Nice new vid @Forerunner and now Inam subscribed. Always could use more NoFap knowledge.
- since my last relapse at (10PM) on (Aug 22 2019), today I realize:
After looking up a NoFapper named Teshawn’s Adventure, I saw a video where he posted about Meditation. I subscribed to his Patreon and he told me a powerful benefit that resonated with me: the Third Eye/Pineal Gland…awakens. it cant easily be done if you live your life on PMO.
It got me thinking…what if Porn really was what I feel it is…a weapon to subjugate. I mean look at our society today. EVERYWHERE! And yet, despite the so called freedom…we all are locked in little cages and confined to dancing on the strings of “The Man”. Third Eye awakenings, Sexual energy as a source of power, mindfulness, testosterone, estrogen, dimensions and the spaces between worlds of you believe it, hyperfocus and presence, and nearly superhuman abilities similar to our animal brethren. It does sound a little farfetched and pseudoscientific…and yet the more I meditate, the longer I refuse to go back to my favorite porn sites and relapse, the longer I stumble upon triggers and overcome them along with urges…the more…weird I feel. I always believed in God, being Protestant myself, not very adherent but a believer… I believe in Chakra gates, Vibrations, Energy and psychoc abilities, White and Black magic, Angels and Demons, hrck I feel I have one that has been haunting me my entire life, that little dark side. My point being that with NoFap, it almost feels like I am reopening connections on a level beyond the natural and scientific. I can’t explain it, but looking at all my meditations and work these past 4 months…It almost feels that the more and longer I give up PMO, the more something else is traded in. I still have my bad days, but I feel so much better, happier, and I come to realize as I continue this streak, that there really is something…magical about NoFap…Seriously, like…RPG magicks, fireballs and lightning bolts and crap. Maybe I am a little nutty, but would it really be insane to feel that maybe NoFap is a God Given blessing and an answer to the prayers of a crippled society? All I can say is that wver since I started NoFap because I wanted to be more trustworthy and get these superpowers…Really interesting and unexplainable stuff has been coming my way.
December 20th 2019. Day 120, 4 months now
- I subscribed to Headspace. I have 4 different places I meditate from: Dr. David Tian, Aaron Doughty, Master Sri Akarshana and now headspace. I want to see what superpowers come from Meditation. There is something there that will bring me great power healing along with NoFap and working out and hobbies and careers.
- My secondary objective was to prepare to go see family on Leave for the holidays. I want to show them a Different man, a man on NoFap. Not some little gremlin hiding away in the other room wasting his life on the next Porn video.
- My tertiary Objective was to finish up paying for enrollment for my two college classes. The future is now, and I am too old for this childish charade.
- forgive but never forget: while I know I am Codependently Needy saying this, I am gonna Say it:
I have not forgotten all the haters who looked at me like I was trash. I still remember that day I messed up with my crush and she said I was just like every other man, and that pierced my cold stone heart like a meteor. I have not forgotten all the times I felt stupid giving in to an urge that lied to me, that reflected an ugly persona I took when I PMO. I have not forgotten all the horror stories on Reddit and YouTube of all the destroyed marriages and relationships, of all the sickening addictions leaving parents to abandon or even hurt their own children. I have not forgotten the lies I tell myself about my sexuality and fetishes, that I am sick or messed up. I am not, but if I continue to live in the lies of porn, I will become something abominable. I prayed day after day, begging God for forgiveness and screwing up my entire life…Now, I can see NoFap was the answer. The path to freedom, redemption, and self actualization.