The Hero's 90 Day Challenge! 👑

@tuku Thank you brother, I will be in the future - GOD willing.

@Frankensteinmonster You edged bro? Was it to pornography? What day?

#NoPornNovember Day 12 - new video:


It was on day 9 or 8 I don’t quite remember now. My thoughts are clear, didn’t affect me at all. Yes it was because of pornography but everything is good now.:blush:

DAY 15

  • Affirmation - I am a promise keeper. I keep my promise no matter what.
  • One thing I am thankful is my will to change.
  • Report of the day - trying to bring discipline in my daily tasks , by doing it on specific time even though I don’t feel like doing.
  • Urges defeated - 0 . A clean day.

Current Streak: 1 day
Highest Streak: 6 days
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Country: Ethiopia
Sharing Code: nus3ox

I’m ready to commit to this, with help from God and the community, to my strongest will.

10 reasons:
1, it’s a sin in my faith
2, it makes me miss my daily prayers because I have to take a shower to be cleaned for prayer
3, it makes me feel weak and useless and below others
4, it makes me disorganized
5, it lowers my excitement for positive things like visiting relatives, going out for a walk or exercising
6, I want to really be excellent at my profession
7, Be fit and healthy by exercising regularly
8, Have a good insight and understanding into the things I’m interested in
9, Move from my family of origin and start a new family
10, Work on helping and raising strong communities

My vision:
In the next 90 days without pmo, I would have a good grip on my carrier, practice and learn more about my faith, I would start exercising regularly and would be in a position to have the courage to start the process of starting a family, and at least do some research on which communities to participate in.


Strong reasons mate :muscle:. You can do this @Bytewar


Thanks man :+1:, I’ll try to check in daily, at least on weekdays.


Hi @Wyatt. I believe you were experiencing sleep paralysis.

Hey @Forerunner. I’m so sorry to say that I was overwhelmed by the force of temptation last Friday night and I was defeated yet again. I’m disappointed, but at the same time I’m glad that I managed to reach 20+ days on NoFap with the help of this challenge. Before, I struggled to survive 14 days. So, this gives me confidence that with the right strategy I can win this struggle. I believe the non-arousal policy of this challenge is the right call for NoFap, and I also should focus on self-improvement, so that I don’t resort to PMO as an escape mechanism.

I now have to go back to the drawing board and see what adjustments I need to make. I wish to continue fighting in this challenge. This recent fall has shown me that I cannot allow any form of arousal, even chatting with someone interested in me. What is important for me now is getting my life back. Some changes I will enact are practicing the 4 stage urge-overcoming method much more and participating in the 300 NoFap group. I also wish to adopt an idea I saw in one of your videos: reciting your vision and picturing it in your mind. I wrote this vision yesterday:

“I choose the vision of my life where I am implementing practical solutions to the challenges I face instead of escaping from them. I am constantly motivated to develop skills that give me an edge while i also get rid of my weaknesses. Eventually I become strong in my morality, my professional growth, my finances and physical well-being. When I am finally free from this addiction my life will be full of true happiness I can use to uplift others.”

I cannot tell whether this will or will not be the last time that I relapse, but I believe I can go further still this time. As you said in one of your videos, belief is essential but should also be accompanied by actions. So, I will ensure that I enact real changes.

The latest in my life: I recently got disappointing news that I wasn’t selected for the teaching position I had interviewed for in 30 October. In retrospect, I had not expected a good outcome because that was the very first work related interview I’ve ever been to in my life. It was a good learning experience.


@ncubeanelem you did great. Keep practicing those methods. Personally whenever I get an strong urge I like to sit straight and give myself 20 seconds. As I starts the countdown I imagine the urge converting into an energy . It feels like there is a power propelling from within. Then I go and do something, anything which requires concentration and effort.


Thanks @tuku. I will use your add your method to my “set of weapons” that I will use for defeating strong urges.

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Yeah… I read about this… But my question is why should a human face came and spoke to me, then why did he lay down on me hugging me tightly, i could feel his head on my chest … After that only i got that feel… If it is a disorder , then it should happen without these story right… And i read a forum on sleep paralysis, many gave explanations like sleep paralysis… But some guys shared their experiences like, when they are in Bed some dark man fell on them immediately they got this state and after 1 or 2 min after they wake up, that dark figure just jumped out of the window… And no explanation has been given for that…
It might be sleep paralysis, But not sure bro…

Thanks bro for your post :pray:


Good try Bro… Great effort… But keep trying… I have been trying for 20 years now its 45 days… So NEVER QUIT TRYING… YOU WILL ACHIEVE IT FOR SURE…
Bro the point is we should be more careful in our thoughts. Our mind will try to deceive us in many ways… From the very first thought related to x , we need to cut it off… If we let it grow, It will grow as a high wave, then become more stronger become a Tsunami hit us with tremendous force which we can’t bear… It ends in relapse for sure…

Do we really have to refrain from Girl’s thought this much? Yes we should since Nofap is really a great thing and its fruits are really worth… We can achieve anything in this world with the power of Nofap… Sexual energy is a kind of Powerful Steam, you can use it to move a Train or simply we can let it mix in atmosphere… So we have to refrain from thought of girls their pics etc etc…

Just analyse how the relapse process started, where did you lose your mind Exactly like that. How did your mind trick you? like that… Then you can conquer it easily… Start it again bro…

Becoz of my fear of urge, now a days i stopped watching girls face while i am walking on the road, when they walk towards me even i avoid watching back of them after they crossed me… Any parts of their body will trigger the urge…

When any thought about girls come, i start to chant the mantra… Its better to choose one specific mantra[ Any thing we can choose based on our belief]… Once we chant mantra, our mind cannot think two things at once, so it will stop thinking about girls and focus on mantra… Its better to bring the picture of God in the mind when we chant the mantra… So that our mind will come out of the thought about girls… When we connect this with spirituality, subconsciously spirituality is related with purity… So this mantra works subconsciously… I experienced it worked for me…

Sexual urge is the strongest of all the urges, a Human has… It is like a steam… We can use it to move a big train engine else we can waste it by letting it in atmosphere… Lets use the sexual force to get success and purity in our life to get satisfaction and happiness…


:golf: Today’s Report: :golf:

:two_hearts: Sharing Code : 2sov9d

:yellow_circle: Current Streak : 45 Days
:green_circle: Highest Streak : 90+ Days

:pushpin: Affirmations:
:muscle: I can achieve my goals for sure
:muscle: I am very Powerful
:muscle: I am a winner… I born for win

:pushpin: Things you’re thankful for in your life:
:gift_heart: I am thankful for the God to help me in learning new skills
:gift_heart: I am thankful for my Parents for their support
:gift_heart: I am much thankful for each and everyone of this world who helps me in all the ways

:pushpin: Report your progress for the day
:tulip: Clean day

:pushpin: Report the number of urges defeated/practices completed
:white_check_mark: 0 Urges 0 Practices

:paintbrush: Diary: Spent time usefully…Life is going busy… I found no time… Yet to follow the schedules.

:speaking_head: Suggestion for others to refrain from PMO:

If you have strong urges then, close your eyes, count from 5 to 1…
5…4…3…2…1 then react immediately on the activity that helps to stop fapping…

1)Switch off the lights

2)Go out for a walk/run/work-out

3)Play an instrument. If not, learn one

4)Find the nearest person around you, go and talk

5)Call somebody who is willing to talk to you anytime

:revolving_hearts: Stay Blessed :revolving_hearts:


Thanks you for the motivation @Wyatt. I feel encouraged by your words to keep moving forward. Part of the reason why I become susceptible to relapse was that I kind of felt isolated (no one to socialise with). I spend a lot of time on my own these days and I hope that can change soon. So, I will participate more in the NoFap forums and groups so that I don’t feel so disconnected.


Shit it’s real , I have experience sleep paralysis too many times. Once I saw an old man with scary teeths just jumped on my chest and I wasn’t​able to move.
Sometime I wonder , the spirits must be bored or something and they just want to scare us for fun . :flushed:


Welcome hero @Bytewar! Your apprenticeship begins!

Powerful reasons and vision! It’s best to have your vision in the present tense so your mind can really picture it.

Check-ins on weekdays will be great - just make sure you’re not isolated on the weekends. :+1:t5:


The dragon strikes:

Hero @ncubeanelem, you’re on the right track to truly escape the addiction. Have faith that you can overcome it.

Hero @Frankensteinmonster, you’re back to day 6 on this challenge’s counter due to watching pornography. Don’t be discouraged, keep going strong and experiencing the benefits! A better life awaits you, keep clear of going back to pornography!

@raj10 You’ve been inactive, and the dragon has stolen your gold!
Hope you’re okay brother, feel free to check-in with us anytime.

#NoPornNovember Day 13 - new video: ‘Pornography and masturbation are not enjoyable?’


Day 16

  • Affirmation - I am a fighter, I don’t fight till I die, I fight till I win.
  • One thing I am thankful about is this community. Keeping in touch with community has helped me with hard mode so far.
    *Report of the day - pretty productive day, I tried to step out of the comfort zone do some extras.
    *Urges defeated - 1 , practice done from step A to step E.

Day 2
I always can.

One thing I’m thankful for in my life is that I’m not a robot :slight_smile:

Progress for the day - clean day;

Number of urges defeated/practices completed - 1 urges overcome, 4 practice

Today I woke up at about 4:50 and I had this urge, I read some chat messages about nofap and I got up and went to cook for my lunch and took a good cold shower, now I’m at work feeling great!


Okay Sir. I will consider that a relapse😂

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