WalkWithoutFear's Diary - Journey to Recovery From PMO addiction

Day 5
I am becoming more confident. I just need to get out of my comfort zone. Today woke up at 7 a.m. going to eat my breakfast and read some rich dad poor dad book. Going to work at 2p.m. for a while for a friend I know. Staying busy in some way or another. Praise God everyday for a new day he have us. Amen. Fight with honor. I deleted all dating apps i have also. Just wanted to let you guys know. Focus on yourself then the woman will come. If you know what I mean. A woman wouldn’t want a man who can’t control themselves right? So focus more on self is the challenge this year. Come on guys let’s do this!
@Forerunner @Special_Bird @neveragaintw @nagate @Aragorn.
Show me what you got guys!!


Yes yes yes! This is beautiful brother - keep going!

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Day 7
Today was a busy day for me at work. I ate a good breakfast with oatmeal, bannana, and Apple. I stayed proactive throughout the day. No edging whatsoever. No urges currently. I am just focused on my goals to accomplish.
Let’s get to day 23 where I last left off.

I must battle this addiction until I win. :muscle::fire: no mercy toward PMO.

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I haven’t died. I am still conscious and still fighting my urges and Desires for PMO. I haven’t been back here for some time.
I am now 16 days in. I guess i was so focused in work and business and excited what’s to come that i didn’t count days this time. I went all out. Regrets I leave it in the past. Now its time for my glory to shine one more time and this time it must stay. :facepunch::fire::fire:.
Through God all things possible.
I won’t let 2019 end in misery. :muscle::fire:


I broke my promise but i will keep on fighting sorry.

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Day 20.
Now it’s time for change. I can see day by day my future changing and my mind being more in control of this addiction. I am not focusing in woman alot either. More focused in my goals go complete and to self improve as much as i can this year to at least 99.99% my real self.
Let’s go. :muscle::fire::pray:


Currently in the pit of lust but i will get out!
Happy for you and everyone else who keep fighting

Day 22
The day has come again. The hour has arrived where I decide and test my faith on this walk of success.
Today i am free from work so I have enough time for myself. I am currently focusing in my business and college stuff. I have been persistent in focusing on solely my goals. No edging. No PMO. Time for success. Amen. :fire::pray:


Damn. I relapsed again. Well at least i am not relapsing every 5 days now, but still I feel like I could have done better this Time. The thing is I went back to my old place to visit and saw my room that I always used to watch ■■■■ on and get so addicted. It brought memories to my mind and so would think I wouldn’t have pics of my ex girlfriend in my laptop. Well guess again, her pics were there. I had an urge to relapse then and did just that all the way. What an idiot i was also. I was home alone also. The old place I live is more calmer and private so hence it’s different than the bay area I live now.
But i think the real problem was that i was forgetting that i need to also relax my mind in different ways and not always be proactive because too much proactivity without relaxation is going to bring you back to the gutter. I now realize that. So I need to have a routine therefore where I meditate everyday to calm my mind of things and relax.
Because if you dont, your mind will go back to old habits in order to get relaxation. Which relapsing is false relaxation.
I am starting back from the start, but I am coming back tougher as any metal and tougher than any strong mind and power. I will become champion no matter what. :muscle::pray::fire::fire::fire:

Day 0
Beginning from scratch. Learning to overcome my fears and take control of my life!
I have currently 2 journeys in my life right now. I financial journey and a free from PMO journey both of which at some point influenced one another. My spending addiction was influenced by my ■■■■ addiction without knowing. Food and ■■■■ were like best friends.
This time it’s now or never to take action to improving my life. I must change before the year ends. I can, i will, I must go with all my capacity and every single energy i have on this addiction.
No regrets going through this journey. !


Day 1
I am getting more better in going through the motions of not focusing on woman. I am more in my goals like I was when I was in day 20. But I have to be careful and cautious, for my enemy is out there lurking trying to find the right moment to fight me. I wont ever and must never give in. I have enough power to overtake my enemies.
Today i plan to exercise for a bit and eat well.
Maybe do some business calls today and work.
Proactivity and relaxation is key. I will meditate after my busy day. :muscle::fire::pray:.

Just a nice quote. :pray:


I recognize this so much! I spent so much money on food while engaged in PMO that I went into debt and became overweight. Thankfully, my account balance is healthy again and I’ve lost the weight.

Stay strong bro. You can definitely do this! GOD be with you.


Added you as Companion. Add me back - nlyxyt

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Added you. :muscle::fire:. Fight a good fight brother.

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Yeah when you focus on ■■■■ addiction in life, you end up spending alot because your addiction is telling you that you don’t need to go out of your house. You have everything you need. You have your food, your ■■■■ and you have your videogames in case you get not aroused. And then continue with ■■■■.
This is the lie of ■■■■ in peoples lives. It’s a crazy prison. It’s best to stay away from our rooms and go outside more for that reason. :pray::fire:


Day 1
Today i woke up at 7 a.m. i plan to do some exercise today. I want to become the best version of myself this time. I will stop saying but doing.
Every morning i will start with a little meditation to start my day right. I won’t go and find a woman, only after I have endured for 2 months will I do so. Your life can change i think within that time frame. But this is my lifestyle now. Journey to the highest hill. Feeling motivated. My last come back. :muscle::fire::pray:

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"Goals to accomplish this month.
Goal #1: accomplish more than 7 days.
Goal #2: accomplish 14 days.
Goal #3: accomplish 21 days.
Goal #4: accomplish 30 days. ( great power is unleashed)
Whoever wants to join me on this journey is welcome to do so. "
September :x::x::x::x::x::x::x:

I have to conquer this challenge still no matter what. There is still alot of climbing left. I won’t back down no matter what. :muscle::fire::fire::fire::pray:


day 6
i was really busy with business this week and trying not to focus on woman also. i am slowly gaining more in control of myself, i can feel the power within slowly waking up. i even went outside and went to different businesses to advertise my business model to them. i was embarassed but did it anyways without caring what others think.
today i woke up early, didn’t have urges, just focusing fully into my goals.hearing motivational speeches. i didnt even count the days i was without PMO. i was so focused on other stuff. but i know that i have to be careful because day 7 and day 14 will be big urges that may come my way. i am ready to go past my limit this time. ! :muscle::muscle:


Day 12
Getting more in control today. The truth is that it’s getting harder to control my urges but I am holding on. I promised that i would go all the way this time. I am still sleeping in my car and finding a place to live.


Day 15
I don’t even know what ■■■■ is right now. I am starting to see woman in a new light. No longer how the desire i onced had, but crave to have a companion of course. I am going to make the effort to push through all the way. I never back down nor quit. This year has had many setbacks, but I will compensate that with what i am doing. It may hurt sometimes knowing you want to watch ■■■■, but I promise if you fight this you will be rewarded. Amen. :fire::facepunch::muscle: