The Gift of 2020, A Daily Challenge

Begin today,

And journey to New Year’s 2020!!!

No pressure of getting booted from relapse! The idea here is to build a healthy life once and for all, as a final answer to the addiction.

In this challenge, the day-count is only a secondary objective, our chance, to once and for all, close the lid on rebooting. Enough holding ourselves back. Not only time but life is passing us by, while we keep ourselves confined in the relapse-recovery cycle. There’s nothing to lose, and everything to gain.

Refraining/abstaining from PMO is a passive habit. If “nothing” replaces our obsessive behaviors, the end result will most definitely be relapse… as it will bully it’s way to fill the void so that the status quo remains the same. And whatever un-actionable passive things we do like mindlessly being on the forums, browsing the internet or phone or brooding and ruminating, creates space for destructive habits to take over. Hence this vacuum must instead, be filled with active habits as these are measurable, time-sensitive and have clear consequences.

Clearly, there’s something MORE important than the day-count: the quality of our lives
Therefore, our primary objective (in part inspired by the success of LPS 3.0 and those of us who don’t want to wait until November to take part in it) is that each challenger here shall follow the format of having a non-negotiable 3 objectives for the day at the least (all further objectives are additional points). Each objective is worth 1 point (regularly update your score) and on New Years Eve, we shall announce the winners.

Format Rules

  • 1st objective must be regarding your studies, occupation, family health, financial situation, whatever you consider MOST important to do
  • 2nd objective must be your health, i.e. good sleep, good diet, meditation, journaling, working out, whatever you do to truly take care of yourself
  • 3rd objective is keeping things meaningfully fun, fulfilling/enjoyable, and worth your while… it can range from having a hobby, hanging out with friends, spending time with family, watching a movie, whatever you do to keep life simple, streamlined, and vision-oriented

Additionally, so we don’t forget, add your version of the following to your daily report:

  • since my last relapse at (time) on (date), today I realize (an important thing you’ve learned about yourself) and (describe what you’ve done to put that awareness into an active habit). Today I didn’t or won’t falter because (list active reasons). And if I notice myself slipping into negative habits or urges, I will (list active things you will do to prevent it from happening).

Structure of Daily Report


  1. My primary objective was … I achieved (or did not achieve) my objective.
  2. My secondary objective was… I achieved (or did not achieve) my objective
  3. My tertiary objective was… I achieved (or did not achieve) my objective
    (Add as many objectives and details as you desire)
  • forgive but never forget: remembering our last relapse and learning from it entry

The basis of accomplishing objectives is EFFORT. If you tried, you can claim “objective accomplished” because many times our projects take longer than 1 day to complete.


Note: If you relapse, you can update the scoreboard, but you remain in the challenge as this is about building good habits and the day-count is a secondary objective.

Please add yourselves on the scoreboard and reply with the following information:
Sharing code - a9518e
Current streak - 2 days
Highest streak - 50 days
Age - 25
Gender - M
Location - US

The aim is not to get bogged down in expectations and/or achievements nor misdeeds and/or procrastination because no matter how the day went today or yesterday, there will always be a tomorrow. The aim then, is perseverance.

All the best, Godbless, and Godspeed!



[Challenger_Name, sharing_code]
:star: Primary Objective: # of points
:mechanical_arm: Secondary Objective: # of points
:beach_umbrella: Tertiary Objective: # of points
:rocket: Additional objectives: # of points
:poop: Relapse Counter: # of times relapsed

  • Hellojaani, a9518e
    :star: 4
    :mechanical_arm: 5
    :beach_umbrella: 6
    :rocket: 6
    :poop: 10

  • Forerunner, eoivgi
    :star: 32
    :mechanical_arm: 39
    :beach_umbrella: 45
    :rocket: 36
    :poop: 0

  • Kaito_Kid1412,
    :star: 3
    :mechanical_arm: 1
    :beach_umbrella: 2
    :poop: 6

[wannabeliberated, z7yag9]
:star: Primary Objective: 1
:mechanical_arm: Secondary Objective: 1
:beach_umbrella: Tertiary Objective: 1
:rocket: Additional objectives: 0
:poop: Relapse Counter: 0

[bogmihai64, bfce9e9]
:star: Primary Objective: 0 of points
:mechanical_arm: Secondary Objective: 0 of points
:beach_umbrella: Tertiary Objective: 0 of points
:rocket: Additional objectives: 0 of points
:poop: Relapse Counter: 0 of times relapsed


Sharing code - xatx66
Current streak - 26 days
Highest streak - 34 days
Age - 20
Gender - M
Location - India


Sharing code kbwwju
Current streak 10 days
Highest streak 51 days
Age 27
Gender M
Location India
Status Married


Your group & you are awesome.
This time we all are going to make it.
No more Procrastination.
No more Loses.
Lets finish this… once and for all.


Sharing code - 9e7502
Current streak - 0 days 16 hours
Highest streak - 251 days
Age - 20
Gender - M
Location - UK


Looking forward to the 100 day challenge. It’s time to change our lives once and for all. And we will begin a new life from 2020!

Sharing code - ve1hew
Current streak - 11 days
Highest streak - 11 days
Age - 22
Gender - M
Location - India


Sharing code: eoivgi
Current streak: 102 days
Highest streak: 102 days
Age - 25
Gender - M
Location - UK

This is a wonderful idea brother! Glad to join you. Let’s all close this year with a happy ending!


Sharing code - z7yag9
Current streak - 31
Highest streak - 68
Age - 30
Gender - M
Location - US

This will be a great secondary accountability group to stop me from relapsing. 99 days left now, I think?


And thank you for the opportunity


Welcome my friends!! I’ve edited the 1st post with all updates now (unless you can think of anything, I’m open and interested in your takes). I believe we can begin! My day is concluding in a few hours so my report is coming.

Please read the whole post and add yourself on the scoreboard.

Let me know if you got any comments/questions.

  1. My primary objective was to continue to work on my credit score so it will be good enough for rewards cards that will save me money in the long term… It took me onlya few minutes today, as It is a waiting game. My focus levels were laser focused. I did not achieve the goal yet. This will be ongoing.
  2. My secondary objective was to finish all my meditations. It takes me about 3 hours a day. My focus levels were so good I could fall asleep. I achieved my objective, but I need to Narrow down the meditations most useful to me.
  3. My tertiary objective right now is to figure out a more consistent and easier way to make time for hobbies. It is taking a while. My focus levels are good. I have not completed the objective. Yet…

Wannabeliberated; Day 32.

I will need to work on goals other than actual habits I developed; feels like I am cheating lol.
I will continue to update.


Date 24 September 2019

  1. My primary objective is My studies to clear a job exam … I studied for half an hour. My focus levels were average… I achieved my objective.

  2. My secondary objective is Regular Excercise … I go for Walking for half an hour on alternate days. In between those days i do Pull ups/ Hindu pushups/ daind baithak in Evening to improve my health. My focus levels are full .i enjoy Excercise more than studies… I achieved my objective.

  3. My tertiary objective is Going Outside Regularly to face Social Anxiety… i have too much anxiety nowadays. My focus levels are very low… I achieved my objective.

  4. Additional Objective : Pubg is helping me to make use of my dangerous time. I mean when i am exhausted and prone to edging/ urges. I play Pubg that time. This objective can be put in entertainment category. To give a Treat to myself to do Nofap with happiness.

• I completed my all objectives.


September 23, 2019

  1. My primary objective was to get as much homework done as possible - I told myself I’ll get it all done. So I definitely set my standards and expectations too high this time as I managed to do 1 out of 3 assignments. Alas objective missed however I tried well, tomorrow I’ll try harder and work smarter!

  2. My secondary objective was to exercise and attain a certain stepcount from cardio and tennis. I ended up enjoying both in the evenings and even managed to sneak in a short meditation session. My diet is good so far. Objective cleared.

  3. My tertiary objective was to go out and about, take risks socially and meet new people. I met them via tennis and badminton. I also reconnected with long lost friends whom I’d been ignoring cuz I was kinda self-conscious and isolationist in the summer… and that went brilliantly! I’ll mske more efforts to keep that up. Objective accomplished.

  4. I was living in an organized chaos but over the last few days Ive been cleaning my room, apartment and bookbag and electronics i.e. phone, pc, etc… and journaling while doing so… and I feel much better, much clearer! Objective attained!

PMO-wise Im good, no complaints


Hey bro, do we get points for each day or you tell me how the scoreboard is going to work ?

I Quit… I Relapsed… Cant show my face.

I wont come back until i have 100 Days on my counter.

You get 1 point per objective that you can add like this: for example, now you have 4 objectives and just now you relapsed… so add a point to the poop emoji, that’s for relapses. You can continue doing this challenge! That’s the point, relapses can’t stop us from living life!

so your score should read:
:star: 1
:mechanical_arm: 1
:beach_umbrella: 1
:rocket: 1
:poop: 1

1 Like

life has ended for me, today.

I dont deserve a single point… put me permanently in shit points.

we can make relapses worth 10 points or more if you want (that’s a separate discussion)… the person you hurt the most from this repetitive catastrophizing of relapses is yourself —

Learn now, add the points, and carry on with life… the whole point I wanted to make by this challenge is that nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, comes in between me and what I want… even if it’s relapse… the more we focus on life, the less power this stupid relapse-recovery cycle has on us

Choice is yours ultimately, but the challenge remains open for all who wish to participate


Nah, bro; we putting you on the path to glory!

Forget the relapse, keep going on them objectives and the days will go by.

You be one of the most prominent and active members on here. We need that motivation on here. You got this, man!


I will visit this Forum only if i have 100 Days of hard mode streak.

You guys go ahead. My love & Blessings are always with you.