Resurgence ........ 🔥

We must wait… he will reply … :blush:


Yes you are correct bro.


Do you think it is a Reward !!

On 21st day you are productive…
You are on :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:
Then you watch a Movie…
What is a Movie ?
We get lost in the movie… we forget ourselves in the movie…
A sleep takes over…
Most people watch movies to forget their hard life.

Movie is an escape from the reality. Thats why a sad people starts laughing while watching a movie.

I want to face myself… my sadness… i want to embrace it… like i embrace happiness.

I dont want to escape anymore… i want to face my Reality… going through the process…

I am not saying that you stop watching movies
These are my personal views
I Respect your decision.

Now coming to the Task… of not watching a movie …
How we can make it positive ?

As you want to be productive for some weeks … and quit tv shows for some weeks…
Hence …
Like Today … you have not watched TV shows… hence there is no need to say this…

After some weeks when you watch some movie and you think … that time… that you have done something good for yourself…

Include on that day in your tasks… like…
Today i watched a movie to reward myself :white_check_mark:


26 August
:white_check_mark: Wake Up before 6(woke up at 4)
:white_check_mark: Drink a glass of water
:white_check_mark: Affirmations and Visualization(Beastmode)
:white_check_mark: Workout
:white_check_mark: Pranayam
:white_check_mark:Water Intake : 1.5ltrs
:white_check_mark: Cold Showers
:white_check_mark: Chant the Name of God
:white_check_mark:Mindful Eating
:white_check_mark:Freedom Ritual
:white_check_mark: : Meditation
:white_check_mark: Journal
:white_check_mark: Chew Food 32 times
:white_check_mark: Productivity: 3hrs
:white_check_mark: Study: 3hrs


What is a Freedom Ritual ?

What is your routine or process of Name chanting ?

1 Like

Well freedom ritual is basically self introspection and diving into myself to see, if there is any aspect of life where I’m skipping, anything that is consuming more time than it should, am I on my path or am I deviated, etc. I named it freedom because I was bound to things around me the time when I started this
I sit in on a mat and start changing holy matras like “hare ram hare ram hare krishna hare ram” and gayatri mantra, it gives me enrgy and positivity.


DAY 57

Last night I decided to stay and wait at railway station till morning (It was too late to drive at night)
After Intermittent Nap and sleep Woke up at 4:15 AM’
It’s raining outside
After rain slowed down around 5:00 AM, drove back to home

Cleaning, bath

Omkaar chanting, Jalandhar Bandha, Uddiyana bandha, Moolbandha, Mahabandha

Breakfast, newspaper

GYE Attitude e-book

Lunch, Vajrasana

Continue GYE e-book

Russian lesson

Continue GYE e-book

Evening workout- regular and diamond pushups, squats, side planks, snake pose and Shashakasan


Omkaar chanting, Jalandhar Bandha, Uddiyana Bandha, Moolbandha, Mahabandha and Mahamudra, Shirshasana and Shavasan


Now going to sleep.

Just some miscellaneous experience:

My dad kept telling me today to keep rest. But I just smiled and told him that I am OK. Usually it’s tiring after 10 hr of train journey + bike riding + not so good sleep in station :sweat_smile: in a single day.
But I am not at all feeling tired. Though I have lost around 2-3 kgs in last 2 months, it feels like, I have improved a lot of stamina and inner strength in this period.

Today’s Learning-

  1. Being concious to our mind may empower our pure self and defeat the bad thoughts- Once we are conscious about our thought process, we can do a lot with so much ease, which were earlier too difficult to do.
    Yesterday during my train journey, I encountered two occassions- a young newly married couple just in front of my seat in my way back and another a mature adult couple resting in front of me when I stayed night at station platform floor (dorms and rooms were not available due to ongoing pandemic).
    At once I thought sister and mother figure for those beautiful ladies. That was wonderful experience. It fills my heart with joy unspeakable!!

Sharing code- s1jc5f


Brother @JumpingBuddha your posts always fills motivation inside me, I always feel like "thats why i am doing this nofap for !!! " and I am telling you that I will never be that guy that I used to be . It feels very insane and guilty when i thought that I used to fap and watch porn. It feels like there was some evil demon inside my body controlling me and I was just sitting behind that demon and used to say that " please stop it !..please ! This is not right ! "
in very mild voice and the demon just used to ignore me and continue doing the sin.This community is what opened my eyes and now that demon is still inside me BUT i have gained a little control over it.


Day 17
Pray :white_check_mark:
Study 3 hrs :white_check_mark:
Play 2 hrs :white_check_mark:
Positive thoughts :white_check_mark:
Check in✅


You are right… @JumpingBuddha way of explaining His routine is inspiring… It gives Motivation :+1:



:white_check_mark: Watched Motivational NoPMO video
:white_check_mark: Listened to Audiobook (Reinventing Yourself)
:white_check_mark: Listened to Scripture
:white_check_mark: Gym (2 Hours)
:white_check_mark: Visualisation
:white_check_mark: Mindful Breathing
:white_check_mark: Prepared Healthy Meal
:white_check_mark: Intermittent Fasting
:white_check_mark: Walking (28km)


We all have that demon as well as the angel. The real pith and substance of the fact is Who Is In Charge Of Whom?

Dear @TusharPuri, Lets reverse the role now and forever…:grinning:

Glad that you are gaining the control, but never put your guards down. A strong chain is of no use even if one link is broken.

Keep moving forward :+1::+1:


Yes I will never do so. :slightly_smiling_face:


Hello again,
So guys I think I have absolutely np going to 13 days but right after that weg dreams and intense thoughts take control of most of my days and try to leave the house but whenever I come back thoughts rise up again :thinking: I am not sure how to solve this neither excercise nor meditation removed those thoughts suggestions?

Take the final call.
Either agree to the voices OR Not.
Choice is Yours.
Consequences is Yours.


My Final Streak :rose:

Today, i have done following work to improve myself 》

Car Cover Wash :green_heart:
Walking 3 :green_heart:
Meditation 1.5 :green_heart:
5+5+3+2+2+3+2+2 pullups :green_heart:
Geeta darshan 1&2 (5) :green_heart:
Good Video

5 Days Stronger now :fire:


DAY 58

Woke up at 5:04 AM’
Gayatri mantra chanting

Morning workout-2km walk

Cleaning, bath

Omkaar chanting, Jalandhar Bandha, Uddiyana bandha, Moolbandha, Mahabandha

Breakfast, newspaper

Russian lesson

No lunch (fasting)

Machine learning
Rain with thunderstorm power off :roll_eyes::frowning::slightly_frowning_face:

GYE Attitude e book

Evening prayer with family

Omkaar chanting, Jalandhar Bandha, Uddiyana Bandha, Moolbandha, Mahabandha, Mahamudra, Shirshasana and Shavasan


Going to sleep now :sleeping::sleeping:

Today’s Learnings-

  1. Breaking the cycle to become free of addictio(excerpt from GYE Attitude e book)

Sharing code- s1jc5f



  • Cold shower🔥
  • Positive affirmations :fire:
  • Exercise :fire:

Day 18
Pray :white_check_mark:
Reading :white_check_mark:
Study 3 hrs :white_check_mark:
Play 2 hrs :white_check_mark:
Family Time :white_check_mark:
Positive thoughts :white_check_mark:
Check In :white_check_mark:
Gentlemen Now :muscle: :v:



:white_check_mark: Watched Motivational NoPMO video
:white_check_mark: Listened to Audiobook (Reinventing Yourself)
:white_check_mark: Listened to Scripture
:white_check_mark: Read Scripture
:white_check_mark: Watched Informative Videos
:white_check_mark: Project Research and Planning
:white_check_mark: Visualisation
:white_check_mark: Mindful Breathing
:white_check_mark: Prepared Healthy Meal
:white_check_mark: Intermittent Fasting
:white_check_mark: Walking (10.6km)

Thank GOD for today!