Navy Seal Training Challenge -Target 90 days-

Brother tell me this: When you close your eyes do you see anything?


I don’t feel anything but my eyes burns me and i feel i am about to cry

I think all i need is just sleep and forget this bad day so goodbye for now brother
في حفظ الله ورعايته

Close your eyes again and start visualizing.
Leave the phone behind, leave everything in the world, just focus on you.
Feel your emotions and react, if you want to cry then cry, if you want to laugh then laugh. You’re body wants to express and retaining your emotions is really bad and believe it or not it might even cause urges to Masturbate.
Once you finish expressing your feelings in real life visualize a garden, with flowers and trees and the people you love. And visualize your Successful future self. After few minutes open your eyes again and you will feel better. I always do that when I feel any negative emotion


Night night brother I’m sure you will feel better tomorrow cause everyday has its own Mentality


Hello everyone. This is my first post in this thread.

So, I didn’t read any of the details.

However here is my struggle.

I relapse every Sunday Wednesday and Friday always within an hour after waking up in the morning.

What causes this you ask? Weekly repetition.

I am stressed by of my Dad. He is my constant stress

My job: I work Mondays through Thursdays and have off Fridays Saturdays and Sundays. See how 2 of my weekly relapse days are days I’m not working.

Now, before February 2020 I never knew what masterbation was
I figured it out by happenstance.

I didn’t know what porn was.

I never had a girlfriend relationship due to being shy, nervous, and women always prejudging me.

100 percent of women I ask out conventionally have boyfriends.

Only dating only brought scammers asking for money.

I always have lived with my parents as my Dad has many medical problems.

I have had a life where my parents and others around me always made my decisions for me.

Whenever I get the rare opportunity to handle a situation, I choose to give up as giving up is the only thing I know.

I have no knowledge on how to cope with my problems and use porn as a cure.

Should I join this or avoid this challenge?


Day 1 no-fap early december day 27th.

It’s all been chilling everything normal too.


Today was a lazy day for me. I was very unproductive but tomorrow is the start of a new week and the end of Thanksgiving. I’m getting back on the grind and I’m gonna go hard💪 Hopefully some of you are doing DDD👍


Today’s Video. Make no excuses.

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any”

-Alice Walker

Today’s Task

Its necessary to access your situation and future relapse risk every now and then. Evaluate your motivation and your routine. Evaluate your mindset. Are you meditating now adays? Are you exercising? Are you avoiding triggers?


Join it bro, it is open to everyone, try maintaining discipline in your life. I know you are struggling. Follow us if you find something interesting we are doing, try implementing it in your life

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We all are struggling from number of days weeks even months some even with years but this is the time this is only the way to get your life back in control stay positive&have faith…


Highest streak 35 days
Current streak 10 days


Day 3 Check In :white_check_mark:

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Check in Day 25

:sunny: This is a message to my future self. You were right. You did it. You have broken free. You are truly free now. Fly high oh my best version. Fly high :key::100::innocent::sunny:


Need consistency in fasting and positive perspective at all times.

Tips of the Day again(same, need to practice)

Your mind is a great liar and deceiver. It always says: “that is too difficult. This is too much for you. You can’t do this. This is getting difficult. Things will get worse with time. I’m losing my willpower. I’m at my limits etc” Shut the mind up by doing what it says you can’t.

Push yourself everyday. Your mind should obey you. You are the master. Not the other way around. It’s been so long you played the role of servant that you have forgotten how to be a master. Don’t procastinate anything for even a second. Just do it forcefully whether you like it or not. True freedom lies in the other side of pain and hardship. Fight with your own self. Conquer yourself. Be free.

Keep a positive perspective when flatline, demotivation or Urges hit.

Break big task into smaller tasks if you lack motivation to start working. This really works.

Learn to surf the urge. Any and all Urges. Observe first. Then think. Then react. Be self aware.

While working had, say to yourself you love it. Soon it will be rewarding working hard by associating dopamine with effort and not just end result / reward.

Wake up at same time, go out in sunlight for 10 min, drink coffee after 90 mins.

If you lack focus, don’t drying tea… Just take deep breaths 23 to 30 with 2 sec deep inhales and short exhales and then exhale all your air… Then hold your breath for 40 sec.

At end of the day, relive your day and analyze where you wasted your time, your mistakes and make a plan to improve on them tomorrow. Do this daily. And soon you will surprise even yourself at the progress.

Daily Tasks

Monday and Thursday Fasting :white_check_mark:
Positive Perspective :white_check_mark:
Meditation :white_check_mark:
Watched motivational video :white_check_mark:
Quran Translation :white_check_mark:
Cold shower :white_check_mark:
Pushed myself today :white_check_mark:
Study/ Worked today :white_check_mark:
Nap 25 minutes :white_check_mark:
Exercise :white_check_mark: Chest and Triceps
No triggers from screen :white_check_mark:
Daily task :white_check_mark:
Namaz :white_check_mark: 5 in masjid
Diet Control :white_check_mark:


Im taking a partial break from this app. Partial in sense that I will not reply as much. I’ll just post daily videos and check in daily. It takes a lot of my time reading and replying and I have exams coming up. See ya.


Please add me
Name: sat483
Code: ghbwf5
Max: 37
Current streak: 4


Day 16 fulfilled :saluting_face::hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed::fire::fire:

Urges have started
They are attacking Sharper and stronger
The true challenge is Started
I have been waiting for the urges to come
I prepared my weapons very well for them
Let them come
I am not afraid of failure
Because i already failed so many times
And they can’t break a man who is already broken
They can’t take anything from me because i already have nothing
So come to me i am standing right here
waiting for you :muscle: :fist::fire::fire:


I just went through numerous days of relapses through the past week. Im done trying to play nice with myself, the past couple months I’ve been trying to tell myself numerous lines that haven’t worked. I’ve tried motivation, and that just doesn’t work. I’ve got to find discipline. Ive got the mindset to take this monster to hell. I’m gonna exhibit some of giggin’s work.

  • Workout daily 1.5 hour minimum 7 days a week
  • Stretching everyday for 30 minutes minimum
  • No social media before 9 am (my weakest time)
  • Run 6 miles a week
  • Knee stability training every day (injury rehab)
  • Cold shower daily

I have to learn to endure. Any urge is minor to me now. My brain was spoiled, not anymore.


Meditation :negative_squared_cross_mark:
Motivational Vid :white_check_mark:
Excerise :white_check_mark:
No triggers from screen :white_check_mark:
Hydrated :white_check_mark:
Reading :white_check_mark:
Practice religion :white_check_mark:
Clean eating :white_check_mark:
I feel good now that I’m back from eating all that bs food. I feel like there’s some changes coming in. My veins are going crazy. Hope everyone’s self improvement journey is going great god bless you all and Alahamduillah :latin_cross::star_and_crescent::+1:


Today’s Video

Today’s Task

Meditate for 5 to 10 minutes today. Meditate however you like. The video below is a good meditation technique.