The Mini Challenge


Stayed home today, I had some chores to do. In the afternoon I went for a cycle in the park and did some push-ups and sit-ups at half way. Did not pray today.

Feeling good, no cravings so far, I probably still have to go through the hardest urges but I think I’m approaching this differently this time, my decision is to leave PMO behind for the rest of my life!

@Forodwaith @anon67854825 how was your day? In the past days i’ve been praying for you brothers, and all other companions!


Thank you @Gk-00 :pray:
And hope you are finding time to slow down @Forodwaith :pray:

Friday - I struggled today, but I know I want to take it one step at a time with God alone -
Our Father :pray:


Easier said than done but yes, that is where much of the battle takes place.


Thank you for your prayers.

I am now in Day Two of my reboot. I feel like things are changing got he too. A peculiar closeness of the Lord and his voice of council and guidance. May I be so bold to think that we are all feeling something because God is indeed doing something? I trust so, and it encourages me all the more to persevere with his help.

:dove: :o:
:man_in_lotus_position:t3: :o:
:no_mobile_phones: :o:
:ledger: :x:

@anon67854825 @Gk-00


I’ve finished work now

A few, very few exercises, and some before bed.
Apart from this morning, I’ve barely been idle.
I haven’t consciously prayed much, but have reflected and looked at some scripture :pray:



A day of helping with kids at voluntary work, in the afternoon and evening had time to rest. All good :+1:

@Forodwaith @anon67854825 how is it going?



@Forodwaith @Gk-00

I wanted to go to confession today.
I thought work would get in the way, and I’d just have to make it another time, knowing God knows my heart.

I managed to get to church, I got there in good time.
There were quite a few people and a guy sat in the front of me in the queue - but we’re all relaxed folk, scattered over a few pews, it was obvious there was a queue - but the longer confessions took the more it seemed unluckily to make one.
I got anxious knowing that guy had pushed in front, while someone was taking a really long time :pray::pray::pray:
So I just kept going back to God, being told to have patience.

(“The desire to pray is prayer” a famous theologian said - I just remembered)

It was always about patience from the start.
Another guy sat down in front of me :weary: and the church was filling up for evening Mass… :clock3:
God wants what’s best for me, us.
We’re made in his likeness,
“God cannot reject himself” the priest told me.

After the first guy who’d sat in front of me came out and closed the door, I rushed to get in, I was anticipating the light to go off, and the door to lock, as it was really close to Mass starting and the priest obviously had to prepare, but luckily I got in, made my simple clear confession, expound a little on my ‘being’, my spiritual journey and this community. The priest blew my mind, again! And is helping me come closer to God :pray:

I walked home and prayed a Hail Mary for you guys, and carried you in my mind with Our Holy Mother. I prayed for our weak moments that we may be strong. I pray it again :pray:

Exercise - minimal :pray: (now - :+1:)
Media - minimal :+1:
Seek God - :pray: Can never do enough :pray:

Glory to God in the Highest, Peace on earth to people of good will.
(and good will to people without peace) :pray::heart:


Day Three

Yesterday was my day of rest which impacts some of my mini-challenges. I went to worship this morning and got washed in the Word. I’m keeping on this journey with you guys, thank you for the prayers. Will be praying for you too!

:dove: :o:
:man_in_lotus_position:t3: :o:
:no_mobile_phones: :o:
:ledger: :x:

@anon67854825 @Gk-00


Your a good man @anon67854825. Keep at it brother.


Day 0, the last straw.

I feel so bad, i failed again, and it was the last straw, because it’s killing me.

If i will fail again, then fuck my life and i will say hello to the PMO addiction.
This addiction is so powerfull you just can’t believe it. a drug, which drinks all your energy and the purpose of life!. I will take my last chance guys, if i will fail, i will quit the rewire.

Sun 15/9/2019.

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@anon80614957 It doesn’t matter how many times you fail, this community, and I are always here to give support and encouragement.

Good technique requires, patience, persistence and to be relaxed.

The guys who go heavy at the gym becomes muscle bound, stiff and inflexible.

Life is chaotic and unpredictable - survival not of the toughest, but the most adaptable.

Know and lay each brick with care, and build a good structure :pray:


@anon80614957 never lose hope man! Every one of us deserves a better life!

Even if you are not succeeding in leaving PMO behind, I bet you that all the times you tried it was surely worth it, rather than spending those days binging and full of misery.

That’s what I see in my journey anyway. I am not free yet, only time will tell, but I’m so happy to be here in this community and fighting for a better life!



All good. Today I stayed at home with my family.

Prayer: went to Mass in the morning, and took a moment to read the Gospel and pray in the afternoon.

Physical exercise: push-ups, sit-ups

Next week I will be studying as usual, l want to keep a tight schedule and use my time well! :muscle:

@anon67854825 @Forodwaith



Hey brothers @Forodwaith @Gk-00

Media - minimal - [just rewire] :+1:
Exercise - non yet :pray: - [after this post] :+1:
Prayer - yep - morning/evening Mass, and prayed for you guys :pray:
Today’s Gospel was extremely profound.
The Priest’s Homily was amazing.

Prayed for you @anon80614957 @Positivebloke
and myself to have patience, to trust God working in other’s lives.


One of the most important parts of victory is resolving not to give up no matter how many times you’ve failed. Dust yourself of and choose to live in love.


Day Four

I attended the international service activities at my church later in the day and rested in between. Don’t good but know the need to stay humble. I have been able to seek healthy connection with those around me which helps displace unhealthy counterfeits.

I’m struggling to add my journal challenge so I need to start preparing for bed earlier.

:dove: :o:
:man_in_lotus_position:t3: :o:
:broom: :o:
:no_mobile_phones: :o:
:ledger: :x:

@anon67854825 @Gk-00



All good, working on my thesis all day as usual, enjoyed the company of my colleagues during breaks.
Did not go to church today, could’ve done it but did not want to come back home too late… Sometimes my laziness wins over :frowning_face:

@anon67854825 @Forodwaith how was your day?



@Gk-00 @Forodwaith

I’m really well and it’s been a great day ~
Thanks be to God.

This morning I was idle and blurry, and had a fall :pray: but I’m all good.

I’ve done a few exercises just now but not a lot.
And it’s been a very prayerful insightful day :pray:

At the moment, my elderly friend and I are working late nights, with little time until our deadline.
Today he had loads of forgotten orchestrating to do that only he could do, so after our errands, I left him to it, but he quickly felt mentally exhausted, and I quickly felt sad and concerned, wishing I’d sat and accompanied him. I was a bit anxious and eager, and wanted to get on with lots of work while he took a long nap.
But after checking through some of my work I thought I *needed to do I felt some relief, and decided to go to evening Mass instead.
(I’ve still got lots to do - but we’re getting there)

The walk to church was moving as I thought about my recent thoughts, dreams, relation to God, the nofap journey ‘my journey’ and some of the great sources of inspiration from others here. Notably @Forerunner’s journey and @neveragaintw’s old post ‘advise for newbies’

What advise would you give to companions in this journey? What are the things that most benefits you, and possibly others the most? What truths have you noticed?

After Mass when I got back, I had supper with my friend, sat with him enjoying the time just being there while he worked on horn parts, taking tea breaks and watching bits of an old TV series :smile: it really helped him me just being there - Thanks be to God -

Thanks be to God for today :pray:

Today I bought myself an inexpensive classic cologne - No.4711 - it’s an old German cologne, from Cologne (Köln) first made in 1792. It’s light, refreshing and simple. I’m completely in love with it. Brilliant blind buy :smile:


Day Five

Things went mostly well but need to make sure I guard against selfish desire and seek the Lord’s will.

:dove: :o: :x: → mostly kept in step but slipped and need to be more careful
:broom: :o:
:no_mobile_phones: :o:
:man_in_lotus_position:t3: :o:
:ledger: :o:

@anon67854825 @Gk-00


Now I’m interested in getting that cologne, lol!