Amen! I’ve been praying for personal revival and believe that breakthrough is coming thanks be to our Lord Jesus Christ.
@anon67854825 Absolutely beautiful post today brother. Very touching and inspirational.
@MrXYZ I’ve started strong today - up on time and completed my routine. I’m looking forward to completing my tasks. Hope you’ve had a great morning so far.
@Forerunner Ha ha… Yeah once you can figure out a way to effectively use naps you will observe an exponential growth in creativity and productivity. I too am in pursuit of a reliable method to snap out of a nap in time. Do share if you have any leads on it!
My day has been fair so far. I did not wake up on time though . Just returned from school and had lunch. I 'll soon start with my work.
Day One check in
Tired, stretched, stretching, He’s in the waiting, the stretching, the growing. And now, to sleep in His love.
Good day. I’ve been outside and busy, came back home just in time for dinner, I want to go to bed earlier and get good sleep, so now I will do just that.
Daily prayer completed!
I’m finally coming back, new energy, I want to quit PMO for good! It is thanks to you @anon67854825, @Forodwaith and @Forerunner, your messages and your kindness really warmed my heart and are helping me a lot in getting back up!
I want to live my life again, and be in peace with myself! There are new things I want to try, new strategies, I need to change my mindset if I want to make my streak stand the test of time.
@anon67854825 how was your day?
@Forodwaith hope you had a good day brother, we can get out of this together, it’s the future that counts, let’s take it in our hands and be responsible with our lives from now on!
@Gk-00 Great news brother - I can sense the difference in your fighting spirit!
With GOD’s Help we can surely overcome!
Amen! Great to hear and mutually encouraging.
@Gk-00 @Forodwaith @Forerunner
“Fuck Yeah!” I’m super happy, we’ve all got through the day unscathed
Thanks be to God, Amen
Today has been good. I was quite pragmatic and methodical in work. Still got lots to do.
Seeing @Forodwaith positive post really boosted my spirits, and also just now seeing @Gk-00
It’s not been easy recently, but feel I’m seeing a light at the end of the tunnel.
Today I found a bit of chocolate I’d forgotten about, it was always there, I just didn’t notice it
Sorry to let you guys down but I’m not giving up so don’t you give up either.
Amen, thanks bro. I’m struggling at the moment. I won’t give up
I notice, when I become emotionally worked up I seek comfort.
I do the same thing. I’m having such a moment too.
I tried to practice the Tai Chi short form and can’t remember some moves, then urges pop up.
So I stop. And then I think about writing something here about it - then I stop, and realise my mind, and stare at my phone.
No, not today, I don’t need to be living within myself.
Today, I’m going to leave my phone alone,
I’m going to seek The Lord through the day, and I’m going to put faith into action.
I’ve got about 10 tasks in my work project,
I’m not going to keep going for the bigger harder tasks yet to prove something of myself, but the small little easy tasks that will tidy up the loose ends and bring the project closer to completion.
I’m going to see things as they are instead of going too deep into possibilities and emotionally respond, but yes, just see things as they are - something I have learnt from the many times of going to confession - be simple, be honest, not good, not bad, just what is
Good post @anon67854825. I feel like you have to experience urges and feel what it is like not to act. After awhile that is the standard and not PMO. I was there and it worked. Slowly coming back. I guess my point is if you are a man you will always be attracted to women. We just have to learn that there is no quick fix like PMO.
Thank you @PatrickJ
To paraphrase you ;
“Experience urges,
experience observing,
experience standing still,
experience the reluctance to act upon it”
I’ve had temptations and urges today, before they’ve even occurred.
My mind has been very calculating about it.
But I’m alive
Dear “Mr Mind & Miss Feelings”
I know you guys like to get along, and often use “Captain Action” to drive you places.
But we’ve been given a Great Gift,
on one condition - that Lord Principle keeps it safe in His room.
We have to follow, listen and obey Him, it doesn’t mean you can’t “think” and “feel”… but it means we are to only receive from Him, and consult him about using ‘Cpt Action’.
We need to humble ourselves before the lord, if we can ever learn and receive from The Great Gift.
The house gotten into a mess, and it needs serious cleaning, which is why I’m giving all command to Him to get it into shape again.
Listen to him, and learn from him.
Be grateful for his presence and grow wiser with his Love.
Someone who has your best interest at heart.
PS - He often sleeps in late, so make sure to be awake and call him for guidance throughout the day, which is why I’m leaving Captain Action second in command x
Seeking God (can never pray enough)
(good, but can do LOADS better)
Sorry if that was a bit much, I need to refer to it.
And keep hammering out, letting the decision guide me in this. I’m a little stirred but my thoughts and feelings will settle down.
How was your day @Gk-00 @Forodwaith?
Unfortunately, not so well. I didn’t put into action what I said I need to which is to put my phone in airplane mode before I sleep. I can’t really explain my last relapse well other than it was just sheer addiction impulsed, pleasure seeking. I think they’re is an underlying fear that I won’t make it (in general) and that I don’t have what it takes (for life). So all of this is rooted in fear and unbelief. What I am finding is that God still loves me so I don’t need to be afraid and if God is for me, who can be against me.
Sometimes it can seem futile fighting this day in and day out just to fall on my face again, even a little embarrassing to admit, and disheartening but I have to live in truth if I will have any hope of breaking free from this and I will not give up.
Day Zero
@anon67854825 @Gk-00
Another day of work, I’m currently working on my master thesis at university and it is a long job. Could’ve been more productive, but overall it was good, I’m using my time for my projects rather than procrastinating and wasting it.
Did not maintain my daily prayer today, need to be closer to God during the day.
@Forodwaith hold on brother!
I recognise this feeling all too well. After failing to quit hundreds of times, I didn’t fully believe there was a way out for me. I wrote this back in June in my physical diary:
Recognise that you’re stronger than the urge. Always. No matter how long it takes, you can overcome it. There is no temptation but that man has been given the power to overcome it.
Don’t ignore your urges. Take immediate action. Acknowledge them. Say this to yourself every single time, ‘Here are cravings. They came out of nowhere and they have no real power over me. I am not my thoughts; I did not summon them; I do not want them, and I do not have to act on them.’ Within 15 minutes, the urge will go away, and you’ll be fine until the next urge comes. With time the habit becomes automatic and the urges disappear much faster.
You most certainly have what it takes. We can only feel guilt when we know we didn’t perform at our best, when we fall short of the mark. If you have the power to resist for a full 24 hours, you have the power to go all the way. Recognise that you don’t need 90 days of constant willpower, you just need to build the habit of choosing to say ‘No’ every time the urge comes. This realisation makes the journey easier. It’s not as much of a fight.
Stay strong brother. May GOD give you strength to break free.
@MrXYZ How have things been going for you bro?
The last two days have been good. I could do better with my sleep, but I’m thankful that I’m getting more accomplished.
Summary: Morning Routine: 4/4 Top Tasks Completed: 3/4 Early Riser: 2/4
AMEN! @Forerunner
Yes @Forodwaith I’m completely with you, as I’m sure we all are, and as I hope you are for me.
On my way back from choir practice, the thoughts came, and I can only sum it up by remembering “when two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst” - Amen