The Mini Challenge

Im so pleased I’m on 14 days hard mode completely clean no porn, no ejaculation , no master-batering (definitely mastered that one so no more practice needed lol) and that’s largely thanks to a public recommitment with a friend at church and accountability software on all devices. It’s no fool proof because I can turn it off and there are other methods to access softer material but I’ve committed myself to living differently and in spite of urges and some frustration and anger over other issues and that kind of caged energy I’m doing well so far. I’m not kidding myself it’s gonna require continued effort and vigilance. My thanks to all in this group and the app itself; it all helps and forerunner you are proving by example that conquering this addiction is a possibility and if we fall down then damn it we get back up again and continue and get another streak going.
Amen selah but what a battle this is but I believe damn it WE believe its worth it or we wouldn’t be bloody doing this! This is better than the God forsaken alternative of being stuck in depression, self pity and going bloody nowhere in life.
Still trying to work this out in terms of almost having permission to have a relationship and wether that would cause a relapse is it even worth dating at the mo if it’s gonna screw your streak over?? I don’t know


@Rebooter81 That’s awesome news brother! And very well said!

What did you mean about dating and your streak?

Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.
James 1:12


Getting back into speed, thank GOD.

Morning Routine: :white_check_mark:
Wake Up by 6AM: :white_check_mark:
Three Important Tasks: :white_check_mark:

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@Forodwaith @Forerunner @anon67854825 @Rebooter81

Came back today from my retreat. I had a very peaceful time, had the occasion to stop for a couple of days and reflect on my life in general, my no PMO journey, my future, me and the Lord only.

I really found some new peace and one of the things that I took home is the realization that God loves us, our lives are precious to Him, and everything, including our falls and mistakes are seen by Him with eyes of compassion, love and mercy. He proved it by going down to earth and giving his life for us on the Cross.

This realization only was a boost of confidence for me, nothing can hurt us and put us down if we are close to God, and if we make mistakes just come back to Him, he already forgave us, it’s us that we are not able to accept ourselves and forgive our mistakes sometimes.

@anon67854825 thanks for all the prayers and support brother, I really admire the enthusiasm you show sometimes in your posts! It really is a blessing that we found ourselves on this forum with all the other companions, so glad we are here together to make our lives the best they have ever been!



Amen @Gk-00 :pray: great post :pray:
@Forodwaith @Rebooter81 @Forerunner

It’s late and I’ve already written something below, that to me, felt lengthy.

Exercise = nope
Prayer/journey = :+1::pray:
Social/attentive = slowly pushing limitations
New = I’m sometimes contrived

Thanks be to God :pray: good night friends :pray:

[rabbling thoughts I needed to put down]
-I may edit this over time-

I wonder whether people dislike religion, because of corruption, scandal and hypocrisy, and the idea of mind-control.

People want innate concepts that go beyond human creation - something real, true and eternal.
Divine justice,
But also divine mercy, understanding for their failings.
And also divine boundaries and morals, to live upto and keep.

Being able to go back to the comfort of wise loving parents - wise old people we can look upto and adore.

Their dislike, is an idea of hate targeted at the loss of that safe house.

I can make arguments as to why their dislike is mistaken - but -while I don’t believe in donatism, and even though I’m not a clergyman- being a living example is the best gift we can give them. :pray:

“He sent us to bring good news to the poor,
Tell prisoners; that they are prisoners no more,
Tell blind people that they can see, and set the down-trodden free”

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Sunday/Week 49

:white_check_mark: 7/7 Wake up 5:00
:white_check_mark: 5/7 Affirmations
:white_check_mark: 6/7 Meditation
:white_check_mark: 5/7 Exercise

Week Result :palm_tree: :palm_tree:

Week 46 :gem: 78.57%
Week 47 :gem: 60.71%
Week 48 :gem: 75.00%
Week 49 :gem: 82.14%


Just thinking that because I’m feeling vulnerable at only 2 weeks in any successful interaction with girls leading to a cuddle say for example or just anything could be fatal for my streak as it will trigger all that desire, frustration etc

This post won’t send for some reason ??



@Forodwaith @Gk-00 @Forerunner

Lots of thoughts have been coming to mind in the past week, my dreams are potent, and experiencing a lot of synchronicity, or for me - little glimpses of God’s reassurance.

I’ve worn this necklace for years - how often I haven’t thought about it, let alone even try to reflect on it.

It’s taken years of falling, only to go to confession countless of times; embarrassed, confused, ashamed, joyful, glad and earnestly.
Keep seeking :pray:

Thank you for sharing this video with me @Rebooter81

And this great quote you made “Word studies, intriguing, except sometimes misses the point, lose sight of the forest because of staring at one tree - as it were”

Hope you don’t mind me sharing - too late :sweat_smile:

“Before a word is on my tongue Lord, it’s meaning you know through & through, when I walk or lie down you are before me, ever the keeper and maker of my days” :pray:


I have had some significant phone issues and got cut off of data. It exposed my over dependence on technology and I need to make some serious strides to live a more Spirit lead life. In other words, I need a deeper repentance.

In my frustration I acted out yesterday morning. I became even more deeply depressed and hit a very deep low yesterday. I am also struggling in my relationships at work. I feel judged by so of them and it seems like we have such different values. Perhaps I’m the one judging as well and need to humble myself more and move in love.

There are so many areas where I feel low but I trust that my God is bigger then all of this and able to save me.

@anon67854825 @Gk-00 @Forerunner


Agh man, I wanna hug you @Forodwaith
Thanks for posting, and being here.
I wish I had some magic words for you right now :pray:


Thank you @anon67854825, I could use a hug.



@anon67854825 @Forodwaith @Forerunner @Rebooter81

@Forodwaith I will pray for you brother :pray:

Today was a good day. Been at university all day working, before coming back home I went to Mass. I also did some physical exercise at home after dinner. I want to keep some positive habits going, and a strong spiritual life, to keep alive the flame that the Lord lit up during my retreat.

Thanks to God for today :v:


@BruceLee Yes bro! :confetti_ball:
@anon67854825 Lovely necklace!
Man…808 days. Thanks for that share brother.
@Forodwaith You’re loved bro. We’re with you in this. :green_heart:


Balance is not easy to maintain at all.

Morning Routine: :white_check_mark:
Wake Up by 6AM: :white_check_mark:
Three Important Tasks: :white_check_mark:

New video - Tomorrow is TOO LATE!


Monday/Week 50

:white_check_mark: 1/7 Wake up 5:00
:white_check_mark: 1/7 Affirmations
:white_check_mark: 1/7 Meditation
:white_check_mark: 1/7 Exercise
:white_check_mark: 1/7 Worship


@Forodwaith it is a blessed thing you can see the need for love and humility in your work place.
It is a great opportunity to be Christ-like, and give it up to the Lord :pray:
I’ll be praying for peace of mind.


Bless you all. Well I masturbated last night in bed it felt like a reset except I didnt look at porn so now I’ve got 2 counters one for not viewing porn and one for not masturbating. It was stupid because it was avoidable , been feeling so much anger lately those strong emotions that are enhanced when we deny ourselves release.
Must remember to pray for you all and keep disciplined which by nature I am not. The accountability software has saved me from viewing porn for over 2 weeks at least…
Shalom Rbtr81


I am frustrated that I relapsed this morning. It was a slow kind of push the envelope session that started on Instagram. I was able to stop though and it did not lead to O. I’m setting. A mini-goal of three days and see where I can go from there.

@anon67854825 @Gk-00 @Forerunner


Tuesday - Day 180! :pray:t5: :raised_hands:t5: :bowing_man:t5:

Morning Routine: :white_check_mark:
Wake up by 6AM: :white_check_mark:
Three Important Tasks: :x:



@anon67854825 @Forerunner @Forodwaith @Rebooter81

All good. Been at university all day, then went to Mass before coming home as usual. I’m struggling with waking up early in the morning lately, I end up going to bed late because of YouTube and I delay my waking up as a result of this, I need to put more effort in my sleep schedule.

But apart from that, I’m happy with this day :slight_smile:

@Forerunner congratulations man! Wow I admire you so much, enjoy this very important achievement my friend, you deserve it!

I want to be up there with you someday, one day at a time :muscle:



Glad to see your enthusiasm and reflection
@Rebooter81 @Forodwaith @Gk-00 and achievements @Forerunner :+1:

Tai Chi, social, reflective in other areas of my life today, moments of saying “yes” and moments of “shall we do…? Let’s do this…?”

Of course, places of weakness,
but in God, life is an adventure.

What lessons do I need to learn?
I can be ocd, contrived.

Heard the Genesis story recently; the Harmony they lived in - prompted me.
How often do we live peacefully and in harmony, things are good, we feel saved, comfortable, then start touching? Lusting?
Me - many many times. Baka-yaro! :man_facepalming:t2:

It was your post @Forerunner Joshua 1:9
“sure that’s on my necklace” :thinking:
[Checks necklace] :man_facepalming:t2::sweat_smile::+1:

Didn’t respond straight away, as I didn’t want to take it so lightly :pray:

Thanks be to God for the today :pray:


Tuesday/Week 50

:white_check_mark: 2/7 Wake up 5:00
:white_check_mark: 2/7 Affirmations
:white_check_mark: 2/7 Meditation
:white_check_mark: 2/7 Exercise
:white_check_mark: 2/7 Worship