Nep's diary (in pursuit of being unbreakable)

I keep getting this stupidity now. I’m talking about video in the middle. I have significantly reduced my youtube intake and I don’t get cat videos. Well, at least there’s a dog video.

And all of these channels are petty and are only trying to make money.

Same with sigma males and shit. Or sometimes INTJ characteristics(surprisingly, many INTJs are stupid enough to fall for that). All of them are just cheap versions of andrew tate.


I relapsed. I’m expecting chaser to come up and torment me. Plus I’m very low on productivity too.

So now is the time to protect something precious enough to give your life for.

That precious thing is my “self integrity”


today was a wild day.


Move it you fucking idiot. Procrastination doesn’t help you. Move your ■■■ forward.


as it turns out, another reason of this is that I have ADHD. I had an assessment from a therapist or a psychologist (whatever you wanna call him)

I really hated the process, because I hate taking outside help. But he’s been really kind and nice to me.

Contrary to popular belief, ADHD is not a disorder. It is a mutation, and I was just born like that.
It has its own set of advantages and disadvantages.
The disadvantage obviously being your hormones not being released into your brain for just anything. You don’t like a lot of things in your day to day life, so you can’t focus on them.
You may like a particular movie only and not so many other types of movies. You may just watch just that scene over and over again. Or read one thing over and over again, or listen to one song over and over again, or stick to that part of that song while discarding everything else. Because other things/parts don’t click.

Or you may like to do things in a certain way, not some other way. This may sound like “everyone has it” but people with ADHD have this tendency more than normal. If they don’t like something they can’t even imagine in that way, as their feelings don’t allow them.
I also didn’t like socializing and parties and small talks and other stuff like that, so I just never fit in with people. I don’t have much interest in dressing nicely or appearing good or whatever else too.

But it also gives you an advantage of “hyperfocus” in the things you love. It also makes your beliefs unshakeable to an extent, and makes you stubborn.
Of course some events can still shake anyone up.

Maybe it was owing to this I made out of my addiction, before which I was fapping minimum of twice daily. Because I had got a reason to quit it and that reason hit me very strongly.

The disadvantages didn’t manifest this strongly before because I was making use of it in my life.
The recent trauma that happened to me got me here, and I got focused on that entirely so I couldn’t focus on other things.
My mind didn’t want to let it go, but over the months I still made progress.

Now of course, I’ll be working on it. I have to take some medication, which I didn’t want to. But I realized I can’t stay stuck here for long. I already denied medication for long. At least they’re not allopathic but homeopathic.


First off, there’s no such thing as “allopathy”. I think what you are referring to is evidence based medicine. Secondly, taking homeopathic medicine for a diagnosis proposed by evidence-based medicine based on concrete evidence :sweat_smile: sounds a little shifty


Are you one of those people who think that alternate medicines don’t work at all?

And well I’m obviously talking about the modern medicine when I speak of allopathy. I don’t want to take those antidepressants.

Or if there’s some other definition, then I don’t know. I’m not from medical background so I don’t claim to know everything. Regardless, I’ll take what is prescribed to me.


Not at all bro. I just found that sentence that I quoted to be very dismissive of evidence based medicine. I’m sure we can agree that evidence based medicine has alleviated a lot of human suffering.

And yes, you should opt for whatever you feel is right for you. I’m in no place to tell you what you should and shouldn’t do, especially when it comes to your own body.

Me neither bro. I’d rather tackle it with a healthy lifestyle before straight away jumping to hardcore meds. But I think we can agree that there are other avenues apart from mental health where modern evidence-based medicine does wonders. For eg. - Trauma, Ophthalmology, Dermatology, Surgery, stem cell transplants to cure genetic diseases, Organ transplants to name a few.

Lemme reiterate, that I am not against people going for alternative medicine.


This phrase makes me think as if alternative medicines are not “evidence based” which I can’t agree with. If they work, that’s an evidence too.

For my kidney stones I took an Ayurvedic thing which dissolved it and later I used the saline bottle and everything (part of modern medicine) which flushed it out.

I don’t deny that either. But as you have said so yourself, you wouldn’t want to take those hardcore drugs yourself. So we’re on the same page on that one. And actually he’s told me a few things about healthy lifestyle which I’m trying to inculcate. Those are working, but I can do better.

And in case you felt like it, I wasn’t attacking you.

I just asked. Had you said “yes”, I’d have just said back that I can’t change your opinion and I won’t try to do so, but I’m taking what’s been told to me.

But in case you felt like it then my apologies.


No no bro, i didn’t feel attacked. And it’s good to let ideas clash sometimes. Makes us all better. Anyways, I wish you well brother.


I guess that’s true, but these days I’m definitely not in a state to get into arguments :joy:

And I’m one of those people who loves to argue.

Thanks, you too!


I have somewhat similar approach to medication. If something is curable with a healthy lifestyle, I would rather go for it first than going for medicines directly.
I recently saw a video of a doctor saying that eye exercises do not help at all in correcting eyesight, it can only be cured from surgery. But just few days of exercise actually made my eyes feel better. There’s a video of a guy who took eye test before and after 30 days of eye exercises, and he did had a minor reduction in his specs prescription.
I am also not criticizing modern medication, they have worked wonders over the years.
Btw My major concern is contradictory responses from different doctors and researches. There has been many instances when two of the experts exactly gives opposite responses. Not saying it’s wrong, but it does create some resistance for me to go for it directly.
Also it depends on person to person, One of my friend has hair patch issues majorly due to weak immunity. And he went straight for the injective treatment.

they’re paid to do so. They get money from guys at the top who want to create a narrative that everything else is false and only their methods (or should I say modern medicine) works.
Money buys power so some big guys also try to push a narrative where “alcohol is healthy” by showing it off in some research paper. These are means to control masses. They want to create a dependence of people on their medicines and food so that they retain a power over general public.
It’s very much like religion(again I believe in higher power, but you get the idea what kind of controlling, cultist type religion I’m talking about. Not yours or anyone’s personal faith) but it uses the words “experts” or “scientific” or “researchers from **** university” etc. Indeed there are some (cultish) religious organizations which fund these kinds of research.

I’m also not saying that modern medicine is bad, but we shouldn’t give it the full authority. If we get fever we shouldn’t just go to the shop to buy paracetamol, but try to heal it by some natural way. Of course for cancer and other stuff we are powerless against so we can consult the doctor (and definitely not some chap from the internet). Plus these are the same experts who will say “masturbating is healthy” and all the “evidence” will point towards that using some research paper. We have to use our brains and gut feelings and our own experience for such things.

Some of these people just blatantly discard every other alternate way of medication as if modern medicine just came in modern times out of nowhere. These people mock tribal people (they don’t have antibiotics and so on) for practicing their local herbal medicines. That is very wrong. That knowledge of tribes is very precious and others shouldn’t really interfere with their healing processes or in their way of life too. They are highly self reliant and we should just let them be.

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Sadly the health and education sector which were supposed to be Not for profit has fully emerged as profit making.
Also another reason at individual level is that they fail to act objectively. I think that what distinguishes a good or a bad professional. And this has created false narrative over the years.
And the cheap tactics you talked about, ofcourse a major factor for such pathetic environment.

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People are motivated by profits in every discipline. Just because people are corrupt, doesn’t mean the discipline in itself (be it allopathy, homeopathy, unani or ayurved) is corrupt. You are right, corporations chase profits, and in this pursuit, they might put human welfare on the back burner but this is not exclusive to modern medicine. You’ll find plenty of examples of harm being caused in the pursuit of profits in alternative medicine disciplines as well. That doesn’t mean those disciplines are corrupt, it’s the greedy people that are. Tobacco lobbying in the 20th century is a great example of this behaviour.

Allow me to clear this up. “Expert reviews” are the least respected form of scientific evidence.

So the next time you see a so called “expert” on YouTube, bragging about science, you can just ignore them. In fact, I personally have seen some so called “scientific experts” bulshitting on the net for clout and profits. Then there’s the example of Nicole Prause who wanted to prove that ■■■■ was not harmful. So she drew incorrect inferences from her own studies on ■■■■ use among men. But she was destroyed when her research paper was peer reviewed by other scientists. You can find the entire story in Gary Wilson’s book.

That is true, happens in all disciplines and the motivation is money.

There was absolutely no research on this untill a few years ago so a good doctor would’ve have told “I don’t know”. Doing research on this subject was really difficult because it was hard to find control groups since literally every dude watched ■■■■. However, research is coming up and it is confirming what we as men have experienced. Btw, you can look at Dr. V G Gupta’s videos on YT, an urosurgeon and andrologist who said how he used to suggest that P was ok, early on in his career because there was no literature on it. And how his thoughts evolved on the subject as he gathered experience. Now he warns every one against P.

That is indeed wrong. But no decent scientist would mock anything. Scientific temper is one of curiosity. Scientists would instead seek to learn from them, as they have always. Anyone mocking others in such a manner is no scientist but just some dude with superiority complex. We should stop conflating the two.


Sorry bro. Had to get this off my chest. :sweat_smile:

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I’ll make it clear, I have no problems with allopathy or modern medicine or whatever else you wanna call it.
I never said that it is corrupt, but this thing is very true

that’s why we have to be very skeptical regarding it. That’s what I’m saying.
They market their protein powder and what not to fool people. That is obviously wrong.

Even if you say so, they are supported by the system itself. And of course people believe them. This is very similar to religion in medieval times. Some priest would control the masses just like this, and a complete system was formed and embedded in the society just like this.

I wasn’t doing that. I specifically said this

However I’ll still support the idea that you should be as self reliant as possible in case of medicines. I’d actually want to extend that to other parts of our life as well such as food (eg. grow your own veggies in your own garden) and clothing(mom knitting a sweater for you) and whatever else. Hope you get my point.

Yes I know about him. I think he cited some old papers in this video. They were hidden by the scientific community. I could be wrong though, I watched this long back.

Now as for my personal opinion, I totally believe this.

People may mock me and call this a “pseudoscience” but I know within myself what happens. So all in all I wouldn’t bother myself with their opinion. Also because this is my culture which I didn’t pay attention when I was younger. As a child I was drawn to western, modern, trending fads. I’ve outgrown it now.

Now I want to indulge myself in this.

As I get time I’ll read more and more of the scriptures and traditional sciences which can be discarded as pseudoscience by others. I won’t say they’re all perfect or infallible, but there’s definitely a lot to learn from there.

That’s fine. I have also made some clarifications. So there’s no conflicts here. We’re just having a discussion.


Couldn’t agree with you more bro. :handshake:


Again I’ll make it very clear, as my posts can be controversial.

I’m not speaking against any kind of culture or some group of people, I’m merely trying to point out the flaws in a system.

I have nothing against modern medicine/doctors.
Indeed studying for a medical degree is not something easy and I have respect for those who have opted for this course.
One example in our forum is @Doctor_JL and I respect him a lot too, even though there might be a case where I may disagree with him.

Also I don’t claim to know everything. Because I don’t. I can make errors and I’m not infallible. But as I have grown up while reading a whole lot of stuff, I have reached some conclusions which not everyone might like. And I believe those conclusions have some truth in them. To believe it or not is your choice, and I won’t be pushing my opinions over anyone.


The type of diagrams she(my university) expects me to create in every fucking answer