๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฏ ๐—Ÿ๐—”๐—ฆ๐—ง ๐— ๐—”๐—ก ๐—ฆ๐—ง๐—”๐—ก๐——๐—œ๐—ก๐—š ๐—–๐—›๐—”๐—Ÿ๐—Ÿ๐—˜๐—ก๐—š๐—˜

Rewards of this challenge:1000 INR

@_TIGER will give to the person who follows this 2 rule

1)daily check-in complete this for 365 days.(except 20 check in if any emergency in the year 2023)

Only one will get 1000 in this challenge. If someone missed 10 check in and did 365 no pmo days . And the another one missed 20 days check in and did 365 days no pmo days.
The winner will be the lower missed check in and the first person.

2)No pmo

To win the challenge;

365 days consecutive check in +365 days no pmo.

Hello brothers and sisters,
This is only for those who wants to change their life in 2023โ€ฆ you can add your name hereโ€ฆ we will collect all names who want to take this challengeโ€ฆ
But itโ€™s very hard challenge.this is only for courageous titans !!!
One relapse means :x: before your nameโ€ฆafter somedays everyone will eliminate from this challengeโ€ฆthe last person will be the king of this group !!! :smiling_imp::smiling_imp::smiling_imp:

no second chance !!! If you are thinking for second chance means you are not seriousโ€ฆyou are just wasting your timeโ€ฆ
@_TIGER can eliminate any player if he did any mistake in his streakโ€ฆbewareโ€ฆsomeone is watching your streak dailyโ€ฆ:fire: โ€ฆyou canโ€™t cheat :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:
one relapse means elimination
What will we do in 365 days???

"DAILY CHECK-IN " type in this group "check in "-streak(except for those who have no time or they are using r.c app very rarely)
post motivational videos and pics anything which helps in no fap.
post your daily routines hereโ€ฆ
if you are getting urges then talk with any companion hereโ€ฆ
read EASYPEASY book :books:
any doubt then ask hereโ€ฆ
remember 365 days no fap.

Urges Killer Steps:::

:fire:How to Deal with Urges ? :fire:

1]Take A Cold Shower Or Splash Cold Water On Your Face.

2]Exercise until you are exhausted

3]Block Porn using a screen accountability software or throw your phone.

4]Go for a walk

5]Listen to good music, Watch good stuff like good movies etc.

6]Start doing meditation :person_in_lotus_position:

7]Start studying, it will divert your mind. :books:

8]You can even help your mom to clean your house. ๐Ÿ’†โ€โ™€

9]Play any outdoor sport. This will help you to identify your insideโ€™s Ronaldo, pale, Tigerwoods, Sachin, Bolt etc.

10]Avoid Eating Onion and Garlic.

11]Record your Video while urge hits and watch it next time it hits you again.

12]Holding Your Breath

13]This is a very simple technique. Whenever you experience a strong urge, simply hold your breath!

14]Your body will often quickly forget about the urge as it deals with the sudden crisis of oxygen deprivation.

It is better to practice this technique with as little air in your lungs as possible (just push all the air out of your lungs by contracting your abdominal muscles before holding your breath), as the less air in your lungs, the faster your body will go into โ€œcrisis mode.โ€

If none of the suggestions given work, then lock your hands and feet LOL!
Moderator: @Binocular

add me and msg for any queries -uv0i08


Scorecard 1

:white_check_mark:97) zerpan 21M - lrsbt0
:white_check_mark:66) ramnaam 20M - gos160
:white_check_mark:68) realmana 26M - 10xu1k
:white_check_mark:85) Thar2523 20M - izfgog
:white_check_mark:87) ToughestManOnEarth 24M - my3l2h
:white_check_mark:91) wall-e 30M - 0ow5v1
:white_check_mark:24) DoneWithThisAddiction 18M - jkfu66
:white_check_mark:39):red_circle: ki11 ___ - t7tq7s
:white_check_mark:83) Sundhar 24M - whooiz
:white_check_mark:94) Wokjohnson 22M - 1874zj
:white_check_mark:34):red_circle: Jeet_hogi_MeRi __M - cxsrod
:white_check_mark:47) MumenRider506 27M - 3sfbdj
:white_check_mark:69) roshan2304 29M - ghn9mr
:white_check_mark:2):red_circle: AbsolutReigner __M - nu0mxl
:white_check_mark:32) imraj 21M - lk8wa1
:white_check_mark:20) chad8899 20 M -l5zvdu
:white_check_mark:10):red_circle: Ankit56762 __M - a2sjwg
:white_check_mark:31) IhrsAnsirk 17M - 25end8
:white_check_mark:36) KaiForever 20M - arkw7w
:white_check_mark:89) Vikram Singh Rathore 24M - kmw6gh
:white_check_mark:6) Alexis14 18M - c3luw3
:white_check_mark:30) Hitler9Budhha 17 - r4i3n2
:white_check_mark:16) Bakugo 23M - nm0vj1 (Skull Knight)
:white_check_mark:40) K.VASHANTKUMAR 18M - g3k8uz

:x:27) FanopyGuy 26M - uqkkij
:x:33):red_circle: InfinitelyStrong __M - 1mskf2
:x:35) journey_to_themonk 25M - 5mg257
:x:51) nhkb 18M - 2mlzvg
:x:54) NofapperAADI 15M - bbp87b
:x:57)noob1016 22M - r3gv52
:x:61):red_circle: PaarthNF123 __M - 91xes2
:x:78) Shreyjain712 17M - uv0i08
:x:79) simba92 22M - 7b0k7s
:x:80) since15 _39M - b0nbvv
:x:84) Survivor2002 20M - q0ikvd
:x:88) valiant_warrior 22M - aeo22v
:x:92) Weise 7M - ogh3in
:x:98) _TIGER 22M - uv0i08
:x:95) yashnofap01 19M - o4889f
:x:81) SigmaGigachad 69M - upyeaf
:x:102) knightgreen 00M-nzakd9
:x:11) AnonymousDH 18M - 4mzezt
:x:17) basanaruga 31M - 9q46nf
:x:52) Nofap_beginner 16M - 4agj6a
:x:103)blackbeard 00M-7po8fd
:x:3):red_circle: Ace062698 __M - jt9spx
:x:99) 101nofappist 22M - j72kiv
:x:75) shahzaib609 20M - mj6ju0
:x:67) randomguy25121980 22M - 6nr2m2
:x:72):red_circle: sahil74 __M - ovwqgq
:x:42) Loser105 16M - scncu3
:x:7) Alex2121 19M - 0p4yej
:x:25):red_circle: Duele __M - f90gob
:x:96) you.know.me 20M - bfnfi8
:x:46) Mrballer 27M - isbus8
:x:100) 22September2021 20M - lweter
:x:26) enlightenmetal 28M - jxsic7
:x:14):red_circle: atif __M - qv8dwo
:x:1) Abhi 22M - i3btog
:x:22) DARSHAN2017 21M - ojj02m
:x:23) DiTouZu 21M - 3yeek0
:x:45) McAwesomeville 24M - gdi758
:x:49) nagsfit 24M - c8vvfy
:x:58):red_circle: NXGhost __M - g2kj4u
:x:64) Purity 11 - faeext
:x:101)mortalmortal 00M-23zcv1
:x:15) ayushbantaiji 21M - thzmo5
:x:28) FatalPhantom 21M - 6pc148
:x:48) mystery69 24M - 81npeg
:x:71) SageModeBaryon 22M - ta1diy
:x:90) WalKir 16M - mo4wcc
:x:9) andythepro65 18M - f7vg8s
:x:37):red_circle: kaijin __M - 2nfhzt
:x:82) STORY_OF_A_GREAT_LOSER 18M - dbrmpu
:x:5) allenwallah 16M - i70sfx
:x:21) changer1523 22M - hiv1dr
:x:53) NoFaoMaster 22M - t5bggj
:x:76) Sherlock221B78 23M - roxide
:x:13) Ash_Matt 19M - zs7f7h
:x:60) Onizuka 20M - uqqatv
:x:38) KarmaYogi 30M - thxmdu
:x:74) sat483 32M - ghbwf5
:x:52) Nofap_beginner 16M - 4agj6a
:x:70):red_circle: SaAvey36 __M - 7f29fe
:x:56) noobbrain 36M - 7rx4a6
:x:18) Binocular 15M - 4e8x24
:x:44) madguts 30M - dajshz
:x:41) lasha23 22M - poutoh
:x:19) Bramachari 16M - h1u6by
:x:8) Aman1 26M - rwxg04
:x:63) PK 20M - t9w0si
:x:93) Winter457 21M - 5cytfk
:x:29) hellojaani 28M - a9518e
:x:59) Odd1843 34M - a87b90
:x:12) an23 18M - 3vwrt9
:x:4) AdityaBahira 19M - jjcy7s
:x:62) Pingpong1 22M - q2wnau
:x:65) rajameghanan 17M - p54vg3
:x:55) nofapstar123 - 18M - ea1v0q
:x:73) Samaranjay 24M - rsf37c
:x:43) mac333 34M - 6a53eo

Entries are closed, if you want to join then add your name in Scoreboard 2.

Scoreboard 1 details:

:white_check_mark: = Added user
:red_circle: = Must complete writing personal informations (Age / Gender / Sharing code)
:brown_circle: = invalid sharing code.


Scoreboard 2

:white_check_mark:1) Abhi 22M - i3btog
:white_check_mark:2):red_circle: Ace062698 __M - jt9spx
:white_check_mark:3) Alex2121 19M - 0p4ye
:white_check_mark:4) allenwallah 16M - i70sfx
:white_check_mark:5) ambitious_soul 00M-v3xiks
:white_check_mark:6) andythepro65 18M - f7vg8s
:white_check_mark:7):red_circle: atif __M - qv8dwo
:white_check_mark:8) ayushbantaiji 21M - thzmo5
:white_check_mark:9) DARSHAN2017 21M - ojj02m
:white_check_mark:10) DiTouZu 21M - 3yeek0
:white_check_mark:11):red_circle: Duele __M - f90gob
:white_check_mark:12) enlightenmetal 28M - jxsic7
:white_check_mark:13) FatalPhantom 21M - 6pc148
:white_check_mark:14):red_circle: kaijin __M - 2nfhzt
:white_check_mark:15):red_circle: knightgreen 28M -
:white_check_mark:16) Loser105 16M - scncu3
:white_check_mark:17) McAwesomeville 24M - gdi758
:white_check_mark:18) mortalmortal 00M-23zcv1
:white_check_mark:19) Mrballer 27M - isbus8
:white_check_mark:20) mystery69 24M - 81npeg
:white_check_mark:21) nagsfit 24M - c8vvfy
:white_check_mark:22):red_circle: NXGhost __M - g2kj4u
:white_check_mark:23)Onizuka 20M - uqqatv
:white_check_mark:24):red_circle: ordinary_nut11 __M -
:white_check_mark:25) Purity 11 - faeext
:white_check_mark:26) randomguy25121980 22M - 6nr2m2
:white_check_mark:27):red_circle: Saavey __M - 7f29fe4
:white_check_mark:28) SageModeBaryon 22M - ta1diy
:white_check_mark:29):red_circle: sahil74 __M - ovwqgq
:white_check_mark:30) shahzaib609 20M - mj6ju0
:white_check_mark:31) STORY_OF_A_GREAT_LOSER 18M - dbrmpu
:white_check_mark:32) TheMclarenf1Q 21M - dq5ddp
:white_check_mark:33) WalKir 16M - mo4wcc
:white_check_mark:34) You.Know.Me 20M - bfnfi8
:white_check_mark:35) 101nofappist 22M - j72kiv
:white_check_mark:36) 22September2021 20M - letter
:white_check_mark:37) xevo 1 M-bac09g
:white_check_mark:38) changer1523 22M - hiv1dr
:white_check_mark:39) NoFaoMaster 22M - t5bggj
:white_check_mark:40) Sherlock221B78 23M - roxide
:white_check_mark:41) Ash_Matt 19M - zs7f7h
:white_check_mark:42) TheLost 17M - 1b0zln
:white_check_mark:43) NeverGiveup420 26M - 0duzj7
:white_check_mark:44) karmayogi 30M - thxmdu
:white_check_mark:45) PK 20M - t9w0si
:white_check_mark:46) Sat483 32M - ghbwf5
:white_check_mark:47)lasha23 22m- poutoh
:white_check_mark:49)Aditya bahira 19M-jjcy7s
:white_check_mark:50) SwatiV 19F - iz905l
:white_check_mark:51) letsdoitthistym 24M - chnvsc
:white_check_mark: 52)LL667788 00M - ojnwlb
:white_check_mark: 53) WalkwithoutFear 26M - 826714
:white_check_mark: 54) Nofap_Beginner 16M - 4agj6a
:white_check_mark: 55) J Prasannajit 18M - mdxzxb
:white_check_mark: 56) Ritvikraga 18M -
:white_check_mark: 57) Yashnofap01 (19M) - o4889f
:white_check_mark: 58) sugrillos (31M) - eoikk4
:white_check_mark: 59) 5th Dimension (32M) - 6wb7zy
:white_check_mark: 60) Jank135 18M k6wpzb

Scoreboard 2 details:

:white_check_mark: = Added user
:red_circle: = Must complete writing personal informations (Age / Gender / Sharing code)


Please add me in this challenge,
sharing code: nu0mxl


Bro add me in this group code:g3k8uz.


Check in
Bro add me
Name- Raj
Code - lk8wa1


Add your name in the scoreboard

Bro made this as a scoreboard @debellator

Bro please join for this battle


Challenge starts from 1st Jan 2023 or from now


1Jan 2023 00.00 amโ€ฆ

This is the most awaited challenge every year, I felt really good just by seeing the title :muscle::joy:


Some people have written 00M :joy:, you are supposed to mention your age and gender, like mine is 24M
24 years old male.


Too early to start no fap.

But wait itโ€™s tooooo early to fap .


Let me try. Letโ€™s do our best. But donโ€™t say 2023 start and fap now.
i cannot edit the scoreboard sorry!

Name - noobbrain 36M
Sharing code - 7rx4a6


Iโ€™m in! I have been relapsing for the whole last year and promised myself that this one is my final NoPMO journey. I have important exams next year so my mind must be sharp, I cannot induldge in PMO again. Relapsing is a total failure for me. Count me in



Add me as well:
basanaruga, 9q46nf
31 years of age, male


Add me. Please . I can win


ฮ‘dd me 0p4yej. Lets go


Add me as wellโ€ฆ โ€œFanopyGuyโ€


I am in for this challenge my code is j72kiv


You can add me too


Im pretty sure ill fail but add me to the challenge I wanna see how far I can go.

My code is: f7vg8s

My name is andythepro65