Congratulations Bro.
Thanks bro got a better one because mine broke. Now I gotta get a job and work until I can pay her back
Haha ( 20 characters)
Thank you bro.
And best of luck to you too
Yes bro totally 20 characters.
Hey there @NeverGiveup420 thanks for this challenge. I made my own journal coz of this. So ya here is my update (I might not update regularly but will do weekly)
I relapsed yesterday cause of bad mood, my mind looked for instant gratification and ya I fell for the trap. Starting again it’s been 1day and few hrs now. Spent my evening on personal stuff like learning about 3D modeling. Looking forward to spend more time in this weekend.
No urges today, focused on my personal goals.
Mention not Bro.
That’s great . Keep it up.
Relapse report. I relapsed on Day 12.
Reason: My brain was already in craving mode but it hid itself. It all started with when I decided to eat while watching anime. At the back of my mind I knew I was hoping to see something triggering.
1st reason my brain gave is I’m just gonna watch anime and I won’t PMO.
Next thing u know I was exposed to various triggers and each time my pleasure seeking mind grew more in control and my logical/ self control mind grew weaker. I was literally giving away control.
Next, I stop feeling pleasure from triggers and hence I needed actual nudity. I was already not in control, my self control self was reduced to just a voice in my head and I chose to ignore it. I searched nudity…
After that, I thought I can stop. But my pleasure seeking mind gave a reason that your balls are already filled with semen, just release it.
I relapsed
Anti Reason:
Triggers give away control. You will definitely relapse. You are an addict trying to break free. It’s too much on stake so DON’T EAT WHILE WATCHING ANIME/MOVIES
You are always in control unless you give away the control so don’t cry after relapsing on your powerlessness.
You can always stop. Doesn’t matter how far you’ve gone. It’s always better than a relapse.
Future Strategy: If I can control my eyes from watching triggers, I won’t give away control and I won’t relapse. I shall not follow these footsteps of Satan.
Post Relapse Feelings: I felt that the compulsion to watch p was silenced but it’s not for long actually. I felt hopeless. I felt afraid of the future failures. I felt afraid that when I will get married, I won’t be able to perform. My dark secret will be exposed to my wife and trust will be lost.
The actual pleasure of relapse was not even for 1 complete minute and yet this compulsion is strong. Damn. I need to go through hell to be free. It will take me at least 6 months to 1 year to completely rewire.
Day 1 no-fap journey.
Mind urges:
Today was a normal day…
With the age of social media soft porn, triggers are almost impossible to avoid.
I am on a 9 day streak and I’ve come this far after several years. One of the strategies that helped me to sail through the most difficult days this time around was to ‘snap out of it’. Whenever my mind starts running in the wrong direction, i just snap myself out of it. I know this doesn’t sound very effective. And you’re right, it isn’t because the urges will be back in minutes if not seconds. But I snap myself out of it again and again and again. I’ve been relentless in this regard. I cannot let those urges take root. It’s like taking out that one weed from your garden before the seed pod bursts. Weeds will never stop popping up, and to protect your crop, you must take them out before they spread.
If you don’t snap out of it, your brain will start playing tricks on you. It’ll start negotiating with you. It’ll say, “this is not PMO so it’s ok”. And you’ll believe it although subconsciously you know where this is going. But you don’t snap out of it because that microdose of dopamine feels good.
Break the pattern buddy. SNAP OUT OF IT!
I totally agree really true
You definitely know what you are talking about.
That is what happened to me. That microdose!
@CoffeeMan thanks a lot for this insight Bro.
I’ll try this. Thanks buddy
Day 0 no-fap well lost but back again not giving up.
Mind urges:
Happiness: …
Day 1 no-fap it’s been going good so far and I am still strong.
Mind urges:
Day 2 no-fap journey. It’s been good normal as always.
Mind urges:
I just passed it. I will keep on going.
I have failed but I am still going.
Day 0 no-fap journey lasted 3 days now looking for 5.
Mental urges:
Happiness: …
Brother, do you exercise? @andythepro65
Yes bro I do exercise has helped me.
I coulnd’t go over 1 day and I just did I am recovering amazingly