, there you have it…
Well… There I “I have it”_

I have many things to ask for help with,
I’ve got lots a repentance to practice, starting with my closet friendship that is more like an argumentative marriage. At least his arguments with me are founded on much more meaningful and pressing things that will actually benefit me so much :pray: I’m such an idiot at times :pray: forgive me, Lord, and especially for those I may have hurt without knowing :pray:
My arguments are reasonable, but things that never both the wise. I have been wise once, my pride clings on, and the practice is just a thought of tomorrow.

Thanks be to God for today :pray:
God is good and so is laughter…
Really Thanks be to God for today,… Keep me humble, but please don’t humble me, but allow me to :pray:


Day 35. Check in. All we need to do is change our mindset, If we can control our mind then nothing is impossible for us.


Still PMO FREE. Checking in


Week 12 - Sat, June 6, 2020 - Streak: 1 day

Very late night. Normal day, my cousins were over, but it was raining, so very boring and tiring. But I did get to talk with them about values and mindfulness, which I think was really good. I could tell the youngest was really thinking about it. I’m hoping eventually with some nudging he will start to open up about his problems and be willing to work through them. Obviously the goal is for him to be able to open up to me first, but considering the path he is starting to take, I think he could really benefit from seeing a therapist.

Anyway, late night because I was very tired and procrastinated getting ready for bed as well as talked with my sister a lot, catching up since she now lives away for work.

Tomorrow is back onto normal schedule with my new goals/strategies. Goodnight guys :zzz:


Day 35. Check in. Trying to follow my routine and making own rules.


4 Days NoFap
I don’t know why this keep happening with me, but I couldn’t deny her. my partner facetiming me explicitly since 3 days, still I hv only shown her. No jerk off. It’s hard not to.
Idc if her b’day month, but I’m not gonna buzz.
I miss the real deal.


Sunday, June 7

@anon67854825 @Forodwaith

All good. Went to Mass in the morning, in the afternoon I did a couple hours of private lessons.

Feels good to keep going in this reboot, I do still feel that the addiction is not gone however, because when I stumble on P clues or flashbacks I feel that they still have a strong pull on me almost subconsciously, even though I am learning to not consider ■■■■ to be an option anymore and to not act upon urges. But I am glad to be here and I want to keep going until I will be free from these cravings, no matter how much time it takes!

Thanks to God for another clean day :pray:


Sunday 7th

@Gk-00 @Forodwaith

I wrote and obsessed over something.
Like that Buddhist quote about the two monks, and one of them carrying the lady at the river;
I’ve carried that thing which I’ve resolved, and mentally have done many times, and it’s stayed with me, and I’ve been emotionally responding to situations mentally, through that lens.

It also makes me think about spiritual nourishment, and NoFap nourishment.
To renew so as not to stray, to keep re-enforcing, and remember why we came here.

I had some other insightful thoughts today, but I struggle to remember right now…
What was it?..
I’ve spent so much time on pushing my points on others. Why? For many reasons, conscious and unconscious.
“you don’t have to feel shit after a relapse”
“you don’t need to been a guilt cycle with God”
“some people pmo, and still live a full and abundant life” (though I don’t hold to these about myself, but see it in others and their lifestyle)
I already know these things, and have done for a long time. True or false, I waste my NoFap spirit on this cycle, not treating myself and my issues.

I’ve been in places where I didn’t care, I didn’t worry about pmo, I had no shame, but as I grew older, overtime it just didn’t feel right. I even gladly become committed to Christ, baptised and all, when I was 29, but I didn’t make to much of a deal about pmo and sex, but knew it was something I wanted to work at. I committed to a relationship with a wonderful sweet girl I’d marry without doubt - but that’s in the past now.
I was glad of my mindset back then, it was very loving - I was madly in love, I loved everyone and everything. Yes, I did pmo, and I was in a casual relationship before and during getting to know the girl I feel in love with, and she wasn’t all that sexual which I didn’t mind, but was often happy about. Pmo and sex, to please the self, has many times left me with unsatisfactory feelings. This was not a relationship I’d want to spoil.

But the eventual long distance, and me & my unchallenged pmo (I’d now describe myself then as a Sunday Catholic with spiritual leanings) I got lazy,… You know how it is after a pmo, you don’t really like chatting to people, you feel dirty, secretive, and ashamed if not slightly as a person of God, or for most part, have acquired ideals.
I got lazy and I messed up a few times, being selfish and not taking into consideration how she might see things. Anyway,… Moving on,…
The next phase, was I started going to church regularly in the week while I was in Germany for a short period, and I started practicing that back home, here in UK. And that’s when I really started addressing pmo. Though I had had a few long stints (streaks) prior.

But eventually after many confessions and daily Mass, struggling again to fight back, I came here, and I am here.
I wanted to get away from pmo, I didn’t want to be in confession every week for the same thing, but to look at other areas of my life that could improve, in joy with God. Learning and being pragmatic about human nature is fun, delightful and rewarding, and nobody is excluded.
But I’ve moved far away from this,… I don’t know where I am with this.
Philosophy and ideas, as good as they are, are not helping me at the moment, but are more like a vice, something that keeps me from being able to think freely. Spirituality is not that.
I’m overloaded and one side heavy.

It’s been over a year here for me, there is philosophy that looks fallacious to me, and that’s okay,… I don’t have to know, and I don’t have to be right. I should, we should be able to make errors, that’s how we learn. We try, with confidence and freedom.
God is where we are at, and he will provide and always does to those who seek :pray:

I’m only a couple of years away from 40, and I’m extremely lucky I actually have a brilliant and interesting life, but I’ve become ignorant and ungrateful of it. Yeah, I’m single and have been for a long time, but so what? I’ve had fun, do I want family? Kids? :thinking: I don’t know.

But, I do want to sort this pmo business out, seriously. My sexuality is distorted and other mental areas, I think. I think my shadow is quite dense, and when it takes control is volatile.
If I get drunk while in a good mood, I become really wild and daring,… It can be funny, but that side of me I find repulsive.
It’s like, when I partake in something thats normal to others that has become unfamiliar to me, I go too far.
It’s why I get concerned about people here being brutal about it all, and the ideas we come up with. I just hope there’s some balance.
While saying that though, I feel somewhat of a hypocrite, as people may find strength in repression and might against pmo related things and do well with it.
I guess one answer to that is being adaptable and going on the ride, adjusting it with time, hopefully with God alone doing the leading.

But yeah, anyway, its a really strong point for me. We repress and it backfires with double the force.
I say these things, yet, I can’t help but repress still, and become naive to what I’m actually like.

I relapsed this morning :pray:
I’ve been smoking weed recently… A few weeks into the lockdown, and my mate offered me a joint, since then I started smoking it, my elderly friend got back on it, and now I’m back at that place of stressing about it - but I’m okay at the moment. This kind of thing has happened many times in the past,… But this time, I’ve just got to let be, be. There’s no use, and it probably makes the whole thing worse, that I moan, complain, try and be tough about not doing it, that air of judgement comes across.
Who am I to look down on others for what they choose? It’s never intentional, I’m just weak and easily tempted.

My elderly friend said another amazing thing the other week; “My elder friend (Mr So & so) used to say ‘compulsive masturbation’ is what is bad for the soul”
It’s funny, it puts a better perspective on Catholic confession which he is dubious of, but very respectful of Catholic practices.
He had a friend who took his own life, which he thinks has a lot to do with a Catholic guilt trip over masturbation and confession.

I did watch Mass today, a sweet dear old Irish priest who also used sign language.
The communion prayer got to me. When I recited the words, it was like Jesus answered immediately, “I am already in you” :pray:


Week 12 - Sun, June 7, 2020 - Streak: 0 days

@anon67854825 Stay strong man :muscle: read your story. I hear you bro :pray:

Relapsed today. But having some honest conversations has given me a new light. I don’t want to live in a selfish hell, I really don’t. But I can’t just look at what I’m running away from, I have to look at where I’m headed. An honest life, that’s what I want.
