I worked towards my important tasks today. Progress was made, thank GOD. Good day.
Morning routine completed, 20km walk, 50 reps of push-ups, sit-ups and squats. Good day.
Listened to more of ‘The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F-ck’, finished reading ‘Why You Should Never Masturbate’, read some Scripture, connected with close friends. Good day.
#NoPornNovember Day 21 - new video from the Imperial War Museum: Going to War - Your Battle Plan to Defeat the Addiction
I worked towards my important tasks today. Good day.
Morning routine completed, 75 reps of push-ups, sit-ups and squats. Good day.
Listened to more of ‘The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F-ck’, read more of The Rational Male, read some Scripture, connected with family and close friends. Good day.
#NoPornNovember Day 21 - new video: Remember why you started
I worked towards my important tasks today and re-evaluated my goals for the end of the year. Good day, thank GOD.
Morning routine completed, 50 reps of push-ups, sit-ups and squats. Good day.
Finished listening to ‘The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F-ck’, purchased and started listening to Atomic Habits, read more of The Rational Male, read some Scripture, connected with family and close friends. Good day.
#NoPornNovember Day 24 - new video: ‘Freedom is pleasurable!’
The grind is composed of:
Continuing to work on hobbies, including the more adult ones. Gotta be careful.
Working with my psychic to better my life and others. Got a LOT of work to do!
Finally, to advance in my career and become more financially secure.
I love this new app called LifeRPG, such a great motivator and discipline control (Discipline I still need to work on). I have been on fire this weekend despite having the flu. So many hobbies practiced, so much meditation, so much healing. 90 days NoFap was a breakthrough. Urges were bad as hell these past few days, but I survived! Thank you all for this motivation and accountability!
Glad to see the growth and the changes that you’re making in your life. Awesome work man, keep it up!
Sunday 1st December:
I worked toward important tasks today, mainly recovery focused. Good day.
Morning routine completed, 50 push-ups, sit-ups and squats. Good day.
Read more of Drive, listened to Atomic Habits, read some Scripture. Good day.
Final video for #NoPornNovember! I’ve struggled for many years trying to quit this addiction. With experience comes wisdom. I’ve been sharing methods to help my brothers come out of pain and suffering and conquer this addiction once and for all. In this video, I share the story of my struggle with this addiction since starting to look at pornography 14 years ago.
I recorded a video every day of #NoPornNovember, all videos are in this YouTube playlist. I’ve added insights, helpful advice and motivation to strengthen and uplift us all on this journey. I pray it helps others.
*since my last relapse at (10PM) on (Aug 22 2019), today I realize:
More so than ever, Life on NoFap is so damn lovely. Life just seems to fo my way, even when it doesn’t…wha—
I realized that Activity and literally brainwashing myself with NoFap Videos, that this is the way to save myself from even peeking. Back in the earlier days (The post is on there I think) I did, and had to deal with a chaser effect. I have not deliberately peeked in… I forgot when I last did, so… yeah.
I did not falter because as that day counter gets higher, and as I meditate and do habits more often (On hold for a week so far because i am pretty sick right now…coughing phlegm and stuff. On like 5 medications right now. Soooooooo many urges…). I also wanted to Stay on the grind because that accomplishment of 90 days was just so damn cathartic and invigorating that I couldn’t. I just couldn’t anymore. That don’t mean I don’t see triggering images and all of a sudden get the rush when watching videos all of a sudden. Hard to completely avoid, but not impossible to just let it pass and not go searching for it. Still gotta work on fantasizing.
Basically, preemptive action, like NoFap Videos and hobbies and habits will help keep me from succumbing. Trust me, if you have a bad urge, just spend 30 minutes, 30 minutes doing something like read a book or fo for a run. It will pass. Its just your addicted mind craving Dopamine, that is all. You will overcome it.
December 5th, 2019. Day 105
My primary objective was … survive the sickness while at work. Hell yeah, I survived, and successfully accomplished a difficult task for me: a jugular blood draw from a dog.
My secondary objective was to do all my meditations. Forgiveness, Chakra balance, raise vibrations, emotional set point, and two others from Aaron Doughty on YouTube. Accomplished and I feel good. Still fantasizing and unfocused, but so damn awesome!
My tertiary objective was try to get my fat self to do a workout. Pulled off a 45 minute one. Looks like I am recovering. Maybe in 3 days, back to MMA and Dancing.
forgive but never forget: All PMO (Porn, Masturbation, Orgasm) has ever done was ruin your life. No arguing or rationalizing will EVER change that harsh reality.