September 01, 2024
First I will set the seen. Second I will tell the story. Then I will tell you my conclusion. I just want everybody to know that I am a man, but I dream that I am a woman. So to not confuse anybody I fantasize that I am a woman.
Dream 1
The forest is covered in snow and is hot snow. The trees are tall as cedar and they stand out because there is no snow on them. It is dark as night I can hardly see. I have a feminine body and I am dressed as a woman in a long pink dress and red high heels. I have makeup on my face and a purse on my side. I am now running in this forest that is covered in snow, because I am being chased by wolves that are ravenous and foaming at the mouth. I keep running in my high heels and my feet hurt like they were on fire. The wolves finally stop when I stop and they just look at me wondering what I am going to do. The snow is like it is getting hotter as dawn breaks. I get up and walk to a cliff and see over the cliff a waterfalls that is frozen. The wolves look more ravenous now than they were at the beginning. I stare at the wolves more carefully and see fire in their eyes. The snow is getting hotter and hotter as the sun comes up. Then something else happens the wolves turn into beings that I have never seen before. The one that was a leader turns into a hideous ugly creature that has claws and it looks like a werewolf with horns. The other wolves turn into dark beings that are cross between a rabbit and a bear. Then something happens that I will never forget I start to itch and scratch all over my feminine body and everything falls away. I see that my body is a man and I fall over this cliff I continue to itch and scratch. As I fall into the freezed over water I feel a burn that ingulfes my body. I feel like I am on fire and my body has no relief. Then I see this hideous beast again and this time I am melting in heat and darkness. The place is so terrible that it smells of sulfur dioxide and smoke is everywhere. Worms are eating at my body and I have nothing to relieve my body of this pain. I hear screaming and shouting in this place. Then I awoke from my sleep and praised the Lord that I was not dead.