Raindrop's Journey

Day 167.

Kind of wish I had done this from the beginning but here we are. Lately, more than any urge related issues, my life itself has been very challenging. I feel like by day 60 I had a pretty good control over my urges, to the point where it was no longer even a temptation. Lately, my life itself has been so difficult that I’ve been looking for an escape of some sort. Up to now, working out every day till I sweat and cant do any more has been my medicine for managing any emotional obstacles…but lately…even that hasn’t been enough. I am alone. I am struggling to make ends meet…and I don’t know how long I can keep this up. So I’ve been forcing myself to at least not be alone by being in public places as long as I can. Anyways I think its important to keep reminding myself, why I’m even on this journey. I don’t want to be a slave to my urges and give up. Not only that…I don’t want to be a slave to life’s challenges. No matter the circumstances, I don’t want to make an excuse and suffer. I can always decide to have a positive attitude…and this I take comfort in. I may make mistakes and complain at times but I choose to always get back up on my feet. I choose to be happy. I choose to not give up.


With that mindset you will over come everything Brother, things might be hard but you can never submit to them by lust, because then it gets worse its better to deal with real life than to numb our selves, thats what makes us stronger my life is similar to yours but one thing i know is that i am never submitting to pmo again, we keep moving on this year we will fucking celebrate all together on our best nofap journey, i don’t wanna do that alone.


Everyone Bow down to the Legend.


Thank you guys for your replies. They mean the world to me and it helps.

Day 168.
I’m not sure what’s happening to my body but I think its because it’s on the verge of having a wet dream. For the first time in over a hundred days, the urge has been very intense. This feeling just came out of no where. Anyways I still survived the day and after working out then a nap it went away.

I think one key that always helps me to fight this is to always plan for something to do. Whether it’s something simple like going out for a walk or even going to an event of some sort, it keeps the mind pre-occupied and leaves no room for self-destructive behavior like PMO. You need to balance both routine behaviors like exercising every day as well as something fun or unique that you can truely look forward to. By default, I like to set aside some time every day to work on my own skill sets and business. I don’t always like to do this alone at home so I take my laptop and work on it in public places like the library or a cafe. This also exposes you to possibly meeting strangers that could turn into a date, if nothing else, it’s still an opportunity to converse with someone and learn something new and make connections.


You sir are THE LEGEND.


Day 169.
I am a realist as well as an optimist. This road is not easy. Otherwise there will be thousands of people over day 150 on this app. I will be brutally honest, every one of your journey will be different and will have a different set of challenges. Some of you will relapse more than others…and it is due to a number of habitual thinking that really need honest self-reflection and correcting.

I think the most effective way to stop PMO cold Turkey is to simply make a detailed goal and plan of bettering your life and WRITE IT DOWN. I can’t emphasize just how important this step is. If you miss this step, there’s a high chance you will fail more frequently. Read it aloud every day and stick to it like your life depends on it. Seriously make it your number #1 priority to do this no matter how busy or tired you are.

Sometimes…life will get so hard that you might just break down crying and even tremble. Where every fibre of your being tells you to give up. This is why it’s so important to keep reminding yourself why you are even on this journey, daily.

Yes, even after day 90, life isn’t always butterflies and rainbows. But I will say this, by learning to overcome your own weaknesses, you’ll become that much more stronger to handle even greater challenges…but with even greater rewards. You’ll become that much more capable to also help others who may also be struggling. To me, that’s what life is all about. If I can reach out and help out even one soul to become uplifted…then I have done my job as a human being. I hope to be remembered as someone who never gives up, no matter how improbable and unfair the situation may seem. To me, this is the human condition and it is both beautiful and a priviledge to be a human who feels emotions and does everything to not give up. There are countless stories in the history of mankind of not backing out and coming out triumphant. You can fall and cry but don’t ever give up. I’ve attempted Nofap probably at least a thousand times. This has been my strongest run. Nofap is simply a foundation to build better habits and create a more fulfilling life. It can be gruelling, lonely, and hopeless at times… but it is always so worth it.


Day 170

I really hope I can get out of the current situation that I’m in. I’m currently in a very challenging financial situation. Wish me luck.

There comes a point in this journey where in order to progress… you have to start creating new habits that replaces your old bad ones. For example, exercising basically becomes your new Nofap. If you dont exercise…its as if you relapsed. Once you have daily exercise going and its no longer a huge challenge…then maybe you can also work on your own skills or business…and if you dont do that due to laziness etc…its as if you relapsed again on that level.
I think having this kind of mentality can really push you to keep progressing.
Nofap itself is the foundation to build self-discipline and create new habits to become a more productive and better person.

Here’s my code btw. Feel free to add me.


Day 171.

Geeze I’m tired today. I could barely exercise but I did it anyway. Not much happened. I wish I could get off my butt and actually work more diligently at my craft. I dunno why but whenever I get back home from work, I get so tired that I can barely be motivated to do anything. About the only thing I can do is activities that dont require too much thinking power like exercise. Anyways…if anyone has any tips…please feel free to share on how I can be more productive.

wake up early and sleep early


What kind of work you do bro. ?

Sometimes we feel tired because we spend the day thinking about anything and everything, sometimes worries and anticipating.
It creates a huge stress in the body, and you feel tired. After that it’s difficult to find the strength to do something energy taxing.
Are you tired mentally or physicaly?


I think you’re right. I do have a lot going on right now that I worry about. I think I’m tired both mentally and physically. Im haven’t quite figured out how to handle it properly…

Wow…its as if you read my mind. I was actually thinking of doing this tonight and this just confirms that I really need to do that better. Thanks!

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Hey. We are all here for you. You are not alone. Life can be brutal but keep going. Things will change if you embrace it. Just don’t fap, these 5 seconds is it not worth and won’t improve your situation.


C’mon man stop choosing the darkness, stop with the negative words you can do it.


I’m not really seeing the light at the end of the tunnel lately. Life really can be so brutal sometimes… and lately I’ve seen more darkness than light despite trying to be positive. Right now, I don’t actually worry too much about relapsing. I do have concerns however that since my life is so unmanageable and chaotic that I might just fall over and go deep into depression…I have concerns that this will spiral out of control. So in this moment of despair I try to at least fake a smile… hoping that I can somehow still have a positive attitude about life. Anyways thanks you guys for your comments… I’ll try to avoid negativity in the future.


in times like this what I try to do is I think about the good things that I have in my life. and think about people who are in worse condition than me.


Day 174

Sometimes you gotta fake a smile and literally laugh out loud until you trick yourself into thinking things arnt so bad. It’s always easier said than done…and its always tricky in the moment to stay calm and positive when life hits its peak challenging moments.
This is nofap…or should I say…Lifeing because it’s not just about nofap…its willing to have the courage to live out your dreams. Nofap is the foundation to truly build the life you want. To truly become stronger and build character. The journey will take you through the psychological, the emotional and spiritual rollercoasters. Its life changing but at times painful but also rewarding. Its honorable, raw and healing. It will make you live in a genuine and honest way. You’ll feel emotions stronger than you ever have before. Sometimes it can be painful…and it may be due to having withdrawals of living a passive life and not feeling such intense emotions. As of now…after everything I’ve been through…I can say with full confidence that it is most definitely worth it. I’ve been able to deal with some really tough situations…and I really dont think I could have had I not progressed in this journey.


Day 175. When I started this journey, I FIRMLY made up my mind. No going back. EVER. There’s been many attempts in the past but never as strong as this one.


Don’t give up sir! U truly are a legend. And thanks for making this forum.
U are my motivation. I have read all your posts in the post section and got a hell motivated from you!