Nofap Motivation for Beginners by Legends

I don’t really see how it could trigger someone and the decision is up to you. I just said my what felt and felt the need to express that how we should view what info we subject ourselves . We should be taking consideration on why we really do Nofap and to stay true to it.

We have to be in unison with the nofap journey regardless of what the benifits are. I kinda think the ‘chick magnet’ thing is to lure guys to the journey. He and I could speculate over it and at the end of it some have and some haven’t experienced it this way, but to be obsessive about it ain’t a good thing as this might affect the healing process.


Here are two parts of a really inspiring story of a person who was very shy. And had ED. The first one is long but the second one is too long. I have read the first one. And now I will read the second part even when I am on 58th day because after reading the comments I really want read that part. This will definitely help me to keep going. As I said that I haven’t read the second part so be alert while reading it, it may contain triggers.


This is just to realise you that how big PMO addiction is and why?

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Hey… It’s my 18th day and it has been a smooth sail so far as I’ve uninstalled any sorts of triggers (Instagram/Facebook/9Gag) from my phone. I’ve also restricted myself from watching Netflix/Prime. Today I was bored and was watching a show when there was an erotic scene where the girl tries to seduce a detective (No nudity, there is not even a kiss) and I had all these flashes of my viewing history. I was tempted to give in. I even searched for the actress right away. In a couple of minutes I realised where I was going, locked away my phone and just sat calmly for 20 minutes. I just shut those thoughts away to a dark place in my mind. But, I still feel like all these suppressed thoughts might one day find an escape and that day I will be too weak to help myself.
Please do help me out if you have any solution. I’ve been am addict for 13 years and I want ro revive myself.


Once I watched P-Subs on day 42, I was half convinced to give up. I was worried that if I didn’t relapse today I may relapse tommorow by flashes of these things. But then I decided to control myself for just one week. To see if the memory of these P-Subs erase or not. And then for the next 7days I tried to not think about it as much as possible. And believe me the memory of those P-Subs got erased all by itself within 4-5 days. After 10days I realised that I have erased those memory. And after that day I setted a counter on an app for P-Subs and also for Nightfall. Just try not to think about those secenes for few days. And after that you are going to be fine.


What did you thought at first?




And then there are people like him. :angry:

@Brahmachari_17 you are doing a great job man. Thanks for creating this thread​:+1::+1:


Who is this dumbass ? :joy:


Restarting my 365 days no fap challenge.

i relapsed on my day 11. i got over existing coz its was my longest streak since 3 years. and in excitment i got off track n masterbated.
so lesson learnd… never get too over existed ,over confident on your achievements coz you will end up doing something stupid.!!

day 1 completed.
355 days left :v::v:

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Please read it!

Ok, I didn’t allow reports about relapses because,

  1. I want this thread to be positive. And reports of relapse does gives negative vibes

  2. While telling your story you have use some words which may trigger someone. You know, the words that we search up to satisfy our urges.

  3. Suppose you relapsed after a decent streak of 30days or 50days. Then after reading your story beginners might get demotivated and think that it doesn’t get easier to control urges even after 30days and they may eventually relapse.

But if you want share your story of relapse and you think that this can help someone then simply post it in the form of a tip. Like,
• Don’t surf the internet, triggers can come from
• Delete Instagram OR Unfollow models if you can’t delete
• Don’t surf youtube.

Did you get the idea?
These points will give us a hint that you relapsed because of Instagram or youtube. And we shouldn’t sufer it. That’s all.


3 years made him a beast. If we check his videos in the beginning and by the end and compare, we can see how much he had grown.


Here’s a book of a Chinese guy with name ‘Soaring Eagle’ who did nofap for more than 6 years. By reading this everyday you will be motivated throughout your journey. This book helped many people of Chinese Nofap community. And then a fellow Nofapper translated it from Chinese to English. Just download the first link you see on that page that link contains the whole book. I hope it may help you too.


With all his knowledge anyone is sure to win! Soaring Eagle it’s like an old master, but with 30+ yo xD