The Mini Challenge


Yesterday I went to bed without posting, so I will post on today’s (monday) morning. I went to Mass as usual, then I went hiking all day on the mountains with a bunch of friends, a very good day!

Unfortunately I also relapsed before going to bed, I’m not feeling motivated right now, just giving in to the urges. I want to explore again my motivations, and find new foundations for my streak, closer to God this time.

@Forodwaith @anon67854825



Day of work at university, but after I came home I relapsed. Just before posting I relapsed a second time. After breaking a good streak I feel unmotivated and need a few days to get back on track, but relapsing every day will surely not do me any good! Hope to find new energy soon, I want to be up to speed with you guys!

@anon67854825 @Forodwaith


Hang in there and don’t give up. :pray:t2:

Day Twelve for me. I’m doing well enough, need to stay humble.

:dove: :o:
:man_in_lotus_position:t3: :o:
:broom: :o:
:no_mobile_phones: :o:
:ledger: :x: I had company over until late last night so I went to bed as soon as they left.

@anon67854825 @Gk-00


Monday ~

@Gk-00 @Forodwaith and other companions.
I prayed for you this evening at Mass :pray:

The gospel took on more new meaning for me, and was once again stunned.
I’m extremely fortunate. Thanks be to God.

It’s been a busy successful day of work :pray:
I surely want to keep on this path, and pray for peace, love of God & of my neighbour -
to be cool, calm, collected and courageous, and to gain wisdom along this path - I put all my faith in you :palms_up_together:


Prayerful day :pray::+1: work got intense towards the end of the night - I could’ve been less awkward, but it doesn’t mean other people will be perfect.
I forgive others, and love them regardless of human weakness, especially my own.
Faith, Hope, Charity :pray: :dove:

A few simple exercises :+1:

And watched very little YouTube :+1:

Other news;
Your Sunday sounded really nice @Gk-00
Hiking in the mountains all day with friends sounds awesome. Its lovely to imagine.

I bought “Your brain on ■■■■” on seeing all the recommendations. I’ll read it with God :wink::pray:


Day 13

Swamped at work so mini-challenge is taking a back seat. I’m doing mostly well otherwise.




@Forodwaith @Gk-00
How are you guys doing?

Exercised :+1:
x10 of 10 sec;
Opposite arm/leg extensions
Foetal position/spin extension curl

A moment of idle YouTube :pray:

I didn’t pray so much today :pray:

Warning, please excuse my long post

This morning frustrated with my friend getting frustrated.
Frustration turned into concern, into pity, sorrow, resolve, charity, relax, calm, urge, idle, seek comfort, lust - remembering, waking up, faith.
I could’ve called on God often, but got wrapped up in the moment.

Carried on with work, some stressful moments, stayed cool, though we both have fire/ego for desiring outcomes - completing so as to breath a sigh of relief.

That sigh and breathe of relief is here now,
it’s foolish to think otherwise.
“to those that have shall be given, to those who have little - even that will be taken”
Fear and worry are of the evil one, not God :pray:

God’s way is grace and abundance, not something we earn, but something offered.

Far too often it’s easy to forget, only seeing what’s infront of us, but not at the end of our nose.
Far too often it’s easy to forget, to want to tread our own path, to try to build our own house, we become orphans of God, yet to knock on His door in times of distress. Foolish.
If you want brunch with God, have brunch with God, if you want a coffee and cigarette with him, do it, brush your teeth? Got to the bathroom with him :smile::dove:

It was nothing dramatic, major and unnormal today really - but it’s worth looking for wisdom.

My friend and I confessed our struggles to each other - it didn’t wipe away struggles but brought openness. He admitted his anger (turmoil) and raised, wanting to go to Church :pray::dove:

It’s not that people aren’t perfect,
It’s that we are not perfect - :pray:
The path seemed narrow today, unknowingly taking a step back, both of us holding onto our fear of failure - me taking a step back from God, getting frustrated by *unnecessaries.

What is necessary - people are met where they are. They’re understood and forgiven. Faith restored, comfort given.

Thanks be to God for today, the struggles and the lessons, and that you give relief.

Let me rage at injustice, to stay awake, to have wisdom, to keep your commands :pray:



Joining again, I pray you are all doing well brothers.

I’ll be committing once more to maintaining my morning routine, waking up by 6AM and staying awake, and completing 3 important tasks towards my goals.

@anon67854825 @Gk-00 @Forodwaith



I’m back. All good today, been at university all day and came home late. I made new commitments, I want to be free from PMO, let’s go again! I need to seek the Lord every day, only by staying close to Him I can live peacefully, and be of help to myself and others around me.

@anon67854825 @Forodwaith @Forerunner how are you?


@Gk-00 Glad to see you back in action brother!

Today has been a good day. I woke up late, but I’ve managed to get in quite a few tasks, and complete my morning routine.



@Gk-00 glad to see you back :wink:
@Forodwaith how’s things?
@Forerunner awesome to cruise with you :grin:

Exercise midday, afternoon, night ; :+1:
x30 push-ups, squats, leg/arm extensions
And a break from work for the steam rooms.

Limited media :+1:

I’ve been more relaxed today with work, some moments of reflection, effort to be calm but forward. A few stress moments - that’s work and life :smile: but we can always turn it around, be like salmon swimming up stream - standing outside worldly ways - and joyfully seek to be Christ-like.

We don’t give ourselves enough credit for all the good we do - it’s funny, we always feel the need to humble ourselves.
It’s probably worth some thought :thinking: sometime.

Luke 16:10 -
"He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much; and he who is unrighteous in a very little thing is unrighteous also in much.

Matthew 25:23 -
"His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful slave. You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master.’

Thanks be to God for today - help me rage at my injustices, always :pray:


@anon67854825 Great post brother - I reflected on those verses today.

Today was a great day, thank GOD! I woke up in good time, completed my morning routine and more than my three tasks for the day.



All good. All day at university following classes, then evening we celebrated birthday of a friend of mine. Really having intense days right now, going out early in the morning and coming back home late, tomorrow evening I will have time to slow down hopefully.

I went to Mass this morning! :pray: in this period i also pray the holy rosary every morning while walking to the train station, I remember you @anon67854825 @Forerunner @Forodwaith every day!



God bless you very much @Gk-00 :pray:
Hope you’re busy and well @Forodwaith
@Forerunner thank you for posting that video today - it’s truly special - thanks be to God :pray:
I’m rightly humbled by your words.

Prayer, Praise,
Philosophy/Psychology (reflection)
Physicality (exercise)
Profound, potent paths to Peace, To Our Padre.

Excercise : x10 of my routine :+1:

Media : it was a tough day, with idle moments, most of the day hanging around waiting :pray:
“Lord, give me the Grace to be adaptable,
the Strength to be decisive,
the Wisdom to forsee, and the
Patience to wait, look, listen and learn.”

I’m far too quick and eager to go inward, reflect, gain wisdom etcetera… Silence, Patience, Peace.

Prayer : I went to Church this morning, and Forerunner’s clip was a touch of the divine :pray::dove:

Other : cleaned today, tidied my room :grin:
Decluttered, reorganisation,

Thanks be to God for companions, and constant reminders :candle::dove:


Day Fifteen

Still busy as all can be, this my lack of posts. Also, still taking a break from the mini-challenges. Many of them I’m still don’t but I don’t have the time or energy to keep track or stretch and make sure they’re all always done.

@Forerunner glad to have you on board

@anon67854825 @Gk-00



@anon67854825 @Forodwaith @Forerunner

All good. Another long day, I had time to rest in the evening and will regain lost sleep tonight. Did not have time for exercise, prayer was average today, could not manage to go to Church though.


Day Sixteen

So much work, so I’ll be going into work today.



@Forodwaith @Gk-00 @Forerunner
Very glad to see you all doing well :blush::+1::pray::candle:

x10/x20 exercises :+1:
Not great with media/prayer today :pray:

But… spent time asking myself “why quit pmo?”
It was very difficult/tiring to begin with, but I started coming out with good things, Working on this one step at a time :+1::pray:

Very tired now - thanks be to God. Its been a long day, and I’m ready for a good sleep



Morning was good, voluntary work with kids. In the afternoon I stayed at home, I’m feeling a bit weak and slightly sick, so I decided to rest. Don’t know if it was a good idea, I relapsed this afternoon and did it another time just a few minutes ago. I think I’m still a bit dull and unmotivated in this fight, I just let go very quickly.
Anyways, I will move on and try again, I need a moment to rearrange my ideas and make firm committments if I want to make progress again in this journey, pray for me brothers :pray:

@anon67854825 @Forodwaith @Forerunner how is it going?


I’m keeping up with my morning routine and some other good habits, but finding it difficult to be consistent with waking up on time and important tasks. I’ll get better, GOD willing.

Praying for you @Gk-00


I’m praying for you @Gk-00 and us.
@Forodwaith @Forerunner
As individuals and companions, I hope we find clarity, peace and the strength to see beyond. Amen ~

Exercises - none today :smile::man_facepalming:t2:
Media - not good :pray: but I will survive
Prayer - I thought a bit, philosophised :thinking::smile:


Had a lie-in this morning :sleeping:
Took my time.
Went out from brunch with a friend,
Worked, read, snoozed, worked.

I’m all good thanks be to God, and companions “you can’t fight this war alone” :wink: