The Path Less Travelled

A guy asked me a similar question. Here’s what I told him:

And also understand the addiction. Your brain has learned a pattern of getting easy dopamine kicks. Back when life used to be hard, and people didn’t have the comfort to watch porn and jerk off, they really had to work hard for that dopamine kick… Life is too easy now and people are getting used to instant gratification. You have to unlearn that. Understand that true happiness and pleasure is hard to achieve. When you crave for PMO, your brain is actually tricking you into getting a cheap dopamine hit. True pleasure will be when you work on yourself to become a more complete and confident man. Win a real woman’s heart enjoy true intimacy.

I’ve come this far after several years of failing. Maybe I just know what’s down the route of PMO so I just talk myself out of it. And i actually speak out loud when I’m doing that. I would go, “NO! NO! What’re you doing. You know what awaits you if you go down that path”…
When I say this I know the urges will be back in minutes to hours. I just talk myself out of it again.
Not letting my fellow companions down is also a motivation.
Not tainting my journal with an entry about relapse is another motivation.

Then there’s also a fear. I’m 28 now. I need to sort out my life asap. I cannot be a 30 year old Man and have no money, a fukall body, no skills to impress a real girl, no personality, confidence, etc. There’s an urgency to get my life in order and i cannot afford to lose any time jerking off to watching OTHER people have sex. I’d rather have actual sex or no sex at all.


Welcome to the community @zarin


I am glad i came across this, we need more masculine men in the society


I can add that masturbation is an act against your body, and since the body is an entity that’s different than your soul, it produces thoughts and send them to you your mind and spirit telling you did wrong. Body produces thoughts as the soul does, but this is hidden and it is not for public information. When you hit the gym your body communicates to you that he feels good and you feel good then, body is a living entity and when it dies you die. Isn’t that strange that everything evolve around body. So masturbation is an act against our bodies


The internet won’t show you this, because it doesn’t fit their narrative


The following was my response on a different topic to another user who had just relapsed. I am posting it here as a reminder to myself to keep employing this tactic in my own journey.

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That ‘snap out of it’ technique is really working. Because I know that I’m in a state wherein if I entertain those urges for even a little bit, I’ll be pushed over the edge. I don’t want to fall right back into the abyss I worked so hard to climb out of.


It feels like I’m walking a tight-rope. The margin for error is miniscule. All it will take is one mistake of giving in to my urges and I’ll fall into the chasm.
images (31)



On day 13 of my streak. Urges are getting stronger by the day. If this goes on, something inside me will break. Wether that’s my willpower or this bloody addiction is yet to be seen.

This is what dealing with urges feels like right now :point_down: (skip to 3:02)


It is normal, bit at the end, you will be glad that you overcome


Man! It’s like I’m going through a withdrawal. I feel like screaming at the top of my lungs so I can drown all these urges in the noise.

It’s like a horde of relentless zombies chasing after me. I’ve had a few close calls and I don’t know how long my ammunition of willpower is gonna last. Amidst all this chaos, there is a ray of hope. And that is the Rewire Community.

The Rewire Companion Forum is the Fortress I keep running back into for resupply and to revitalize. However, a man must venture out into the unknown if he wants to see progress. So I go out and take the zombies (urges) head on in hopes of breaking through one day to find the promised land.


Hey @CoffeeMan I am right here bro, remember you told me not to let my guard down yesterday, I would ask you to do the same today. It’s not a personal thing anymore, you are in this with me and every other person who is reading your day-to-day journey is getting his/her hopes high cause of you. You can’t disappoint them, bro, including me. Use that energy right now by doing some exercise, like do push-ups till failure, read some book, go for a walk, just fool that damn mind don’t let it trick you bro. :muscle:


Thanks bro! My resolve is stronger than ever. I’m not gonna disappoint my comrades. I worked out twice today to battle these urges bro. I’ve been constantly online on this forum for the last three hours. I’m gonna do whatever it takes. Failure is not an option. :fire:


A cute video I found on youtube.


Powerful quote


Man you found some anime crab there haha, he was tasting the spices first, if it is spicy or not. :joy:


:joy: :joy: :joy:I will show you one comment from that. Wait…


That’s the spirit, bro @CoffeeMan :fire:


These 2 comments cracked me up :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:
Specially the 2nd one