Check in
Day 15.
Check In✔
Day 64/70✔
Check-in day 1
Day 1/18
Check In :
last stand .
Day : 04/90
@karthik_5113 sorry for the delay, friend…For completing over 18 in your streak you are now a new member of the League of Gentlemen.
You have completed the first and biggest step of this challenge, sir.
Well done on this great achievement and keep going strong!
Day 5 checkin.
No thoughts today. My focus is on my favorite nascar driver winning a race today. Let’s go Matty D!
Check in for Day 9
Freeman’s tavern had it’s opening today. If any of you wish to participate in offtopic discussions with the intention of relaxing, feel free to join.
I want to share something to everyone my streak was of 65 days but i edged in this streak and watch porn also i am sorry everyone
But now i want to reset my streak and make a new clear streak so reset my streak in this league @Keats
Sorry to disappoint anyone but I relapsed and it happens every Sunday is the pattern that I have seen. I am resetting my streak to zero. Once again I am truly sorry for myself and others.
Days = 2; check in
New tools: Habit contract with money penalty with an accountability partner, some good thoughts etc.
Day 5 >>7
>> 9
Congratulations, @karthik_5113! Now you’re one of us, keep doing well and fighting.
@alidaniyal, sorry to hear that, bro. It’s important learn some lessons with the falls. Even when we fail we earn experience.
@ThiccWayne, sorry bro, let’s start again and do a great streak!
Let’s go guys! Today it’s my 130th day, and I’m motivated as never! Another week starts, another chance to win. Don’t give up, brothers, we’re together in this fight.
Check in day 9/18 to becoming a gentleman.
Checking In
Thought Filter
Play Recorded Audio
No PMO TODAY Affirmations
Previous Relapse Report Analysis
No Social Media(Except WhatsApp)
No TV, Movies, Music Videos.
Phone Lock @10pm, To Unlock @6am.
Day 53
Check in : Day 0
- relapsed on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
- Chaser effect
- Starting from today
- Reason : Still need to change the definition of fun and pleasure in my mind.
- Negative effects : Confidence lowered, wasted time, didn’t study or go out.
- New changes : Still working on it.
Damn bro!! Congrats for beating this addiction man. It would be really amazing if you could share the best benefits you have obtained till now, as it would motivate us and aid in our journey as well. Also please do share your most effective strategy in handling temptations and urges. Thankss👍
Check in day 1 again
Day 3/18 Check-in