The Hero's 90 Day Challenge! 👑

Reporting day 17

One affirmation - The universe is listening.

I am thankful for - diversity

Progress - clean day

Urges 1 / Practice 5


Thank yo very much, @Forerunner for that advice and motivation. I am making an effort to improve my nofap plan regularly so that I come up with ways to deal with all those times when I’m most likely to fall back. I will stay strong in this journey.


DAY :three:

  • :pray: One affirmation - I can stay strong for a week.
  • :gift: One thing I’m thankful for in my life - Physical health.
  • :chart_with_upwards_trend: Progress for the day - Free and clean day.
  • :dragon_face: Number of urges defeated - I had strong urges at night,
  • :crossed_swords: Number of practices - I practised 10x

:medal_military:Days Completed: 6
:scroll: Affirmation: Give it time. She’ll tear down her walls after you prove you won’t hurt her.
:pray:t2: I’m thankful for: My ability to stay calm in most arguments
:white_check_mark: Progress: Another productive and clean day!
:cry: Number of urges: 0
:notebook_with_decorative_cover: Number of practices: 10


:trident:DAILY CHECK-IN:trident:
:sunny:Days Completed - 21
:beginner:Affirmation - I’m capable of doing anything
:pray:I’m thankful for everything
:white_check_mark:Progress - Another busy and clean day
:dizzy_face:Number of urges - 0
:weight_lifting_man:Number of practice - 1


Current Streak: 0
Highest Streak: 85 days
Age: 26
Gender: male
Country: india
Sharing Code: 5ch3ak
I have read and agreed to commit to the rules of the challenge.

5 Powerful Reasons Why I Never Want To Relapse
1-PMO has really ruined my life .It has affected my academics drastically.
2-even my physical health has been deteorated by PMO. Icanmyself feel the confidence i have after 10-15days of no pmo.
3-Because of pmo i stay in my room a also wastes lot of my time.
4-Because of Porn watching i obejectify women a lot.
5-I have wasted a golden opportunity of my life because of pmo. I cracked very tough exam of my country but because of PMO addiction i could not do well in its last year.Becuause of pmo addictions i am still unemployed n struggling with my carreer goal.PMO has ruined my life.

5 Powerful Reasons Why I Need To Stay Free and Clean

1-It will give me mental clarity. I would be able to think clearly n take good decisions benefecial for my life n carreer as i used to do before pmo.
2-I will regain my physical strength and will power.
3-i would be able to achieve my dream job.
4-Staying away from PMO will help me to stay away from depression n lethargy.
5- i would be able to do gymming n meditation.
Also staying away from porn gives us lot of time.
I have been addicted from pmo from last 7years n these 7 yrs have been worst years of my life academicalky.Also during 85 days streak of mine i felt very confident n energetic.Those were best days of my life.

Vision of my life within 60 – 90 Days of no pmo
-i have very imp exam within15 days n 150 days.These 2 exams will determine my future for upcoming 50 years.I want to crack these exams at any cost.And also i know that if i stay away from pmo i can do it.Morever staying pmo free helps me to think clearly and take right decision . I would be able to find a great life partner for myself.

@Forerunner i want to be part of this man. I have tried every thing but i am not able to overcome my porn addiction.I am unable to go beyond 14 days.
This method of your is lityle bit hard ,but i think this is the only way to defeat the pmo demons.We need to repeats our positive affirmations atleast for 21 days.Tbanks buddy for starting this initiative.


:stop_sign: Check-in Day 8

:anchor: One affirmation: I can do this and more.
:anchor: One thing I’m thankful for in my life: Fresh air.
:anchor: Progress for the day: Saved day. Frustrated that I can’t get any work done cause my home internet is not working and they’re not fixing it fast😣.
:anchor: Number of urges: 1
:anchor: Number of practice: 10


Check in 19

:gem: Affirmation - I am successful. I am physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually healthy.
:gem: I am thankful for - I’m thankful for the help and mercy I receive from God and friends.
:gem: Progress - Clean day! :smiley:
:gem: Benefits/Mood/Productivity - :neutral_face:
:gem: Number of mini urges defeated, practices completed - 2, 10


@Forerunner Can you please unblock for me. I have over-blocked some things.


Day 1
One affirmation - I can do it.
One thing you’re thankful for in your life - I’m thankful for this app and great Forerunner videos.
Progress - Clean day
I defeated 2 urges today and practised 10 times.


@HappySoul It’s been unblocked :+1:


Reporting day 18

One affirmation - My business is doing better

I am thankful for - cultivating discipline

Progress - clean day

Urges 0 / Practice 3


I fell after 8 days.

I’m back to Day 0.


DAY :four:

  • :pray: One affirmation - I can stay strong for a week.
  • :gift: One thing I’m thankful for in my life - Great support and faith from my family towards my career goals.
  • :chart_with_upwards_trend: Progress for the day - Free and clean day.
  • :dragon_face: Number of urges defeated - I had 0 urges,
  • :crossed_swords: Number of practices - I practised 10x

:medal_military:Days Completed: 7 - Yay! My first week in the Hero program.
:scroll: Affirmation: Accept love no matter what form it’s in. If somebody is showing me love, embrace it and share the joy with them.
:pray:t2: I’m thankful for: My spiritual wife for also being a great communicator in talking through our issues (usually just missunderstandings caused from when I stone wall)
:white_check_mark: Progress: Another productive and clean day!
:cry: Number of tiny urges: 3
:notebook_with_decorative_cover: Number of practices: 10


@Forerunner I was not able to open the Forum on my mobile phone, I don’t know what happened i am still not able to open forum on my mobile so I was not able to write down any post. Today I used my laptop and the forum got opened. I missed lot’s of progress. I want to restart it.


:trident:DAILY CHECK-IN:trident:
:sunny:Days Completed - 22:fire:
:beginner:Affirmation - I’m the king :crown:
:pray:I’m thankful for everything
:white_check_mark:Progress - Another busy and clean day with good mood all day
:dizzy_face:Number of urges - 0
:weight_lifting_man:Number of practice - 5


Daily check in
Days completed-1
One affirmations- i strive for execllence in my life.
One thing I am thankfull in my life- I am thankfull to god for giving me such great parents.
Progress for day-clean day
Urges -0
Mini Practice done-10×


Reporting day 19

One affirmation - The universe shows you the path, if you are patient and dedicated enough to follow it.

I am thankful for - the internet.

Progress - clean day

Urges 0 / Practice 3


Check in 20

:gem: Affirmation - I am successful. I am physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually healthy.
:gem: I am thankful for - I’m thankful for the help and mercy I receive from God and friends.
:gem: Progress - Clean day! :smiley:
:gem: Benefits/Mood/Productivity - :neutral_face:
:gem: Number of mini urges defeated, practices completed - 1, 10