November 26
Daily motivational Vid
Triggers from screen
Practice religion
Cold Shower- I went hot and cold bc it’s very cold where I live.
Clean eating
Excerise - 20-30 push ups after 5 pages
Keep it up yall👍
Bro add me i want to be a part of it
Thanks brother . Thank you very much for such a beautiful comment. I respect and love Jesus ( peace be upon him) very much as part of my Islamic faith. As a matter of fact, we muslims accept, respect and love every single Prophet of Allah.
May we all become our best versions.
@Aiaiiaiaiw welcome aboard soldier. Let’s make each day count while surfing Urges if they arise and completing our to do lists.
Don’t forget to do daily tasks and check in daily.
Share your sharing code.
Today’s Video
Today’s Task
Clean your room today. Do daily chores that you kept postponing. A messed up environment make mind lazy. Keep your environment tidied up. Keep your mind sharp. A healthy mind is best equipped to deal with urges.
There was no sharing code I randomly visited here .
No-fap is just like going from being the skinniest and no muscle guy to becoming the strongest and gigachad guy.
No fap is great. u will seriously see it’s benifits after a couple of days man just have faith&keep hustling
Daily Tasks
Meditation :
Watched motivational video :
Exercise 45 minutes :
Study/ Worked today :
No triggers from screen :
Prayers: 2/5
No Junk foods:
Current streak: 3 Day
If you want to be one of the few to defy those trends in our ever-softening society, you will have to be willing to go to war with yourself and create a whole new identity - David Goggins.
Day 2 Check In
Ok it’s Sunday and I have some time to check in here
They say "SUCESS leads to HAPPINESS now I don’t know who “they” are but I do know that they are WRONG.
Think about it, you start climbing a certain ladder and you reach the top (and that is if you reach the top of course), make lots of money, and hold that big trophy, but then, you might say: “Dang… I was leaning against the WRONG wall.”
let me tell you this; I know a lot of successful people who wished to go back to the past and enjoy their lives cause life is short, the death of many people that I loved made me realize how short life truly is.
I knew a guy, who was genius in maths, science, physics, and even computer science as well, once he got a well paid job in Germany he thought that he will find happiness but he didn’t. So he said that once he gets a nice house and the cool car and then he’ll be happy, but he didn’t. Lots of you guys might have experienced the same situation but do you know why he didn’t find happiness?
It’s because he didn’t live his life, he saw the world black and white with square, circles, numbers, and lines. He couldn’t find love and he couldn’t build a family and he was not able to find harmony and inner peace.
Now you might say: "okay… so what’s your point?
Well, my point is, success does not lead to happiness but happiness leads to success.
Don’t be like that guy who sacrifices his health for money, instead, sacrifice money for your health.
I’m not saying don’t be successful, infact, I love money, but what if you got a cool new car but then you wish that someone is is sitting next to you. Do you think that it’s success?
They say do not sleep and focus on studying or making money. Why don’t sleep? Infact, sleep is way more important, cause if you don’t sleep enough you can’t think clearly.
My conclusion is this:
Hey, sometimes when you’re driving you must take a look on your window, feel the fresh air and watch how beautiful nature is and Enjoy your journey
So if you think about it, if you want to succeed in Nofap you must Forget about Nofap and LEARN how to ENJOY your LIFE. A man who loves walking will most likely walk more than the man who loves the destination.
Nofap is not about retaining sexual energy, it’s about learning how to use it wisely like life is not about blocking Google or social media, it’s about learning how to use it like learning how to use other things in life and learn how to live
Here’s a song that will cheer you up, it’s called “C’est la vie” which means this is life in french. It’s a French and Arabic song that will make you happy
Check in Day 24
This is a message to my future self. You were right. You did it. You have broken free. You are truly free now. Fly high oh my best version. Fly high
Need consistency in fasting and positive perspective at all times.
Tips of the Day again(same, need to practice)
Your mind is a great liar and deceiver. It always says: “that is too difficult. This is too much for you. You can’t do this. This is getting difficult. Things will get worse with time. I’m losing my willpower. I’m at my limits etc” Shut the mind up by doing what it says you can’t.
Push yourself everyday. Your mind should obey you. You are the master. Not the other way around. It’s been so long you played the role of servant that you have forgotten how to be a master. Don’t procastinate anything for even a second. Just do it forcefully whether you like it or not. True freedom lies in the other side of pain and hardship. Fight with your own self. Conquer yourself. Be free.
Keep a positive perspective when flatline, demotivation or Urges hit.
Break big task into smaller tasks if you lack motivation to start working. This really works.
Learn to surf the urge. Any and all Urges. Observe first. Then think. Then react. Be self aware.
While working had, say to yourself you love it. Soon it will be rewarding working hard by associating dopamine with effort and not just end result / reward.
Wake up at same time, go out in sunlight for 10 min, drink coffee after 90 mins.
If you lack focus, don’t drying tea… Just take deep breaths 23 to 30 with 2 sec deep inhales and short exhales and then exhale all your air… Then hold your breath for 40 sec.
At end of the day, relive your day and analyze where you wasted your time, your mistakes and make a plan to improve on them tomorrow. Do this daily. And soon you will surprise even yourself at the progress.
Daily Tasks
Fasting from Fajr till maghrib ( 5am till 5 pm)
Positive Perspective
Watched motivational video
Quran Translation
Cold shower
Pushed myself today
Study/ Worked today
Exercise 6.6 km run
No triggers from screen
Daily task
Namaz 4 in masjid
Diet Control
@Aiaiiaiaiw no not that sharing code. It’s sharing code unique to each member to see each others streak count. Click on the link below
This is my code
Ohh man
I woke up this day and Started to think about why am i forcing myself to do no fap why am i forcing myself to study
I stayed the whole day just thinking about this even that i got in a bad mood and started fighting in chat with my friends in whats app and i was completely feeling dull and sad man i almost cried
Why do i have to suffer why i became addicted why and why
Then all of a sudden i had chest pain and started crying without any reason
In the middle of crying i just remembered " لا إله إلا أنت سبحانك إني كنت من الظالمين "and i started repeating it then i got the answer it is simple if want to do something you HAVE TO DO
Make it look like you are doing it because you ENJOY doing it and for now i am studying how to make my self immune to cases like this by being prepared for any question that makes me question everything i am doing and may even make me relapse i ask Allah to guide us in this age of darkness and i am pretty sure that is a test from Allah that i will in shaa Allah pass it and get the life that i really wanted and while i am walking to achieve it i will clearly ENJOY every moment
And i will not let any thing bad that happens to me in my daily life lead me to sadness
I will always remember that if i want to be a good person i will be a target for every devil and the only way is just stand up and fight with all your power and don’t worry you will get new power from Allah as HE will never let you alone in this darkness be sure about that
Note ( i am crying while i am writing this i dont know why but what i know is I will turn the affliction into a great victory, and I will turn the ordeal into a blessing by order from God, and I will arm myself with knowledge, patience, and reading the Book of Go )
Out of likes so here:
(Yeah out of likes again )
People are afraid of thieves and murderers because they steal many of your precious things and kill the people that you love. Do you know what’s worse than them? Doubt.
Doubt steals motivation and good mentalities and kill many dreams more than failure ever did. Protect yourself from Doubt and always remember that God is watching everything you do buddy and please, BE A MAN!
Day 15 achieved
I didn’t have any relapses
Today was different i had some sadness in myself i think i was losing hope I don’t know what happened
All i remembered it was a bad day everything and everyone was fighting me i was treated badly
I began to lose faith
I started to see the darkness encircling me i saw devils starting to get to me and i myself was going to surrender
I don’t know what to say
I thought my end will be close
I managed to fight it for today
I hope this sadness will be gone I don’t feel i want to write there is certainly words inside me and i wish i write them but i don’t feel i want i just want to get out of this
I want to sleep
I am …tired
May be tomorrow i will be good
That’s my record!! I’m so proud of you brother
I am really happy to see that someone at least cares
I really thank you deeply from my heart
And i ask Allah to give you what you wany brother