[M28] Buddha's journey to liberation

Bro I didn’t understand what you have said, Can you explain?

Although I’m not a medical student , but I have read that our brain has grey and white matter .
White matter is bad (dont know exact) and grey matter is responsible for giving us intelligence and thinking skills…
And the best part is it totally depend on us whether we want grey matter or white (obviously all want grey matter as it gives thinking skills and inttelligence)

In which grade are you?

Lol, me too i am also not a medical student, i am in 10th class.

My age is 24, Pursuing Post Graduation

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Ok. When we watch porn, Dopamine is a chemical which is released by the brain which gives us happiness and give a relaxed feeling similiar to relapsing feeling. This Chemical travel from a functional unit of brain known as Neuron. From its head to the bottom. The head of neuron collects the info to the bottom sends it to other neuron this produces heat which Destroy their bottom part and head too. Thats why we dont have clear thinking and brain fog happens. And those neurons which should die after 2 months or so. They die early🙁 and they are stored there only till new neurons are not produced. This is the full explanation. If you will watch porn these chemical will release and then your brain will be your worst nightmare.


No, never… I am involved in so many fruitful activities now. :grinning::+1:

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Dear @StealthChopperinbond,

You are right my friend. This process is autophagy. Mr. Yoshinori Oshumi was awarded Nobel prize in Physiology in 2016.

Thanks for spreading the knowledge.


Dear @Dean_Ambrose,

It’s very wrong and extreme to state that😀. White matter is as much essential as gray matter.

Gray matter: they are mostly made up of the neuron cell bodies and less axons. Whereas,
White matter: consists mostly of myelinated axons and less of neuron bodies.

In a coarse way, gray matter help us process the signal coming from sensory organs whereas white matter plays role in conduction of these signals just like insulated wire conduct electricity. Although gray matter plays significant role in the performance of our brain, both white and gray matter are complimentary to each other.

For a bit more : Gray Matter vs White Matter | Technology Networks
Neuroanatomy, Gray Matter - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf

Knowledge is the new weapon. Let’s use it for good.


PS: Any expert view is always appreciated.



I was just scrolling down the posts. And I almost forgot that I started with the target of 100 days when I joined this community :joy::joy:.
Now just 3 days to 150 days.

Now it’s crystal clear that setting targets are just means to expand our potential and test our limits. Actually we are limitless from within.

Let’s push the boundaries constantly and be limitless.

Peace and Bliss to all.


You are Champion भाई… Keep Moving :pray::slight_smile:
बहुत कुछ सीखना चाहिए मुझे आपसे :expressionless:

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Dear @SincereDev brother,

We all have not few but several virtues. The thing is - most of them are latent and are waiting to be discovered by us.

You also have many virtues brother. Especially your curiosity and persistence to achieve the goal is commendable.
A bit of self-discipline and ability to come out of comfort zone will help a lot.

Challenge yourself and challenge to win!
You can do wonders :grinning:.


PS: We all are learning from each other. Even I check my companion list some time. And guess…It’s sad but those red circles teach me a lot and those greens are motivating as well.:grinning:



Some Spotify links which can help:

  1. Journey of a companion https://open.spotify.com/show/5QDv7xTCaFuP0F06ObqoLH?si=D4bSbLgwQVSYgbbMRiZ96Q
  2. Some spiritual aspect of brahmacharya https://open.spotify.com/show/6hhuSSrMMWV7jzGolFFQjc?si=nJ0jexTsTJujtyNfIYWwIQ
  3. Vedanta lectures https://open.spotify.com/show/3uFztt0c41TadqtlmrW0LP?si=I8oKbpjFRmSSqQejxqnxZw

Best regards

PS: Please use your discretion to extract the things which you agree and ignore if it does not sync with you.:slightly_smiling_face:
Also please try to approach things as gender neutral wherever required.



Sometime we need a motivating word to stand up, walk, run and then sprint…

Just wanted to share a piece of writing, I found in the last page of an old notebook.

It says,

Keep calm and be crazy, laugh, love and live it up because this is the oldest you have been and the youngest you will ever be again.

At first people refuse to believe that a strange new thing can be done; then they begin to hope it can be done; then they see it can be done; then it is done and all the world wonders why it was not done centuries ago.

Credit- A friend




Brahmacharya is a way of life. The English word celibacy is just a subset of it.
Brahmacharya is ofcourse a way of life and most importantly we cannot force it to ourselves. We have to live it and adopt it as a part of life itself.

In my opinion, more than a war or fight, it is about finding synergy among your positive forces- it’s about peace and blissfulness.
Ofcourse we are not perfect, but that does not mean that we should take back seats and sit idle. We must always go for betterment.

This is an awesome journey to know and understand ourselves better, and to capitalise it for better life- for us and for others.

If you think you have achieved a milestone, take a break…

Think about what next?
What better can I do?
Can I go an extra mile?
Am I not limitless? My potentials are limitless.
Why not realise those potentials and reap the dividends of the risk of getting out of that comfortable couch?

There is always a room for improvement and so now I am working to reduce frequency of nocturnal emissions.

Here is my tracker-

All the very best and wish you all
A very fulfilling journey ahead…

Sharing code-s1jc5f


Brother, I also feel troubled sometimes although I’ve learnt to overcome it mostly via my own experiences and experiments. But I see you, I feel here’s a person who possesses so much knowledge that I can sink into the bottom of this endless ocean of knowledge and still not die. Brother, since I feel that you know a lot about psychology, culture, religion and philosophy, what are the advises that you can provide me in order to become a better person? Also, do you feel that books help grow a person to his intellectual peak? What books would you recommend to me if I am reading 10 pages everyday for next 4 months and want to complete a book/ a few books during that period which will help me grow as a person?
Thanks for being here. Have a great day.


Dear @PrDr,

I am humbled by the kind words you have showered upon me. But I am as ordinary as you, just exploring my potentials.

See @PrDr brother,

Being better is always a relative term and the benchmark may vary from person to person.

Having said that, I think that a strong ethical basis and inquisitiveness blended with determination and constant effort is needed for improvement. Ofcourse with intermittent assessment.

With my limited knowledge and experience I can jot down few points-

  1. Know thyself- this old maxim is simple yet profound. Knowing ones own nature-strong and weak points of personality serves the foundation of improvement.

  2. Strive to improve- Many of us know where we are lacking but are too lazy to buzz. When we say our life is our own making, it’s not a hoax. We have to strive to fill the gaps needed. And ofcourse besides building on our strengths.

  3. Right mindset- Although it’s subjective but having a right attitude towards self and others is very important in the journey to self-growth and self-development. In that purview rational thinking plays a very important role. We must ask ourselves before decision making- Am I being biased? Am I unable to see 360° view of the aspects? Am I over-confidence? If the answers are Yes, there is a dire need to improve.

  4. Respect others- We should respect others and accept them as they are. And that is possible only if we respect ourselves. Respecting does not mean flattering, it’s accepting people who they are. Prejudice is a social poison wich kills tolerance. We should avoid it.
    Apart from that we should be welcoming to constructive criticisms/feedbacks.

  5. Self-identity- I think our identity determines our self-worth and social impact we leave. If one identify himself/herself with a particular faith, socio-economic status, profession etc, it eventually create narrowness. This may cause a conflict eventually with people/groups with different identities. So in my personal opinion we should strive to broaden our self-identity.

Books are indeed great tools and means of gaining knowledge. But most importantly what does matter is not what you read but how you read.

You may read any text, articles, books, blogs etc. But it should be active reading and not the otherwise.

Reading must accompany analysis, opinion forming and note making (mental notes also count😀) simultaneously.

Now coming to the utility of knowledge, analysis and opinions you gathered- It is worthless unless you do not imbibe them into your experience and implement the learning in day to day Life.

See, its again subjective and open-ended question. The books I liked may not entice you and vice versa. May be I can reply to your specific query :thinking:.

You can pick any book, and read it the right way and make sure you finish the book.
You can start with any book of your preferred genres.

But if you want to broaden the thought process and world-view, you can try to explore books from different topics like philosophy, economics, history, fiction, non-fiction. And if you are new to an area try basic books first. With strong Basics- you can move ahead with so called difficult books :slightly_smiling_face:.

Thank you and Best Regards

PS: Any inputs or criticism are most welcome.


Thank you for your beautiful post, brother.
I have been troubled, not with the actions of others but because of the restlessness of my own soul.
I have tried different visions to see the world but I found all of them to be narrow in ome way or another. This is apprehensive that when we are talking about the benefits of one things, it doesn’t go down without taking into account the disadvantages of something else. Why does everything has to come at the cost of the other?
I have been trying to change my world view, I have been trying to see all of it together, like you mentioned, the 360° vision.
In last 2 years, I have read several books, and when I say that I’m not counting my course books. And its kind of interesting that unlike what we think, the older the books are, the more relevance of them I see in the contemporary world. I know its wrong, but I often say things related to the politics, economics, religion, philosophy, etc just for the appeasement of others because people instantly get upset when I don’t agree with them and label me to be siding with this ideology or that. Anyways, I have been able to keep that under control though. But why the feelings of an individual must/ must not align with the feelings of the major part of society?
I can understand your dilemma about recommending books brother, but just to give you a context, I like reading anything which doesn’t contain fictious world, romance, vulgarity, depiction of love in such a narrow sense as limited to a man and a woman. I like reading books by writers with realistic ideas , people like Leo Tolstoy, Thoreau, Pablo Neruda etc… and I like reading porms more than stories. But that doesn’t limit me to venture into the works of others as Paulo Coelho, Kautilya, etc… .

And thank you very much for the pointwise things you advised me in order to me having a better understanding of myself. This was very helpful. Thanks a lot.

You have raised an important point. I think you mean cost as harm to others.

As we all know about the Darwinism Survival of the fittest- It the way we tend to extract benefits. If we prosper by parasitic way, it’s problematic. Eg. If we kill to eat, destroy forests to build cities etc. Whereas there is a sustainable way of development too eg. Organic farming, development of green city and accounting carbon cost on economy (green economy) etc.

The thing boils down to how we as humanity want to extract benefit out of available resources and what we want to leave for future generations.

With hollow ethical values and throat cutting competition, often the way is chosen by people is first one, but being more aware and empowered we should be moving towards adopting the mutualism and milking instead of exploiting now.
We should start from ourselves. As it is said Be the change you want to see in the world.

I think that depends on perspectives. It is absolutely ones prerogative to be aligned to some or other or even to be indifferent.

We are in a free nation. We have natural right to freedom of expression. But he most important thing is that, we should align with our own inner self. Trying to be honest to oneself and maintain integrity in one of the way.

Having said that, we as a social animal have some social beliefs or traditions (culture) as inalienable part of us. But that does not mean that, they are always right.
For example, in indian culture Sati was widely prevalent, especially in high society, child marriage is prevalent even now in some pockets. So the point is you may agree or disagree on things but no one can force you. We also need to understand that society is a dynamic entity, it will keep changing and yes We the people only change it.

Despite all differences we can live together with peace. For example- In Indian history, you can witness Hinduism(believes in God), Jainism, Buddhism(does not believe in God), Yoga, Samkhya ( stress on analysis of self, purusha and prakriti) and even Charvaka (totally materialistic) running parallel to each other. Imagine the level of tolerance and acceptance!!

Thanks to that we still live in more or less tolerant society and respect and believe in mutual co-existence.

Ohh…Thats really great. My few recent reads are-

  1. Rhonda Byrne ( The Secret)
  2. Swami Vivekananda (Personality Development, Buddha and his message, Patanjali Yoga Sutras)
  3. Gandhi (My experiments with the truth, few volumes of In search of the supreme)

Thank you for coming by.
Pleasure is mine.



Thank you for the explanations, you tried to answer all of my questions which I feel shows the compassion and generosity of your character.

Yes , but I was also talking about the contradictions in the way the different approaches try to find the truth at the cost of the others. The way people want good things for themselves at the cost of bad things for others. Socrates has said that if the world had misfortunes equally distributed for everyone, people would just take their part and leave. But Socrates did state that it was not the truth. The real world works like people earning fortunes at the cost of misfortunes for others. A hard working disabled labourer is forced to sleep on the roadside on cold winter nights with some rags over him, but he has actually beared this for the benefit of those who have multi storeyed buildings and offices which they keep locked outside of office hours with a watchman sitting outside, just to ensure that nobody gets in the compound.
Sustainable development, like ypu said can be realized. But here, I was also talking about sustainable humanity. Would there ever be a time when people would truly understand what it means to be the other guy? Because Vedas talk about the same, and its been nearly 4000 years since RigVeda was written.

Yes, I feel I forgot to tell you in which context did I ask you that. I actually said that in the context of one’s family, the people we love. It happens so very often that my ideas don’t conform to the ideas of my family members, all of whom are elder than me. This has led to arguments in the past, and since I don’t want any of such things since obviously I love them, I just pretend to agree with everything they say. Eg, we are Brahmins, and you know how upper caste Hindus have been into supporting everything that our government is doing, and others doing the opposite without thinking rationally. A few years ago, a similar argument led to the loss of a dear friend who exited saying that I’m a Hindu bigot. Similarly in the past when I had arguments with family, I was told things like “you have become Pappu too” and sometimes some have even proceede to say things that “I have too much sympathy for lower castes and minority”, “I should convert to Islam”, “people like me are the real cause of all the caste oppression”. Most hurtful of all is when they say that I am a failure in life only because of the reservations provided to undeserving people, and I am forgetting that.
You see, people are quick to label you with names and traits for thinking differently than others. Saying one rational statement can make you a Bhakt or a Pappu. People are essentially into believing that either you’re this or you’re that. You are not supposed to have your own indivial ideas. And if you happen to express such things, that may lead to abandonment by friends, family and everyone you love. See I am not a perfect person, I don’t consider my ideas to be perfect and the only truth, but the thing is that I have ideas of myself as an individual which doesn’t go down well with this society.
Here too, you can see that one thing only comes at the cost of the other.

True that brother. I am fortunate to live in this country. But neither me, nor you can deny that our values are falling. I don’t know if most of the adults and teenagers these days know about the different schools of Indian philosophy. And hence, we are witnessing a society, low in ethics, morals, knowledge and above all humanity. India is witnessing an unprecedented rise in materialistic mindset , like no place in this world ever has. The difference of 10 years between me and the children today appears like a generational difference of 100 years. And I’m not necessarily saying that I am better, but I feel that Indian culture may fall down soon with the kind of mentality, most of the Indians today have.

Also bro, thank you for the books you recommended. I have already read “My experiments with Truth” a few years ago, I guess I’ll try it again. And thank you for the books of Swami Vivekananda too, I was searching for a book written by him personally. I don’t know much about Rhonda Byrne, but since you’ve mentioned it, it must be worth reading too. I’ll give it a try.

Thank you so much again brother for having the patience and will to reply to my questions. It really means a lot.