The Hero's 90 Day Challenge! 👑

:golf: Today’s Report: :golf:

:two_hearts: Sharing Code : 2sov9d

:yellow_circle: Current Streak : 46 Days
:green_circle: Highest Streak : 90+ Days

:pushpin: Affirmations:
:muscle: I can achieve my goals for sure
:muscle: I am very Powerful
:muscle: I am a winner… I born for win

:pushpin: Things you’re thankful for in your life:
:gift_heart: I am thankful for the God to help me in learning new skills
:gift_heart: I am thankful for my Parents for their support
:gift_heart: I am much thankful for each and everyone of this world who helps me in all the ways

:pushpin: Report your progress for the day
:tulip: Clean day

:pushpin: Report the number of urges defeated/practices completed
:white_check_mark: 0 Urges 0 Practices

:paintbrush: Diary: Spent time usefully…Life is going busy… I found no time… Yet to follow the schedules.

:speaking_head: Suggestion for others to refrain from PMO:

If you have strong urges then, close your eyes, count from 5 to 1…
5…4…3…2…1 then react immediately on the activity that helps to stop fapping…

1)Take a cold shower
2)Go to Sleep
3)Look at a childhood picture of yours(remind yourself of your own innocence and self that you’ve lost due to this addiction)
4)Ask yourself WHY you start nofap
5)Imagine you have kids how would they feel if they see you watching ■■■■. How do you feel if they are addicted to ■■■■ like you.

:revolving_hearts: Stay Blessed :revolving_hearts:

Required Tasks To Up Lift My Life
:white_check_mark: Wake up by 3:50 AM
:x: Affirmations
:x: Alpha Meditation + {$)
:x: Cold Bath
:x: Vaasi Yoga
:x: Surya Namaskar
:x: Brain Yoga
:x: Neuro Nation To Exercise Your Brain
:x: Didn’t take Junk Foods / Snacks
:x: Visualization of My Future
:x: Chakra Cleansing / Meditation
:x: Practice of keeping your Feelings Neutral - Irrespective of Your Situations in Life
:x: Recalling the whole day before you sleep
:x: Didn’t watch Girls face purposely
:x: Recited God’s Mantra 24 hours whenever i don’t use my Mind
:x: English Learning {Accent & Speech Practice}
:x: Book Reading
:x: Pranayama
:x: Kayakalpa
:x: Practice Concentration all the time (Telling it to Myself + Full attention :- Dhandapani)
:x: Watching Good Videos
:x: Learnt new things & Studying
:x: Dry Fasting every week
:x: Writing all my expenses
:x: Learnt new things & Studying
:x: Planning the Next Day
:x: Reviewing the plan at Night
:x: Writing the Goals
:x: Don’t eating anything after 6 PM
:x: Eat according to procedure
:white_check_mark: Checking Our Group

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Friends, Can anyone try this mantra chanting (Based on your religious Belief ) for a week and share your experience whether it controls ur urges or not?.. I personally feel when you chant the mantra all the time whenever your mind is free, your mind will feel uncomfortable with this new habit… So gets no space for the lustful thoughts/ or it develops weak thoughts… We can confirm it only when some guys share positive experiences…

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I am not able to see any updates… I dunno why ?

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@Wyatt What updates brother?

#NoPornNovember Day 14 - new video: - ‘The Willpower Method doesn’t work’


brother, i guess some problem with browser… Now its loading properly :slight_smile:

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Brothers, so far three advantages i felt from NO PMO hard mode, usually i get tensed and worried for small things… I feel that now a days that has come down a lot… It shows that i grew mentally strong… My mental strength has increased… Then i require very less sleep now a days… I get lots of time and i can use it in a productive way… Also i get into depressed and insecure feelings very easily… Those feelings has come down a lot… Actually when i went into such state my level comes from 90% to 20%… After this NOFap and maintaining mental purity, it comes from 90% to 60% after that it can’t go down further…
My confidence level has increased compared to before…

Actually lots of guys share different advantages of Nofap, i don’t want to believe it blindly unless and until i feel it personally… Guys, we need to share the benefits often so that we feel motivated and others who read will get motivated too , by our experience…


My strategy is Mantra Chanting, it is working for me… I believe this is the second highest streak (47th day goes on) in my life out of 20 years of Fapping :flushed:… Max streak is 90 + days… Actually i haven’t got urges so far… My 24 hours mantra chanting shuts down the urges i guess… I can confirm only after i defeat the urges in future… So far this is my experience… I got this method from one yogic guy called kavanagar, whom i learnt vaasi yoga from, he can concentrate and process 16 different things at a time by partitioning his mind into 16 different partitions as we partition the hard disks… he told when we chant mantra 24 hours a day, our mind will be tamed since we are repeating one specific mantra, not allowing our mind like a Dog roaming back of everything it sees and we are focusing on only one concept so it becomes very strong … As days passes, we will get many more benefits… As i told already we should not believe anything blindly unless and until we experience something…

But i am still scared how i am going to achieve my semen retention by No - PMO, So far in my life i fell into the trap easily and unknowingly ( i used to lose my mind completely when i was in huge urge and I could realize what had happened only after i relapsed)… So awareness is very required… We should watch ourselves each and every moment else we can’t escape…

@Forerunner : Absolutely you are right, its not the will power, its the strategy… Guys, can you all share your strategies… Brother thanks for your videos , hoping you can post it regularly, its very helpful…


day 17

  • Affirmation - I am stronger than I think.
  • One thing I am thankful if my ego to not give up.
  • Report of the day - faced some rejection with a calm mind.
  • Urges - no urges for the day.

Day 3

I conquer, one byte at a time.

One thing I’m thankful for in my life is that I like food

Progress for the day - clean day;

Number of urges defeated/practices completed - 0 urges, 1 practice


Hello friends. I am joining.
Current Streak: 0 days
Highest Streak: 37 days
Age: 21
Gender: M
Country: India
Sharing Code: xno9ys


  1. Want to live life without porn.
  2. Do not want to feel regret.
  3. Don’t want to see girls in negative way
  4. Want to increase my self confidence
  5. Quit bad habits
  6. Want to live social life without anxiety
  7. Focus more on studies
  8. Follow my TO DO LIST everyday without seeing porn.
  9. Reboot my thought process.
  10. Believe in GOD.

:golf: Today’s Report: :golf:

:two_hearts: Sharing Code : 2sov9d

:yellow_circle: Current Streak : 47 Days
:green_circle: Highest Streak : 90+ Days

:pushpin: Affirmations:
:muscle: I am powerful
:muscle: I am a winner
:muscle: I can achieve my Goals for sure

:pushpin: Things you’re thankful for in your life:
:gift_heart: I am thankful for my parents
:gift_heart: I am thankful for God to keep me in peace
:gift_heart: I am much thankful for God to maintain celibacy

:pushpin: Report your progress for the day
:tulip: Clean day

:pushpin: Report the number of urges defeated/practices completed
:white_check_mark: 0 Urges 0 Practices

:paintbrush: Diary: Spent time usefully…Life is going busy… I found no time… Yet to follow the schedules.

:speaking_head: Suggestion for others to refrain from PMO:

If you have strong urges then, close your eyes, count from 5 to 1…
5…4…3…2…1 then react immediately on the activity that helps to stop fapping…

1)Say it loud 10 times i am stronger than my urges
2)Slap Yourself
3)50 Pushups
4)Think Of the Life before nofap how you really hate it
5)Think of those that want you to fail
6)Go in the public place
7)Watch a movie

:revolving_hearts: Stay Blessed :revolving_hearts:

Required Tasks To Up Lift My Life
:white_check_mark: Wake up by 3:50 AM
:x: Affirmations
:x: Alpha Meditation + {$)
:x: Cold Bath
:x: Vaasi Yoga
:x: Surya Namaskar
:x: Brain Yoga
:x: Neuro Nation To Exercise Your Brain
:x: Didn’t take Junk Foods / Snacks
:x: Visualization of My Future
:x: Chakra Cleansing / Meditation
:x: Practice of keeping your Feelings Neutral - Irrespective of Your Situations in Life
:x: Recalling the whole day before you sleep
:x: Didn’t watch Girls face purposely
:x: Recited God’s Mantra 24 hours whenever i don’t use my Mind
:x: English Learning {Accent & Speech Practice}
:x: Book Reading
:x: Pranayama
:x: Kayakalpa
:x: Practice Concentration all the time (Telling it to Myself + Full attention :- Dhandapani)
:x: Watching Good Videos
:x: Learnt new things & Studying
:x: Dry Fasting every week
:x: Writing all my expenses
:x: Learnt new things & Studying
:x: Planning the Next Day
:x: Reviewing the plan at Night
:x: Writing the Goals
:x: Don’t eating anything after 6 PM
:x: Eat according to procedure
:white_check_mark: Checking Our Group


Day 48 just started, Its 1:48 AM … My mind is trying to recollect the ■■■■ videos i watched long back… I controlled that immediately the moment, it started by chanting, mantra… Its gone… Staying in a room alone for 34 days with internet, Lap and mobile :slight_smile:… 2 runs to half century… Waiting for the moment to lift my bat up for the second time in my life :slight_smile: of 20 years of PMO.
yet to travel a lot, as 50 days is not a big achievement… There are people with 2 + years without PMO…Not sure, whether i can travel to that extend… This 50 days of travel is nothing compare to that… What wonders me is, So far i didn’t get any urges in these 48 days… First time in my life :)…

I stopped the entry of lust, urge in three ways:

  1. I live in a place where i can see beautiful girls everyday… I am not looking at them
  2. I don’t watch youtube videos, any social media where girls are involved
  3. I don’t let my mind to visualize , think of beautiful girls, old ■■■■ videos… It tries to enter often, but i use to shut it down, the moment it started as i just shared above.

Some times i use to chat with girls in social Network, but I always chat in a Good way. Not even think of turning that in other way.

One thing i realized, there is an inner peace within us… We can discover it, only if we disconnect us from the outside world urges so called Pleasure… Our mind always tries to find peace and happiness, when we cut down the pathways of wordly pleasure from outside (■■■■, X, blah blah blah so called happiness according to many, which is actually a Trap), it will try to discover the peace from within which is there already… Since we have no focus on that, we can’t identify that INNER PEACE… The only who gets the taste of inner peace never goes back of worldly pleasures so only REAL saints and Godly persons lives a simple life… Since the happiness they discovered with in them is far better than the definition of the Worldly happiness that we know.

This 48 days of Nofap taught me this lesson with experience…


Hey I’m Teekay… And I need to overcome this PMO

Current streak: 0 days
Highest streak:27 days
Country:a South Africa
Sharing code: i9epod

I have read and I am fully committed and prepared to tackle this challenge

10 reasons I wanna stop is that
1)I need my relationship with my family back
2)tired of the secrets guys
3) my grades a suffering
4)im lazy
5)im always demotivated
6)i get depressed
7)i want to let myself know I can do anything
8)i want to beat this addiction
9)P*** is not the answer to problems.
10)low testestorone

I can actually feel an urge to watch something right now… I jus finished relapsing a few minutes back after a 3 day streak and I’m tired of telling myself it’s normal


I am dry fasting now… planning to take it for 20 hours atleast… If i feel okay, will take it for 24 hours… taking No water and No food is called Dry fasting… It will keep our body healthy . At the same time it will prevent me from Urges…

Try it out buddies… you should be ready to do any thing for Nofap… Then only we can retain it… if you have heavy urges do water fasting for a day… Try it out with different strategies… keep the one that works for you…


I will try this tomorrow. I always wanted to try fasting. Anyways you are making great progress brother. I have been reading your post past few days. Keep going.


Day 18

  • Affirmation - I am one of those mortal capable of defeating urges.
  • One thing I am thankful about is my rejections . It has made me to push myself, to master my craft.
  • Urges defeated - 0
  • Report of the day - another clean day. Very energetic day. I was able to multitask with complete efficiency today. Very satisfied with the day.

Thanks a lot brother… this could not be achieved alone… With all your encouragement and support i have travelled this much… I have learnt couple of techniques from you that i have to apply to rewire the brain… Thanks buddy for your encouragement and support…


:golf: Today’s Report: :golf:

:two_hearts: Sharing Code : 2sov9d

:yellow_circle: Current Streak : 48 Days
:green_circle: Highest Streak : 90+ Days

:pushpin: Affirmations:
:muscle: I am the King
:muscle: I will achieve my Goals
:muscle: I have tremendous Mind control

:pushpin: Things you’re thankful for in your life:
:gift_heart: I am thankful for god to help me with NoFap
:gift_heart: I am thankful for God forgiving me the mental strength
:gift_heart: I am much thankful for God to help me in each and every moment of my life

:pushpin: Report your progress for the day
:tulip: Clean day

:pushpin: Report the number of urges defeated/practices completed
:white_check_mark: 0 Urges 0 Practices

:paintbrush: Diary: Spent time usefully…Life is going busy… I found no time… Yet to follow the schedules.

:speaking_head: Suggestion for others to refrain from PMO:

If you have strong urges then, close your eyes, count from 5 to 1…
5…4…3…2…1 then react immediately on the activity that helps to stop fapping…

1)Squeeze your legs Because your legs are the biggest muscle in your body when you squeeze it the blood will flow from your private parts to the leg killing the urge
2)Hold your breath as long as you can and exhale slowly
3)Picture yourself 5 years from now
4)Remember the urge that you fight today will be the strength you feel tomorrow
5)Putting ice on your private parts. In one group one guy told it worked for him.

Required Tasks To Be Done To Up Lift My Life
:white_check_mark: Wake up by 3:50 AM
:x: Affirmations
:x: Alpha Meditation + {$)
:x: Cold Bath
:x: Vaasi Yoga
:x: Surya Namaskar
:x: Brain Yoga
:x: Neuro Nation To Exercise Your Brain
:x: Didn’t take Junk Foods / Snacks
:x: Visualization of My Future
:x: Chakra Cleansing / Meditation
:x: Practice of keeping your Feelings Neutral - Irrespective of Your Situations in Life
:x: Recalling the whole day before you sleep
:x: Didn’t watch Girls face purposely
:x: Recited God’s Mantra 24 hours whenever i don’t use my Mind
:x: English Learning {Accent & Speech Practice}
:x: Book Reading
:x: Pranayama
:x: Kayakalpa
:x: Practice Concentration all the time (Telling it to Myself + Full attention :- Dhandapani)
:x: Watching Good Videos
:x: Learnt new things & Studying
:white_check_mark: Dry Fasting every week
:x: Writing all my expenses
:x: Learnt new things & Studying
:x: Planning the Next Day
:x: Reviewing the plan at Night
:x: Writing the Goals
:white_check_mark: Didn’t eating anything after 6 PM
:x: Eat according to procedure
:white_check_mark: Checking Our Group

Feeling happy, got some new tick marks in my list :slight_smile: . I crossed 24 hours of fasting without food. I completed 14 hours of dry fasting so far. Dry fasting will end by 6:30 AM tomorrow to get the 24 hours completed. Dry fasting is being with no food/ no intake of any liquids including water.

But i didn’t feel much tiredness… I got hungry once… I command my mind to stay away from hunger and to focus on cleansing my body as i am giving a chance for healing process. After that feeling of hunger went down… Now i have very little feel of hunger. that can be managed easily…

I suggest you guys to try fasting when you feel heavy Tsunami of urges. There is no harm causing to your body by fasting. I am the live example.

But make sure you google some you tube videos/ websites regarding the dry fasting and regular fasting, it should be practiced slowly. You will get giddiness / tiredness if you start all of a sudden…

:revolving_hearts: Stay Blessed :revolving_hearts:


Welcome hero @Karan050! The journey of 90 days awaits you, apprentice! You’re ready and able - you can do this!

Make sure you have a strong, positive vision of your future. This vision will pull you forward and save you when urges come, with GOD’s Help.


Welcome, hero @teekay - our latest apprentice!

Time to incinerate the addiction! You can do this brother! Have a vivid, positive vision of your future as well, positives are far more motivating than negative. Think more about the benefits you want to see and imagine yourself living with them within the next 3 months.