That’s really good advice, thank you!
@Forodwaith You’re most welcome my friend, I pray it helps you.
@anon67854825 We’re with you all the way brother! Great posts from you and @PatrickJ yesterday!
@Forerunner, I fell asleepwhile I was typing the post yesterday LOL😂 (I had slept for only 4 hours the previous night). Days have been going just fine for me. I am slowly getting myself aligned with these new habits. I had a holiday today and had a lot of free time. I am glad I did not waste it and studied most of the time.
@MrXYZ Don’t worry - I’ve fallen asleep writing a post before as well!
As long as you don’t burn out and are in good spirits, it sounds like you’re doing just fine. Keep up the good work!
All good. Did not work a lot today, could’ve used my time better, but I did some physical exercise, push-ups and sit-ups, after almost a month of stop my arms felt so weak! Evening with friends, I enjoyed my time and had a lot of conversation with people.
Daily prayer completed!
Sounds like a nice day @Gk-00
Hope you’re doing well @Forodwaith
It’s been a really testing day today… huff
I can’t even talk about the struggle.
I could’ve/and would’ve normally fallen,
I feel (think?) I’m drained.
I don’t feel upset/anxious or anything,
And this is the first time I’ve come to see a day like this as a test.
Every “Yes” followed with a “No, I just can’t”
Anyway, without getting too deep, I’ve got through the day, and you bet I’m really really looking forward to getting up early, doing a long walk to the other church for morning Mass and confession, and then meet a few friends for brunch.
Next week is gonna be mad with work, so I’d better take it easy, get some good sleep, exercise, prayer, praise, good food, and all the good stuff.
Internet usage
just a few simple push-ups, squats, Tai Chi, and muscle tension - in the kitchen
Prayer life
not so good, but I hoping, hindsight will show it as a good ‘testing’ day
God is my resting place,
and my strength
@Forerunner today went down nicely too. I had to take a trip to a education centre for some work. It cost me some time but rest of the day has been nice overall. I slept for 6 hours, as planned and woke up on time. I could have done better on the productivity part though. I caught my mind wandering off more than a few times and had to struggle to keep it focused. Faced mild urges but wasn’t bothered. That’s all. How about you?
@MrXYZ My morning routine is becoming more of a habit now. Time to focus more attention on getting things done and my sleep schedule. We’re making progress bro. Good to hear you got the 6 hours of sleep in.
Summary: Morning Routine: 5/5 Top Tasks Completed: 3/5 Early Riser: 2/5
All good. I completed my daily prayer, been all day helping at the association in which I do voluntary activities regularly on Saturday, time given for others!
No urges for now, I need to prepare for when they will come. The difficult part is still ahead!
@anon67854825 I saw you had difficulties yesterday, hoping today was better! you did a lot for me when I was in a bad period, I want you to know that I keep you in my prayers, as always! We will get through this, it is never worth it to give in to PMO, only pain and misery awaits if you do it, we know from personal experience!
@Forodwaith how is it going?
Thank you dearly, that means a lot
I had a fall today, but I’m not phased by it,
It maybe a contradiction, but I’m very fine and happy. It’s been a deep learning curve today, and I want to remember today well.
Loving/living for God is what has always mattered to me, and I’m very glad to come back with some sincerity.
I’m thinking of you both
@Forodwaith @Gk-00
You’re both in my prayers, and especially for tomorrow, and that goes for you too @Forerunner @Rebooter81
I went to church this morning, and confession
Got amazing advise from my priest
Few exercises today, still recovering from holding/tensing my muscles
Thanks be to God for today
Sunday, I went to two days and fell flat on my face. So disgusted with myself right now and trying not to get too discouraged. Please keep in prayers. In in the to win and quit p for life.
Day Zero
Hang in ther bud. Saying prayers for your strength.
I fell again. I’m not feeling much right now, not happy/sad, and the sun is shining.
I feel like I’ve been proud, or arrogant, not speaking with the spirit, or just simply not taking my own advice or others.
I feel like I need a slap around the face, to be given strong words of advice. I need to humble myself as low as I can - I want to build from the ground up, with a good foundation
Thanks be to God
I’ll listen and take any advice onboard - I’ve exhausted myself
@anon67854825 As long as the sun is shining, there is still hope.
You can turn things around brother. Falling doesn’t become you; you’ve performed noble deeds here for GOD’s Glory.
Remember that you are stronger than every urge. You can always overcome it. If so, then what mental block is preventing you from doing so at the moment of temptation?
Spend some time reflecting on what has brought you back down time after time. Dig deep and find the roots of the compulsion. Seek clarity - what are the main reasons why you want to break free of the addiction? What negative consequences does it cause in your life? What do you want your life to look like after you’re free of it? Paint a vivid picture of it in your mind. Build a solid foundation on the life you want to live.
When the temptation strikes, recall that vision. Experience it, dwell in those emotions. The urges will fade away within a minute or two, and you will be safe until the next urge.
@MrXYZ Week has finished strong! I feel I’ve definitely made some progress since last week. It’s nice to feel more productive.
How’s your week been?
Summary: Morning Routine: 7/7 Top Tasks Completed: 5/7 Early Riser: 3/7
@Forerunner, my week was nice too. I got some progress made with making my sleep disciplined. Not enough. But something is better than nothing. As far as the productivity goes, I know that I could have put more effort in to use my time effectively. I could have exercised some extra control over my mind but the week has been more or less productive nevertheless. I hope I can make the next week even better.
This week’s summary :
1.Planning the day: 7/7
Productivity- ~60%
2. Disciplined sleep: 3/7
I’m with you there, GOD willing, we will be more productive and disciplined next week. I know there’s definitely a great deal of room for improvement for me, but I’m glad to be moving forward.
Been to Mass this morning, today I spent time with my family and rested, next week will be dense of work, I want to make progress with my thesis!
Next week I want to keep with my daily prayer, and also reintroduce some physical exercise, it’s been a few weeks since I stopped exercising regularly.
Watched the F1 grand Prix this afternoon, forza Ferrari!
@anon67854825 @Forodwaith brothers, I’m really sorry to hear that you are struggling, this addiction can test us, and sometimes we feel burned out and tired of fighting, but we will get up again! Don’t let negative thoughts bring you down!
Day One check in.
Peace brothers