The Hero's 90 Day Challenge! šŸ‘‘

Reporting Day 2

Highest: 8 days
One affirmation: I am thriving.
One thing Iā€™m thankful for in my life: the internet.
Report for the day: clean day.
Urges: 0
Practice: 0

Day 18 (171)

Affirmation: You will face temptation, whether through pics or gifs, when on your journey. You will stumble upon them, as I have, as you have, as many before us have. NoFap is more than a fight against addiction; it is an underground war. This. Is. War.

Urges: God almighty, I have had too many today. Mostly because it was a lazy day and I spent most of the time on youtube and reddit. Of course, triggers abound. Feels like triggers and stuff are everywhere. Attractive women, longing for the crush, flashbacksā€¦but that is NoFap. That is life. You cant just go back to porn the moment you see a trigger. You shut the trigger off and keep going.

Progress: not much, a lazy day.

Other notes: I am really starting to hate porn more than ever. It has ruined society, and for the love of God! I am waiting to hit the goal of 180 days.

I know I go off on a soapbox often, mostly as a way of fighting the urges myself, but i mean it. I go on reddit a lot, and while I have to fight off triggering content a lot, there is a lot of reality shown in subreddits. loveafterporn, coomer, Nofap, Pmolol, antipornographyā€¦ NoFap truly is a revolution. It is more than just trying to fight the urge to go back to porn. The more I stay away from deliberately seeking Porn, the more my eyes are opened to what degenerate stuff some corrupt higher up group (The Deep State?) is condoning. Yes, It is a war for us porn addicts, having to fight the constant internal struggle against our primal animalistic desires, buffered by shame, trauma and an environment that seeks to destroy us for wanting a pure, clean, authentic life. Because it is easier to control a sex crazed animal than a noble pack leader with ambition. Because it is easier to just give up and accept it as our reality. Hell, I am almost 6 months free from PMO, and all it takes is something trivial to trigger bad urges. They come and go. Some are ripples, some are tsunamis. But then I pop on Nofap vids and look up the anti porn subreddits and i see where I would end up if I gave up, and begging God not to let it take me again. You dont have to be a monk out in the mountains. You just have to say ā€œno, I am NOT going back to PMO. I saw some triggers, i feel sad, lonely, depressed, hopeless, but I dont care. I would rather suffer in this truth than pretend to live in a constant lie.ā€

If you are confident in your self control as well as ignoring some balatant prejudice, hit up r/loveafterporn or r/coomer or r/nofap. See the horror stories and the posts. See what can happen if you give up and let your life be defined by a lie like PMO. See the stories all over youtube and the truth of the porn industry. Sometimes, a little introspective shame can be the best urge killer, and a motivation to say " To hell with this. Time to be a hero and rise above this. Be a shining example of a person who won against life and made it bow in submission."

Coming Soonā€¦



Day 4
Progress clean day
Affirmation: suicidal thoughts disappear
Urges : 5 in last 4 days
Practice: 2 times daily
I am thankful to Allah that I survive after last relapse.

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Hey bro I can confirm your affirmation we have to be very careful in this journey there are alot of triggers around us.

:trident: Heroā€™s Day Streak: 32
:shield: Total Days Streak: 51

:yin_yang:Affirmation: Be happy and accepting that what Iā€™m doing every day to work towards my goals is working because of the results that are right in front of my eyes.
:pray: Grateful for: YouTube, Twitter, IG all which help me on my internet marketing journey. My spiritual wife for coming to visit me today :blush::couple: my cat Xena for being so awesome to cuddle with and who always sleeps at my feet (will sleep near chest when I get futon & upgrade from cot). Farm Boy for locally sourced farm fresh for for affordable prices. My habit building to resist buying fast food which helps my personal finance.
:white_check_mark: Progress: Another productive and clean day!
:dizzy_face: Number of tiny urges: 1
:dizzy_face: Number of urges: 0
:martial_arts_uniform: Number of practices: 2

Reporting day 2

First attempt 27 days
Second attempt 41 days
Currently on 3rd attempt.

One affirmation - Better mood, less regret and more hope.

I am thankful for - Getting back on track.

Progress - clean day

Urges 0 / Practice 5

43 days clean

Affirmation: Never give up!
Urges Defeated: 0
Practice: 7
daily report: Clean day, some headaches
Iā€™m thankful for: some help I received at work today

Heroā€™s Day Streak: 0
Total Days Streak: 0

:yin_yang:Affirmation: I love myself and forgive myself for my past.
:pray: Grateful for: Technology, comfortable bed, food
:white_check_mark: Progress: Relapsed :worried: see applicable journal entry.
:dizzy_face: Number of tiny urges: 3
:dizzy_face: Number of urges: 3
:martial_arts_uniform: Number of practices: 2

Feeling bad bcz of relapse. Lot of things coming into my mind but feeling laziness to type.

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Day 20 (day 173)

Affirmation: you will regret relapsing; I guarantee it. Yes, It is cheesy, butā€¦

Urges: none, just slept a bit

Progress: kinda just woke up. Feel a little sick

Notes: just need to get back on the wagon. Kinda started slacking since Saturdayā€¦stagnation is the precursor to relapse.

Bro, i have been in similar situation. With out hope. Fully devastated. Full of regret of ruining my life by PMO.

I donno what is your story is. But whatever it is, how ever worse it is, there is always HOPE.

You have enough potential to turn your life around for the better. Learn why you are keep on relapsing. Learn and analyse your pattern. Then you will find the reasons. Try to form a strategy around it.

And we all are here to help. Do not feel alone. We all are like a family here. We help each other to be better.

I pray for you my friend.


Did you ever felt that your mobile is your biggest cue?
I usually fall to watch P in my phone. I think if i throw my phone then i can rewire easily. Should i buy a feature phone with no internet facility?


Reporting day 3

First attempt 27 days
Second attempt 41 days
Currently on 3rd attempt.

One affirmation - I am recovering fast.

I am thankful for - regaining self-confidence and self-respect. I am thankful for not being too hard on myself for past mistakes.

Progress - clean day

Urges 0 / Practice 3

44 days clean

Affirmation: In the end itā€™ll be worth it.
Urges Defeated: 0
Practice: 5
daily report: Clean day
Iā€™m thankful for: a good laugh I had with a colleague today

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@Forerunner Thank you for guiding me to have insight accepting that it was a slip and not a relapse. :pray::v:

:hammer_and_wrench: Heroā€™s Day Streak: 53

:yin_yang:Affirmation: I am still proud of myself for how far Iā€™ve come. Just follow through with the changes to have an even better chance this time to not relapse.
:pray: Grateful for: My inteligence, determination, and grit. Also, my spiritual wife with understanding the situation and supporting and believing in my plan to not fail again
:white_check_mark: My first productive and clean day since relapse.
:dizzy_face: Number of tiny urges: 0
:dizzy_face: Number of urges: 0
:martial_arts_uniform: Number of practices: 10

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@Forerunner @tuku @EmeraldArcher @Sacred @KarmaYogi @Martial_Beast @Aragorn @Adioz @richard21 @SelfMadeNinja
Day 12
Reporting a slip:
Today, I sent some mild level aā€“r videos to me on whatsapp from my motherā€™s phone. I thought that it wonā€™t be detected. But it got marked as ā€˜concerningā€™. By tomorrow, five accountability partners will get a flag mail. :man_facepalming:
No organ/part/figure/body/kiss/movements etc (except face) watching, no p, m or o is involved. I will not consider it a relapse because it was not proper soft p. It was beautiful face talking. It was like a flirting scene in a movie (not even erotic movie scene). It is not p but it is edging (but handlable type; this is my first ever handlable edging). But it is a slip because I intentionally did it. :pensive: I have blocked whatsapp for three days as a penalty. I will not reset my counter but I am regretful for it. I may consider subtracting 12 days from my counter much later on the streak. I will take care in future. It is good to see that the analysis of the software is very strict and accurate now. This has reduced temptations. Earlier I thought that extra-soft and soft p are not easily detected. But they made it stricter now. So this new way got blocked.


Reporting day 4

One affirmation - I live a fruitful and meaningful life.

I am thankful for - Becoming wiser.

Progress - clean day

Urges 1 / Practice 3

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You could get detoxify porn blocker and blocksite apps. Costs some cash but it is worth it.

Day 21 (Day 174)

Affirmation: It sucks being sick and tired . But you keep being like this, one day you will get sick and tired of being sick and tired. Something like that. Im sick. Basically rolling off that.

I should go into stand up comedy.

Progress: not much. Sleeping.


Other notes: im sick and its annoying lol