đŸŽ© League of Gentlemen

@Keats can i take some break from daily check in and check in again after some time?


Check In :white_check_mark:


Check in day 2/18 :white_check_mark::white_check_mark:

Habit 1 (sleep before 10:45) 2/21 :white_check_mark::white_check_mark:

I want to change my habit 2 from “35 minutes meditation”


Check In ::white_check_mark:
last stand :crossed_swords:.
Day : 05/90 :shamrock:


Check in day 2. I feel like it might be it


Check-in day 2✅
Day 2/18


Check in for Day 10 :gear:

Survived a week this time. I managed it with blue mood.


Thanks bro! It means a lot for me your words, thank you for had confident in me.

After more than four months, it’s amazing how life opens up for us. When my biggest streaks used to be 3 or 5 days there wasn’t a day that I didn’t think about PMO. Now I rarely remember it, and everything I did is in the past. I forgot almost all the horrible things I saw and thought and did, and guys, just not having this shit in your head every day brings an indescribable feeling of freedom.
I feel I have more energy, more desire to do things and more commitment to what I do. following in the master’s @Sadus13 footsteps I started writing my first book, and I really feel capable of doing it.
I also feel a lot more confident, and girls notice that. Just now, I went out with my dad and I saw a beautiful girl waiting on the bus, but I only looked for a second. My dad said she kept looking at me, and followed me with her eyes until I left. I look a little different from most here in Brazil, it’s true, but I have no doubt that my PMO abstinence helps with that.
The tip I always give to those who can’t get out of the first few days is: have a goal. At least for me, it was very difficult to fight without having a defined goal, something I must fight for. For example, I met a guy here that the PMO was tearing up his family and his marriage, and his aim was precisely to save his marriage and protect his family from this addiction. It may sound silly, but it’s like Naruto’s dream of being a Hokage, he did everything to achieve this dream and, despite all the obstacles and difficulties along the way, he never gave up. At least that’s what has worked for me. I didn’t give myself the option to fail again.
I hope I have helped you brothers. Right now, I’m the guy with the biggest streak here, but that doesn’t mean anything. Each one has its rhythm and there are guys here with excellent streaks that soon caught up with me,and believe me, every week I learn something new from you, from your perseverance, from your confessions and reports. We’re all in this together! Stay strong!


Day 16. Check in :white_check_mark::white_check_mark::white_check_mark:
@HealingSpade you inspired me today. I hope I can reach the same numbers of days. :+1:



I have decided to end Phase 3 of this challenge. This is partially due to having lost some of our mentors, but mainly because I feel as though it wasn’t working as a concept.

I take the blame for this as I think the idea was not very well thought out.

One of the values of a challenge like this is the support and comradery everyone shares, and segregating candidates into separate groups muddled that up, as I sensed many felt they could only look to certain individuals for support, rather than the group as a whole.

I have therefore restored this challenge back to its original format. I am keeping certain elements from Phase 2 such as the Last Stand and may create other variations of that idea soon
but for now, this is where we’re at.

Sorry for the sudden change and I hope this doesn’t disappoint anyone too much.


Check in day 6.

I can’t help but accept the fact that the biggest stress in my current situation Is my unknown for the future. I think about it every day on what it is that I am meant to do in this world. I just know once I find it, it will be like lighting a firecracker. Everything will quickly be set in motion.


Day 01 check in :white_check_mark:
No fap and pornography free


Checking in day 2 here :white_check_mark:


Checking In
:small_blue_diamond:Thought Filter :white_check_mark:
:small_blue_diamond: Play Recorded Audio :white_check_mark:
:small_blue_diamond: No PMO TODAY Affirmations :white_check_mark:
:small_blue_diamond: Previous Relapse Report Analysis :white_check_mark:
:small_blue_diamond: No Social Media(Except WhatsApp) :white_check_mark:
:small_blue_diamond: No TV, Movies, Music Videos. :white_check_mark:
:small_blue_diamond: Phone Lock @10pm, To Unlock @6am. :white_check_mark:

Day 54 :white_check_mark:


Check in Day 1 completed :ballot_box_with_check:

  • time to make some big decisions in life, so I’ll need semen retention clarity

Check in day 10/18 to becoming a gentleman.


Day 4/18 Check-In :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:


Check In :white_check_mark:
DAY 10


@HealingSpade That’s amazing bro! You are humble yet confident. Whatever you said in your post is not from the point of ego.
By the way, which book are you writing??

Keep inspiring us!


Congratulations for your 130 days streak irmao :tada::tada::partying_face::partying_face:

I think you are lucky, as your father is your best friend.