@Gk-00 @Forodwaith @Forerunner
I prayed for you guys today
Thanks be to God you’re doing OK @Gk-00
Yes, let’s build up a new foundation with and for God God dwells within us, let’s keep bringing it to light in the hope people will stop and say “why is he so happy? how can I be like that?” and learn ultimate happiness comes with God.
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Prayer always, always seek God
I was thinking of you today @Forerunner
I was thinking of your high streak and how you empty yourself and always give it up to God everyday with His will.
I’m scared to have a top heavy streak - you don’t yet keep adding to it with Thanks and Gladness.
It’s a truly marvelous streak.
I’m always thinking of you @Forodwaith
You are humble and yes, Jesus is in everything, even in the sewers
I’ve known it in theory, but when life really gets tough, and I think I need to be strong, He always shines a light when I turn to Him.
My weakness becomes a strength in His presence.
Today was a good day.
My alarm pierced through my sleep.
On the walk to church I started waking up, realising I wasn’t as tired as my thoughts led me to believe. My body clock is switching back to normal - I’ve done lots of work, but it’s only a few weeks 'til my deadline, yet to be followed by final work and final preparation.
Mass was funny, it was the lovely reclusive retired Priest - who got a bit muddled up at times with the procession of Mass.
I had confession with him afterwards,
Eager to carry on my spiritual journey - like I’d been doing with my favourite much younger Priest (a bit weird like me)
I told the retired priest my sins, where I was, and how eager I was to get answers and build up my foundation, he just gave me the same old “have a crucifix on your phone” etcetera
I wanted him to go into depth about sin, selfishness and be blunt with me - I didn’t get that at all haha He gave me a Psalm to read as penance, and when I got around to reading it in a nearby coffee shop with a regular black coffee, (which was more like bowl of hot black water)
I was as disappointed with it as the coffee - Thinking he gave me the wrong one, I kept guessing, modifying the Psalm numbers, 129?139? 29?
Reading them, not necessarily deeply reflecting on them, but hoping to find the one he reffered to, I saw I’d got an email about the folk music for Mass the week after next - The first hymn happened to be the one I’d been humming and reflecting on the past few days.
“Jesus Christ is Waiting - Jesus Christ is Raging”
I wanted an answer, and I got it, the answer was “Yes” - I already have what I need - “Yes” - I want to rage like Jesus in God’s Temple.
The Mass is two weeks away, so it says to me - I only need to focus on what I already have and this new addition to my journey.
He is everywhere, and we find answers in places we hadn’t looked, and in the places that have always been right in front of us this whole time
I know there’s lot of ways to motivate and ideas to be had in this journey, I could do it with a blind fold, I could do it with fallacious ideas and see my streak grow higher, adjusting faults along the way, but God’s house is all I care about now, not to be built but to be invited into through faith and persistent knocking.
I thought about not writing all of this, and how tiring it might be for other people on this app, they might say “Oh ffs dude. Just don’t Fap, get a higher streak. You’ve gotta chill out with the God stuff”
But anyway, that’s the damned in me talking.
What is humility?
Is it not living in the truth, recognising the truth?
Is humility not be oneself fully?
Being oneself without seeking praise, without fearing criticism?
I think humility is also holding one’s tongue, wanting truth, and having capacity to receive.
I feel I’m full at the moment but the day is done, and like @Forerunner give it back to God.
I pray to follow, to keep close and let go of complexities
“Make fit to wait on you”
Thanks be to God for the Priests, Imams, Monks, Gurus and All who devote their lives to bringing others to you
I look forward to tomorrow’s Psalm.
It maybe unexpected, and not what I hoped for, but I will listen