🎓 The Study Challenge

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Welcome to The Study Challenge, where you can track your study hours and compete against others striving for knowledge excellence. If you’re eager to expand your understanding in your field of study, you’ve come to the right place.

But beware, this isn’t your average challenge. Only those who prove their dedication can join.


  1. Update Your Study Hours from time to time[1]
  2. Membership Requirement: Study at least 24 hours in one week to become an official member.[2]
  3. Monthly Winners: Top 3 Members with the most study hours will be announced monthly.[3]

Check-in Format:


[Today's Study Time]

Join Our YPT Study Group!

October 21st - November 17th, 2024


Last update: 2024-10-27T20:33:00Z

For more details, click on the Sheet Link here


  • :beginner: = Member
  • :medal_sports: = Top Month
  • :trophy: = 100 Hours
  • :crown: = 200 Hours
  • :mortar_board: = 300 Hours[5]

Last update: 2024-10-27T20:34:00Z

For more details, click on the Sheet Link here

The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.
— Plutarch

Click here if you are a new user of this forum

Hello and welcome to the Rewire Companion Forum. This place might be dedicated to nofap but also focuses on self-improvement, like improving studying and gaining knowledge.

If you want to join, press any Reply button to open the editor:


Just write, “I want to join this challenge”, and you will be added as soon as I see this reply. Easy peasy.

Don’t forget to read the rules carefully :wink:

Welcome to The Study Challenge!

Note: If you want to know more about the Rewire Companion Forum please click here

  1. A button should be below each table to edit your study hours. If you’re a pc user, there should be a pencil on the top-right-hand corner of the table. It appears once you mouse over the table. Click on it to edit. ↩︎

  2. You can start whenever you want. The only problem is that only study hours after Monday are counted. If it’s Sunday, I don’t know if you can study for 24 hours :joy: If you don’t make it, you’ll start all over on Monday. ↩︎

  3. The top 3 are announced monthly in a new post and the HALL OF FAME. Number 1 will get a special medal next to his member’s badge. ↩︎

  4. TSH = “Total Study Hours”. By the way, don’t edit your study hours from the inside! There should be a button below this table to edit your study hours. If you’re a pc user, there should be a pencil on the top-right-hand corner of the table. It appears once you mouse over the table. Click on it to edit. ↩︎

  5. You want it? You have to earn it. 300 hours may seem much at first but if you’re consistent, you will get it because YOU CAN! ↩︎

  6. TSH = “Total Study Hours” (since Monday). By the way, don’t edit your study hours from the inside! There should be a button below this table to edit your study hours. If you’re a pc user, there should be a pencil on the top-right-hand corner of the table. It appears once you mouse over the table. Click on it to edit. ↩︎


June 3rd - June 30th




119 hrs
140 hrs
117 hrs
For more details, click on the Sheet Link here




185.5 hrs
202 hrs
101.5 hrs
For more details, click on the Sheet Link here




165.5 hrs
231.5 hrs
157.5 hrs
For more details, click on the Sheet Link here




260 hrs
261.5 hrs
214 hrs
For more details, click on the Sheet Link here




203 hrs
249 hrs
159.5 hrs
For more details, click on the Sheet Link here


Usefull Resources


(If you have other useful resources do share !)



@adityadr12cr @PaperBoat @Strong_one @all @Nep_12 @RiftCha @Asher @_TIGER @yashnofap01 @ABDehsan


Can you tell me How did you share this audio ??

This is an audio:

<audio controls>
    <source src="https://archive.org/download/HungarianRhapsody2_9/HR2_Complete.mp3" type="audio/mp3">

You need to find an mp3 audio online and copy its URL. Even though, not every mp3 audio file on the internet allows you to copy its URL.

This is an HTML code, by the way.


Thank you bhai
( 20 character )


I did a topic explaining some HTML, Markdown, and BBC code if you would like to learn more:


When will this challenge is going to begin?


Next Monday on June 3rd inchallah.


@Binocular Vegeta, your challenge comes at the perfect time. I accept your invitation. I’ll show you the malevolence of a Curse King and you show me the pride of a Saiyan Prince.


I’m in :person_raising_hand:t2: I’ll be studying consistently throughout the vacation!


Please make me member of this challenge.


Thank you @Binocular


You are welcome brother. We will conquer this challenge :muscle:


I am in
I am starting from 1st June already
So this is a good chance to encourage me further


Happy Rewire Companion Anniversary buddy :grin:


Just found out now :joy:
So it’s been full 2 years since i joined
What a journey we have made here which will not be told to anyone irl unfortunately :pensive:
But yet i can share this with you , fellow companions :heart::smile:


That’s life bro. People only see results and they don’t care how much you work. Nofap is hidden but its benefits are no secret.

:heart: :people_hugging:


! Reminder

This challenge officially starts on June 3rd. Entries are open for all till then.
The goal for new candidates is to study more than 24 hours a week. Only then do they become official members of this challenge.

All the best, everyone!