The Hero's 90 Day Challenge! šŸ‘‘

Reporting day 39

One affirmation - Cold showers are powerful urge killers.

I am thankful for - cold showers. :smiley:

Progress - clean day

Urges 1 / Practice 3

38 days clean

Affirmation: Even If I feel bad, itā€™s way better than in the PMO days.
Urges Defeated: 1
Practice: 8
daily report: Insomnia hit me hard last night and I slept for only two hours. I made the best out of the day, though. Clean day.
Iā€™m thankful for: a big and unexpected win for my favorite club yesterday

:bow_and_arrow: Heroā€™s Day Streak: 28
:trident: Total Days Streak: 47

:yin_yang:Affirmation: Great job in discovering my career goals. Keep on putting dreams into action :blush:
:pray: Grateful for: Internet, many choices for online business and to make money online as they keep me busy & away from p. Spiritual wife because sheā€™s awesome.
:white_check_mark: Progress: Another productive and clean day!
:dizzy_face: Number of tiny urges: 0
:dizzy_face: Number of urges: 0
:martial_arts_uniform: Number of practices: 2

Day 42

Affirmation: I will keep my mind positive as I can.
Urges Defeated: 1
Progress: Clean day
Iā€™m thankful for: nature surrounding me

39 days clean

Affirmation: Keep doing what youā€™re doing. You want regret it.
Urges Defeated: 0
Practice: 10
daily report: clean day. No real problems
Iā€™m thankful for: the support of my family in the past

Day 14 (Day 168)

Affirmation: You have everything you need to succeed

Progress: man these days have been BUSY! Man, this NoFap energy is insane. 245 am, meditations. 5am, workout, work till like 4. Clean place up and go to the MMA and dance class at 530 and 700. Go home, stretch, second cold shower, fall asleep while listening to meditative music or funny vids. Rise and repeat, with some time out in for college and hobbies. Cant do that so easily when you drained of all ya life from PMO.

Urges beaten: I think I had one today. Really was just negligible.

Other notes: I swear, good karma and fortune seems to be more frequent on NoFap, or at least your optimism. Well, I am bitter and cranky feon sleep deprivation, but stillā€¦things get better. 90 days and beyond, yall! Stay on the grind. Stay hustlinā€™. Your life is better without porn.

:bow_and_arrow: Heroā€™s Day Streak: 29
:trident: Total Days Streak: 48

:yin_yang:Affirmation: Sometimes we need to rediscover old paths because we werenā€™t ready until now to walk down them.
:pray: Grateful for: My spiritual wife for paying the difference between a normal ticket & VIP ticket for Valentineā€™s Day for a wrestling event thatā€™s coming to town. There is going to be some really big names so she really wanted to get VIP (me too, just couldnā€™t justify spending the extra)
My initiative to use the internet for good & productive things that are helping me create a future for myself to eventually not be on disability income support.
:white_check_mark: Progress: Another productive and clean day!
:dizzy_face: Number of tiny urges: 0
:dizzy_face: Number of urges: 0
:martial_arts_uniform: Number of practices: 2

Very awesome day! First day I didnā€™t feel weak after recovering from being sick. I still have some gross phlegm in me, but that will pass soon.

Rediscovered some old youtube videos of how to drive traffic to a blog. The guy that made the videos has some straight fire methods that nobody else really talks about that work REALLY well. Pretty pumped about that.

Read 2 good forum posts on blackhatworld. 1 that i need to go out of my comfort zone because unless I do Iā€™m going to be the same person 1, 3, 5, 10+ years from now.

I already knew this, but it was good to hear again and in a very well written forum post.

The 2nd was from a guy earning 6 figures. He said the #1 point of failure heā€™s seen with people why they donā€™t become successful is they donā€™t stick with 1 thing for long enough.

Also, to focus on being the best at something vs trying to make money right away.

I already knew these 2 things but it was a huge reminder hearing it from a highly successful individual.

I committed to focusing on my blog.

Getting back on track with everything. Going to get back on shower schedule tomorrow (legitimately shouldnā€™t shower when sick). Work schedule, eating more again etc.

Day 15 (Day 169)

Affirmation: become the person who DOES NOT Value ā– ā– ā– ā– , As Gabe Dawg Says. This is the wrong place for valuing it lol.

I am a spy sent by the ā– ā– ā– ā–  industry to slowly corrupt all of humanity.



Progress: so far so good

Urges beaten: none so far

Other notes: good things will come.

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Think you made a mistake there bro :sweat_smile:


Right :rofl: man make mistakes.

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Lol. Fixed it. Would have been a serious 180 there

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Man makes a mistake and causes like 40 people to relapse. Thanks a lot, wannabeliberated, ya jerk! Lol


Reporting day 41

One affirmation - Relapses start in the mind.

I am thankful for - holding on strong.

Progress - clean day

Urges 3+ / Practice 3

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:bow_and_arrow: Heroā€™s Day Streak: 30
:trident: Total Days Streak: 49

:yin_yang:Affirmation: keep following the process because itā€™s working
:pray: Grateful for: Income School for releasing their Project 24 blogging method for free on YouTube. Iā€™m following their steps and seeing results. Iā€™m proud of myself for following through.
:white_check_mark: Progress: Another productive and clean day!
:dizzy_face: Number of tiny urges: 0
:dizzy_face: Number of urges: 0
:martial_arts_uniform: Number of practices: 2

Reporting day 0 (relapsed last night)

First attempt 27 days
Second attempt 41 days

One affirmation - All is not lost as long as I keep fighting.

I am thankful for - The 41 days of success Iā€™ve had so far. Now back to zero but this time I am more determined than ever to reach 90 days.

Progress - relapsed

Urges 3+ / Practice 3

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41 days clean

Affirmation: This addiction wonā€™t define my life anymore
Urges Defeated: 2
Practice: 8
daily report: clean day. It was hard, though
Iā€™m thankful for: not having relapsed despite strong urges

Okayā€¦i forget the day now. Like 17? 170 days.

Nothing special with affirmations and all or progress. Just keep grinding. Keep going.

:trident: Heroā€™s Day Streak: 31
:crossed_swords: Total Days Streak: 50

:yin_yang:Affirmation: Continue achieving my goals, only stop to reflect then keep moving again quickly.
:pray: Grateful for: My patience through my entirety of getting healthier and achieving success in so many aspects of life like better health through constant cardio and eating more calories, better relationship with my spiritual wife thanks to being more open about the no p thing and now I feel like more than ever that weā€™re on the same team. Iā€™ve found no need to argue with her about small silly things because I want to boost us both as high as we can go and keep going. My business is doing well thanks to me putting my research findings into reality. My personal finance is a lot better due to not impulse buying business tools or virtual currency. Also, staying home more often is helping not buying fast food. Still need to make sure to get to the indoor walking track for around 1 hour per day to get some exercise. Just gotta remember to eat well before I leave, then bring 2 granola bars and Iā€™m solid. My happiness is improving thanks to my anti-depresant and just me kicking ass in life. My spiritual life is improving in the sense that I feel more connected to everything, more present and mindful of my life thatā€™s an ongoing positive story that Iā€™m in control of writing.
:white_check_mark: Progress: Another productive and clean day!
:dizzy_face: Number of tiny urges: 3
:dizzy_face: Number of urges: 0
:martial_arts_uniform: Number of practices: 2

Reporting day 1

First attempt 27 days
Second attempt 41 days
Currently on 3rd attempt.

One affirmation - Relapses are always shitty, they are never worth it. Even after a 41 day streak, they make you regret.

I am thankful for - No chaser effects.

Progress - clean day

Urges 0 / Practice 3

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