Checking in-
Day 6 completedā
Check In
Day 5 >>7
>> 9>>11 >>13>>16>>20>>24>>28>31>> 34ā¦
Relapsed again
I couldnāt beat the urge.
Man, I relapsed after 6 days of abstinence. In this streak I quit watching TV and playing video games as well. The benefits I got were astonishing. Some guy tried to steal my sports equipment gear and I got into a street fight and won. I never thought I could be this strong. Today I won the cricket match for my team as I took 2 wickets. I hope I bounce back real good this time. Never relapse or give up, just make adjustments to upgrade your life.
Check in Day 2
Thinking of using skipping next time I feel hard urges, skipping is easily accessible and can be done for a long period of time whilst working on cardio and leg power.
Need to practice skipping before that though
14 days check inā:white_check_mark:. Itās been two weeks and I feel more empower by you guys. I have had urges but I read yours posts and they give me strength. I really appreciate this app and this group.
Check in for Day 8
The day was good, but tonight I feel hatred. I feel like I hate women and myself a lot tonight. I have no reason. The feeling just came.
Day 4 checkin
I was drained today and didnāt have much motivation, but I didnāt have any urges and I kept my mind straight. A lot of day left to catch up what I missed
Today itās been 100 days since I joined this community. Itās been an incredible experience, fighting side by side with such committed brothers and companions. Much of my current success came from you guys, thank you so much for everything!
@Keats, thank you so much for creating this community and for being so dedicated here.
@Sadus13, thank you so much for being my mentor and example here and for leading us all.
@wall-e, thank you for your perseverance and for always helping everyone here.
There are so many people who make this community thank you and the three of you are just a few of them. I still hope to be able to contribute a lot here and give back what I received.
Check in 1/18
Habit streak 1 (sleeping before 10:45 , i changed it from 11 pm to 10:45 pm) 1/21
Habit streak 2 ( 35 minutes for yt) not started yet
Check in day 8 . I can , definitely I will do this ,
Checking In
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No Social Media(Except WhatsApp)
No TV, Movies, Music Videos.
Phone Lock @10pm, To Unlock @6am.
Day 52
Check inā
Day 63/70ā
Day 2/18 Check-In
Check in day 8/18
Check In
What happened brother? Are you okay?
Checking in-
Day 1/18ā