The Hero's 90 Day Challenge! šŸ‘‘

:fireworks:DAILY CHECK-IN:fireworks:
:sunny:Days Completed - 19
:beginner:Affirmation - Iā€™m capable of doing anything
:pray:Iā€™m thankful for everything
:white_check_mark:Progress - Another busy and clean day
:dizzy_face:Number of urges - 0
:weight_lifting_man:Number of practice - 1


Day 24 (+24) | Mercenary

Check in number 17 today (2020-01-12T18:30:00Z)

:gem: Affirmation - I am successful. I am physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually healthy.
:gem: I am thankful for - Iā€™m thankful for the help and mercy I receive from God and friends.
:gem: Progress - Clean day! :smiley:
:gem: Benefits/Mood/Productivity - :slightly_smiling_face:
:gem: Number of mini urges defeated, practices completed - 1, 10


Check-in Day 6

One affirmation: I am doing well.
One thing Iā€™m thankful for in my life: Reading writings in 3 different languages.
Progress for the day: Clean day.
Number of urges: 0
Number of practice: 10


Reporting day 16

One affirmation - The more you stay clean, the stronger you become.

I am thankful for - Positive people

Progress - clean day

Urges 1 / Practice 3


Congratulations, hero @HappySoul! Youā€™re a mercenary now!

Regular practice and positive habits - keep up the great work brother!


@ncubeanelem The power to choose freely cannot be taken away, even and especially not by ourselves. This is why we remind ourselves of that every time we use the method - we really are free to relapse at any moment - we can at any moment choose between our vision of a better life, or choose more self-destruction.

There is a part of us that still desires PMO, regardless of the pain and suffering it has caused us, and the closer we are to Day Zero, the louder he is. It is by committing to our vision each moment weā€™re tempted, and taking positive steps towards it like @HappySoul is doing that we loosen his grip over our lives. We have to remind ourselves continually that there is no pleasure in self-destruction. That PMO will always ruin our lives, and going back is actively destroying ourselves.

Take courage, my friend. You have not been defeated. A 300+ day streak is very possible for you. Recognise that motivation always runs out over time, and cannot be relied on. It is our habits and systems that keep us moving forward when motivation has gone.

@Bytewar Nearly a week brother! Keep going man!

Check-in Day 34 (Day 214 hard mode with GODā€™s Help)
:white_check_mark: One affirmation: I am energetic.
:pray:t5: One thing Iā€™m thankful for in my life: Good conversation.
:shower: Progress for the day: Another day free and clean!
:exploding_head: Number of urges: 0
:person_fencing: Number of practices: 10+


Yesterday, I opened an ad in my study bunny app. Women dressed in bi**ni appeared. I closed that ad immediately and did practise. If any such ad appears in that app again, then I will uninstall it.

I blocked some m. websites (mobile versions) today.

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Really love your Affirmation ā€œthe more you stay clean, the stronger you becomeā€ it sounds simple, but itā€™s completely true.


Thank you for the warning. Iā€™ve personally noticed my ads havenā€™t been sexual in any nature as Iā€™ve only fully relapsed <7x in past year & semi-relapsed <15x.

Most of those being more than 6 months ago.

I love the app too much. If looking away isnā€™t a solution, Iā€™ll simply not watch ads. Iā€™m kinda on the fence about the whole ad watching thing for bunny coins anyways :sweat_smile:. Feels like I have an approved cheat sheet for a test but really took the time to write as tiny as possible :joy:.

Iā€™ll do it for now though, it really is just a competition against myself so there should be no rush in accumulating collectables within game.

Theyā€™re just expensive lol, but at the same time Iā€™m not interested in buying even half them.

ā€¦ Just thought Iā€™d share my thoughts as I realize how motivating the app can be for studying. Ahaā€¦ Iā€™m getting into app dev, currently just app builders, no coding. Youā€™ve given me big motivation to create an app thatā€™s PMO safe. If course the item library would be like 3-5 catagories with 3-5 items each for an easier time.

Iā€™d of course want to run ads, but Iā€™d do my research. Iā€™m fairly certain if you say your game pertains to kids, there should be no bad ads.

I guarantee thereā€™s a way to force PMO safe ads.

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What positive steps would you be referring to about @HappySoul ?. Thank you!


It was showing only safe ads. I tried to change date of birth in Google account today. As soon as I changed it to 5 y old, the account got blocked. I will change it to 14, because minimum age is 13.

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I have blocked internet accessability for study bunny app and blocked the accessability settings app using stay focused. :slightly_smiling_face:

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:medal_military:Days Completed: 5
:scroll: Affirmation: Itā€™s finally time to deal with my demons. Soon Iā€™ll find theyā€™re nothing to be feared and are just misunderstood angels.
:pray:t2: Iā€™m thankful for: My spiritual wife. This will likely be her every day for the rest of my journey. I have made her worry far too much about if somebody she holds dear in her heart will be around for much longer (depressionā€¦). I had a mental breakdown & a lot got done. I am no longer going to say self defeating things because my spiritual wife canā€™t handle any more of it and that because I need to start loving myself because, wellā€¦I deserve to be loved by myself. So many people love me, itā€™s time for the big show to step up to the plate.

Im done being sadā€¦ Itā€™s simple, I love myself :smiley: itā€™s not even faking it till I make it. Iā€™m finally above the negative score and going up from 1% love for myselfā€¦i think generally the past 3 weeks have been pretty solid atva 40% :blush:

Future days Iā€™ll just put: My spiritual wife for all the worry Iā€™ve put her through. But, now believing in myself to end this.
:white_check_mark: Progress: Another productive and clean day!
:cry: Number of urges: 0
:notebook_with_decorative_cover: Number of practices: 10

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:trident:DAILY CHECK-IN:trident:
:sunny:Days Completed - 20
:beginner:Affirmation - Iā€™m not attached to anyone or anything
:pray:Iā€™m thankful for everything
:white_check_mark:Progress - Another busy and clean day
:dizzy_face:Number of urges - 0
:weight_lifting_man:Number of practice - 1

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Day 77

  • Affirmation - I am a warrior who donā€™t give up no matter what.
  • One thing I am thankful about is this strong community sorrounded by warriors from different parts of the world.
  • Number of urges - 4
  • Practice - done 12 times today
  • Report of the day - Had a small social anxiety today but I stopped overthinking and spent the rest of the day socialising.

Today, I deleted my old web activity from Google account. It was a bit triggering but I could easily resist. I had easily resisted to watch soft p 2-3 times earlier too on this streak.


Thank you for the advice @tuku, I will make sure that I take charge of my life. :+1::+1:
Thank you @Forerunner sir for your adviceā€¦ I did that wrote on paper and I felt great doing thatā€¦
I felt relaxed and calm, I will make sure I read it daily so that I stay on track and be a better version of myself and also what will happen if I fall on that trap againā€¦
I will focus on executionā€¦ Thank you sir for the advice againā€¦ It helped a lot :blush::pray::pray:
And sir what is the meaning of no of practices, does it have to relate with the urge column that is in the app? And what is hard mode?
Day 4
One affirmation: I feel confident
One thing I am thankful for: all that I have.
No of urges : 5


Current Streak: 0
Highest Streak: 7 days
Age: 29
Gender: male
Country: Poland
Sharing Code: sutlez

I have read and agreed to commit to the rules of the challenge.

5 Powerful Reasons Why I Never Want To Relapse

  1. Iā€™m really tired of cheating myself. I promise myself that this will be the last time for 16 years. I donā€™t want to this for rest of my life. I donā€™t wanna die with thought that I couldnā€™t trust myself for a whole life.
  2. I live a fake life. I waste my life for jpgs and amv. My friends start a family and I donā€™t care anymore. I donā€™t care about such a life. I have no dreams or goals. All I want to do is do and view. I donā€™t wanna live that life.
  3. I feel like a horse not like a king of my life. I lost control of my life years ago. I do everything what I want but this is not a dream life. This is hell on earth. I am a slave to my lusts and this is really hard work for 24/7. I donā€™t wanna do this anymore. I want to stop it now.
  4. This addiction had a powerful impact on my life and life choices. I did not look at girls as a life partner but as a sexual object. Because of this, I was in a relationship without love. In addition, because of this addiction I could never trust any woman because I thought that women are looking for adventures everywhere, which turned into morbid jealousy. I am currently unable to create a healthy relationship. I canā€™t love. I am alone because I associate relationships only with pain.
  5. I hate myself for knowing the things mentioned above and I canā€™t change it. I feel very weak because of it. I have failed myself so many times that I have no self-respect. I donā€™t want to hurt anymore.

5 Powerful Reasons Why I Need To Stay Free and Clean

  1. I really like exercising but because of this addiction I feel very weak and without motivation. I would like to practice for the rest of my life and develop myself in this field all the time.
  2. Currently, addiction is my main excuse to justify that something in my life goes wrong. I want a life without excuses. A life for which I will take full responsibility.
  3. I would like to accept and love myself. I would also like to finally trust myself.
  4. I would finally like to be proud of myself.
  5. I want to allow myself to be finally happy. I want to stop hurting and start enjoying small things and appreciate life.

Vision of my life within 60 ā€“ 90 Days of noPMO.

For me it will be the end of the challenge but at the same time the beginning of a new life in harmony with myself, self-love and respect. First of all, it will be a sign that I am able to change my life and overcome this addiction, so I will believe in myself and support myself even more. I believe that people who have the strength to overcome addiction have the strength to overcome every obstacle in life, so every day I will be stronger. I donā€™t expect life to be easier or any super powers. I hope that if I stop running away from my problems and feelings I will be able to enjoy life again, no matter what fate brings.


:kiwi_fruit: Check-in Day 7

:watermelon: One affirmation: Itā€™s always one more step, very simple.
:watermelon: One thing Iā€™m thankful for in my life: The chance Iā€™m given in life.
:watermelon: Progress for the day: Survived. All good.
:watermelon: Number of urges: 1
:watermelon: Number of practice: 10


:bow_and_arrow: Day 25 (+25) | Mercenary

Check in 18

:gem: Affirmation - I am successful. I am physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually healthy.
:gem: I am thankful for - Iā€™m thankful for the help and mercy I receive from God and friends.
:gem: Progress - Clean day! :smiley:
:gem: Benefits/Mood/Productivity - :neutral_face:
:gem: Number of mini urges defeated, practices completed - 3, 10