Raindrop's Journey

Day 180!

Well…here I am. At day 180. I’m going to give myself a little pat on the back for reaching this milestone. It might not be much but I am proud of myself for not giving up…and I plan to never give up. As Tom Haverford would say…Treat Yo self! I am doing exactly that today. I’m going to have the nicest meal I’ve had in a while and buy some nice clothes for myself.
It’s been a tough road…and every now and then it’s important to reward yourself for accomplishing even little things. That is all I have to say today.



Do let us know what was the dessert!! :blush::smile: ^-^


Inspiring to see someone so set and motivated to succeed in this way. I’m there with you brother. I’m set on this journey and don’t plan on looking back.


I got so full that I didnt leave enough room for dessert. I did have a steak though!

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Thanks Brother! This really is…hands down a better way to live life. I rarely get depressed anymore and I feel like I have a much better sense of direction in life.

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Brother raindrop living soo big am soo proud man :fire::fire::muscle::muscle::muscle:


Day 188.

Sometimes, it will feel like the whole world is against you. The only thing that truly matters however is how you see yourself. People may judge you wrongfully and treat you like garbage. In the end, what’s most important is that you find peace within yourself.

In order to find this peace…its important to see the big picture in life and not get so stuck on the details that can hinder progress.

Just like when you ride an airplane…all of the sudden you’re elevated from your day to day issues and you can think quite literally on a higher plane. This allows you to take a step back and creatively solve problems in life.

Same goes for trying to overcome an addiction. Instead of being so frustrated with it, take a step back. Write some goals. Focus on bettering your life with new habits. Be creative about it…and dont be so fixated on the problem itself.


Thanks for writing this diary. It is really motivating!

I am so happy to see how positive is your outlook on life because of nofap way.

The big lesson I am learning the with nofap so far is how to deal with the world and myself positively.

You sir really are a inspiration! Let’s keep living on! :grin:


Thank you @sadraw I’m glad to help :slight_smile: Do you like to draw? Drawing is actually one of my favorite hobbies. Its a great way to also deal with difficult emotions.


Aye! Mine too! drawing has been my hobby ever sinceI was a little kid but drowned during my addiction. Gladly I’m back at it although the pick up is slow but yes back to my hobby :slight_smile:


Yes! I like to draw as a hobby too.

Unfortunately I turned my drawings into sad, ugly things many times before, so I need be careful not draw alone now, especially when I have no idea what I want to draw.

I like the idea you can draw anything you want, it is so good to draw beautiful things, even simpler things that have a meaning.

Little by little I am regaining this ability to draw freely, but just in public for now.


Day 195.

You know that moment when you know you gave it your absolute best? Where you worked so bloody hard that you swear no one else could’ve worked harder?
To be able to say to yourself…I literally could not have worked harder today. I think it’s rare to have those days…but when you do have it…its surprising just how productive you can be.

I want to challenge myself to have more days like this…where you’re in the zone, fully focused that by the end of the day…there’s not an ounce of regret.

You kept yourself so productive that there’s no room for you to even think about relapsing or falling into a trap.

There’s so much value in having self-control…and it comes when you learn to have the discipline to do things that are hard, that takes focus and patience.

Why do I personally want to do this? Because I believe I matter. I know I have something in me that can create value in this world for the better. In the end, that’s what’s important to me…that I leave any place I go, a little better than I found it.


That feeling when you had a focus like you are crossing a tunnel, with nothing left and right only your goal in front of you. No distractions whatsoever.


I want to reach day 195 on hard mode and beyond.
Can you share your early journey(prior to day 32) with me, so that i can achieve my goals and become as focused as i was back then, when i was a 13 year old kid.
I was very intelligent that time and when i start wasting my seed down the toilet. I kept on degrading until i breaked completly.
I want to get Redeemed.


Sure thing. I think it’s important to have clear goals and endless patience with yourself. Without them, you give yourself too much wiggle room to fail. I did 3 simple things that allowed me to succeed the first 30 days and beyond.

  1. I started doing pushups every day. I would do about 100 or more or until I literally could not do anymore. It’s simple enough to do daily but challenging enough to feel satisfied physically once you accomplish it. Accomplishments = anti-depressant = less likely to need pmo to feel satisfaction with life.
  2. I kept reminding myself daily, almost every hour that I can be very happy and satisfied with life without falling into the trap of PMO. I kept visualizing a life where I was free from pmo. Where I would accomplish many things in life and travel the world and experience great things.
  3. I wrote down these goals and read them out loud every morning.

I think the main key point here is to create many little accomplishments per day. But be fair to yourself and know your limitations. It doesn’t have to be winning the Nobel prize or anything. Even little things like making your bed, taking out the trash. Cleaning up and simplifying your life. All these little successes add up…and can help create peace and satisfaction in your life.
I started out by doing just 1 new daily habit for a month. Once I got that going… I started doing 3 more new productive habits…and so on.
Basically make it a habit to always look for ways to improve and simplify your life rather than indulging in instant gratification.


Lately i have workout soo hard my body kinda shut down some part, i have had to stop with running to recover i have been doing it since 2016 this year i went i little too hard but with a reason i would rather have pain from building my body and soul than pmo we have similar aproach to this addiction in fact i have also done push to the point where i could not do anymore, i am just happy to see another guy with similar ways


Beware when you are sick. Lately I’ve been sick a lot…so I haven’t been able to exercise much. I’ve also noticed my will power gets weakened. I haven’t really found a solid solution in times like this. Its been a huge struggle. Really…I think its best to just recover as soon as possible by eating well and sleeping well. Sometimes… you gotta slow down a bit and not go overboard. You gotta be fair to your body and your limitations. That’s not to say be complacent… you should continue to push yourself to be better…but there’s a time to rest…and a time to work.


Yes I agree completely I have taken some time off, from workout now concentrating on my job more


Day 233. Lately, even since my last post…my health has been slowly declining. This illness has become so frequent that it has truely affected my ability to stay positive at times. It has got me worried since exercise was my medicine to combat any urges…but I could not really exercise due to the pain and sickness I had to endure. I’ve had to desperately look for new ways to cope. So I decided to focus more on cleaning and simplifying my life. Little by little… I’ve gotten rid of about 1/3 of the things and junk I’ve accumulated over the years. It helps getting rid of things that has become more of a burden then a source of joy. It’s one less thing I have to carry around or worry about. The goal here is to create a peace of mind. To me, peace comes from being organized and having the freedom to travel and do what I love for a living. I think this journey of rewiring is all about nurturing self-control and peace within. I hope to continue down this path and create a minimalistic, zen-like lifestyle.


Keep marching forward. We are with you.