WalkWithoutFear's Diary - Journey to Recovery From PMO addiction

Day 11
Wow! Can’t believe I made it this far. I was fully focusing on my goals, which everyone should do. I am not sick that much like last time so my energy should stabilize a bit. You start to not value days but rather moments.
Today I woke up early, plan to do some workout later after I am done with work. For right now i will hear some powerful speeches from some of the best speakers those from Les Brown, Arnold, and others. I feel more in control right now and self aware, there were days where I felt I had no energy because those days were probably flatline known in the no fap community, regardless, I kept pushing through and didn’t look back to the past. I have meditate here and there, but need to improve it more to every morning not sometimes. I want to walk in a spiritual walk in this journey and that’s what i will do. Let’s go. :muscle::fire::fire::pray:


Day 15
Feeling the urges coming !
Hello good morning. I am feeling more aware of myself this time around. Although i feel energy within me that I can use well, I am starting to notice the urges coming. I plan to counter them with the utmost meditation I can do and by being proactive. I have built an inner mind wall that is built out of pure determination and courage. I am ready for any challenge. No matter the day or hour. Warriors get your shields ready. !
Let’s go. :muscle::muscle::fire::fire::fire::pray::pray:


Didn’t relapse. I just reset counter so that I am in full no PMO mode with no edges. I found a girl online who wanted to send sexting messages and I resisted and didn’t act, no relapse But still i would have if I didn’t have the experience I now have so i reset to avoid woman like that at all costs.
This is my true day 0 count.
I have more energy now that I resisted the urge to relapse. Plus drinking ginger helps. I am looking forward to gettting more stronger in the days to come.

Lets go. :muscle::muscle::fire:


Wow you are a truly dedicated man. When I was on my highest streak, sexting made me relapse. I still haven’t been able to delete those nudes from my head. I suffered for a long time. But somehow I did overcome it. Those images now don’t have any power on me, they r fading away.
If you wanna do this journey the right way. Just go hard mode for 90 days, it’s the only way to rewire your brain completely.:fire:
Then later you can have sex or become a monk. Your life your choice. :grin:


I totally agree with you man. 90 days i shall reach no matter what. :muscle::pray::fire:


Day 1.
Woke up early. Will get a good meal. Listen to motivational speakers. I will delete some apps I dont need or have a use to me. Heading for the stars. :muscle::pray::fire:


Yes, i continusly gets the flashabacks which many times lead to relapse in past…

we have to be strong and say NO to those bad thoughts


This will work for you…

We fall many times…But we must stand up to win …

Am with you brother…

Lets walk together with out fear…


The event that happened last time with the woman who wanted to do sexting made me relapse. I managed to hold for a good while but it was too much.


I deleted some dating apps i don’t need. Won’t use any dating apps no more until I reach 90 days. Only professional or different group chats.


Yes bro, our mobile, tablet and laptops are the biggest and most dangerous problem in our journey…

I also deleted every single unnecessary application from mg mobile…

I deleted my facebook account, twitter account and Instagram account…

I created a temporary Facebook account for my professional purpose… That too i put time cap on it. After that time cap, the app gets blocked…

All these social media apps are potential risk factors for relapses. We have to protect ourselves from those…

I believe in you. Take necessary measures. And start again strong. If you start today, at the beginning of 2020, you will have a nice 30+ days streak. And you will be so confident to do bigger things in 2020.

Am also on the same journey. Best wishes brother. Let’s do it together.


Day 1
Getting the confidence to get back up.
I woke up at 8 a.m. going to eat a good meal. Exercise a little, Meditate, and hear motivational speeches. I don’t like the weather today because it’s so wet outside like raining. I will mostly workout a bit inside. I am just recovering energy for now.


Forever holds true. :muscle::fire::fire::pray:


Day 2
Woke up at 7 a.m. today. Wonderful Sunday. Might go to church today in this new city. Except for the rain but its okay. Plan to eat the highest quality food for at least 7 days then balance everything. Everyday eating garlic in the morning, ginger also and ginger in night also. Drinking a maca smoothie every morning also. Until I reach 7 days. This will give me a good head start. Will meditate later and exercise. Feeling motivated. Watching out for urges. :fire::muscle::pray::pray:


Positive vibes everywhere…

Keep going

And stay alert


Day 5
Woke up early and ate a great meal. Listened to some inspiring speeches about purpose and passion. They are very inspiring. The more I go in this journey the more I might find my true passion. I have felt urges recently mostly because I’ve been eating high quality food mostly especially maca and that’s okay. I want to be fulfilled not only in mind but in body and spirit and it’s unavoidable to run away from urges but to instead let it flow and not act upon it. Ive already deleted all necessary dating apps etc… So I haven’t focused on looking at woman or dating. I only have a woman friend online that’s about it, just a friend and she isn’t that type to be sending dumb pics, she is conservative. I don’t really talk with her so it’s not serious but it’s just to get some training to talk to girls when it comes to the real deal later on. Woman psychology and all. As far as confidence I am starting to feel more of it but I feel some fear inside me still, the fear of falling. But I shouldn’t think of that. I’ve noticed a boost in my exercise because of NoPMO, a self awareness of adrenaline flowing in my blood along with my drive improvement. I sleep naked to avoid any wet dreams also helps to relieve some pressure from the urge to masturbate. The urge to masturbate gets thrown out when you sleep naked compared when sleeping with your undies I’ve noticed. It’s crazy but it works for some reason. You feel more free on your bottom if you know what i mean which gives you a different type of relax feeling that isn’t sexual. Strange. also my desire for a need for a woman is starting to fall.
Anyways I’ve gotten my energy mostly restored. The following days will heighten it more and spiritually I will increase as well.
Time for some afternoon exercise today. Will meditate more after. :muscle::fire::fire::fire::pray::pray::pray:


Day 0
Was a time of recovery. Woke up early. Didn’t exercise much since I was just getting busy with work. I meditated on the goals that need to be done and have not edged. The relapse was caused by me being alone home alone. Again it’s the same issue being alone. This time I am prepared for the worse. Whenever I am home alone I will go to the library or just be outside for the remainder of the day to get used to this PMO till 90 days when I am fully in control. I have joined the master of hardmode group to show what I am worth. Let’s go. :muscle::fire::pray:
Note: i am not disqualified from the challenge since I relapsed before December 9. Right now i am texting at 11 p.m. and has turned into day 1.


Yes being home alone can be a huuge trigger. I think that is a good idea brother to get out and about!

Rise again :muscle::facepunch:


Day 4
Woke up well and ate a delicious and healthy breakfast. I have plans on getting second job to increase my income and savings. Be more proactive. I am willing to do whatever it takes to rise to the top of this everyday journey of no PMO lifestyle. Meditate daily no matter what.
I was really busy these days with finding second job and business, in addition, trying to lower expenses. Planning what I want in life and where i want to go.

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Day 0
All things new.
I failed the competition but it doesn’t matter, what matters is what I do now. I will become the best version no matter what and that’s a given, I have said it and no matter what will achieve it without excuse. Ive reflected upon the mistakes ive made and plan to make different decisions. I know what I did wrong. This isn’t only a no PMO journey but a journey to know ones self and their purpose and personality. Its going to be tough times and in those times I have to remember why I keep fighting. Never give up present self and to victory my future self. :fire::muscle::muscle::pray:
To God be the glory.

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