Prabhjot 1 year semen retention journal

Day 95 update:
Got an sexual dream, was doing sex with a girl in my dreams but I didn’t ejaculate and said no to her afterwards, so here i go 95 days with no nightfall/precum whatsoever, thank you god.


Day 96:
Going food so far, will start running soon. Proud of myself.

Day 97:
I woke up very late, will fix my sleeping schedule. Proud of myself, thanks god

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You’re awesome! Almost 100 days :sunglasses:


Thanks bro, good luck.

Day 98:
I love myself


Day 99 update:
I feel I’m feminine, i miss the masculine energy in me. I need to balance both energies in me, I’ll rock the world then. I’ll be complete, I’ll be in myself. Then I’ll not look for girls with masculine traits or men with feminine energy who can match my energy. I’ll be complete in myself, I’ll heal my spiritual body so i can enjoy the materialistic world. Thanks god and good luck to all my buddies here, heal yourself. God bless all.


Only a few hours left before day 100!

How are you going to do to rebalance your masculine and feminine energies, your yin and your yang?

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Soul knows bro, she’s the teacher.

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Day 100
Not feeling good but proud of myself that I’ve made this far, thanks god.

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Congratulations for this 100-day streak!

You can be very proud.

It’s a wonderful gift that you give to yourself :+1: :gift:

Keep doing bro!

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Thank you so much bro🙏``

Congratulations brother :100: days :+1::+1::+1:

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Day 103 update :
This shit is not about benifits, this is becoming your higher self. Realizing what you’re, why you’re here on the earth. Why are you born, what’s your purpose. Matrix is very complicated guys, everyone is working here because they have exchanged energies with others in previous lives. Nobody can just be your father,mom,best friend. You have exchanged energies with them in past lives that’s why they are here with you. No one can hurt you without your permission, you have signed contracts in soul plane with them that you’ll get this pain/happiness when you’ll take birth in physical world. I’m saying again, matrix is very complicated only the chosen one by god is on the semen retention journey. I’m very very grateful for whatever i had, good or bad. Thanks god, thank you god for everything.


Day 104 update:
My thoughts on nofap attraction -
Had you heard the law of karma? What goes, comes back. So, on the journey of semen retention, you are getting closer to becoming your higher self. So in process of becoming the higher self you first have to resolve your karmic account. You get energies in return. I mean the thing that you had gave (this life,past life) will come back to you and the energy will be return through different people. When you fap, you’re always frustrated, you are always blaming your life,god, different people and you can’t resolve your karmic account. You’re only creating it more either with your parents,friends,relatives but when you’re on semen retention journey these people treat you nicely because you had somewhere solved some part of your karmic account with them and new people (energy in return) come to your life and people say it attraction, nofap attraction. Awake guys awake, everything is working systematically, matrix is so complex.

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When I was reading this, I was feeling like it was written by me. Same thoughts brother.

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Day 105 update :
There is no need to learn from anyone, there is no need to seek the answers from outside. Outside is so complex and you’ll get so dependent on material world. Inner journey is enough, answers will come either on soul level or in the reflection of physical world. Thank you god.


True, absolutely !!!

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Day 106:
Seems like losing my intuition power, full moon is near. Thank you god, proud of myself

Day 108:
Mood not good, not going to gym from so many days, waking up late. What should i do? Getting irritated and angry

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