Nep's diary (in pursuit of being unbreakable)

And what’s with the INTJs trying to be edgy all the time?

Wanting to be villains just for the sake of it. For the people who are supposed to be “smart” apparently they’re not smart enough to figure out the tendency of “wanting to be different” just like everyone else.

It doesn’t make them different, only a cringe loser like the rest of the populace they supposedly loathe.

If they want to be different, maybe they should start working for it. Work hard to create an actual difference instead of looking for such instant pleasures to give in to stereotypes.


Sometimes I feel if not for study and work related stuff, I would have cut my internet connection.

Trust me, without internet the complete problem of PMO will be solved.


Me too bruhh, me too…


This guy single-handedly crafted the rules of classical Sanskrit, making it a language of highly sophisticated algorithms.

No one was able to do this until almost 2000 years later, and definitely not with a spoken language. We only have artificial (non spoken) languages now that can work like this and they are used in computers.

Maybe no other spoken language in the world comes close to this level of sophistication.

He is my inspiration, they all are.


I saw the girl my dad had proposed me to marry her back then and goddamn! She’s no joke. She is beyond my league even :roll_eyes::joy:

My dad wasn’t messing around when he said that - “you’d melt when you see her”.

That was two years back. And people here complain about arranged marriage :rofl::rofl::rofl:

No shit though, she’s way too good. Like extremely pretty. My dad definitely knows what’s he doing.


That’s the mistake we boys do. If she is above your league, you wouldn’t even have got a proposal from her family.


Nope. My dad asked for it to them. Or so I think. Family didn’t disagree as far as I know, or Idk.
I declined of course.
I mean I consider myself a fairly good looking dude but I’m obviously no Hrithik Roshan. She’s definitely quite pretty herself, no doubt about it.

That being said, we still have a little time for all this and I’m yet to recover from my traumatic heart shatter so… :person_shrugging:

Also for now I have some other priorities in life than marriage.


In that case, you shouldn’t marry and take your time. Beauty isn’t everything, you may get even better girl later.


No one is rushing things. But my dad has expressed his desire, that in the upcoming future he’d like to see that girl married to me.
Back then I refused to see her pictures too. Now I saw her in real. It’s too much :rofl:

Not to mention my relapses. I’m definitely not ready for marriage lol :laughing:


I know we bachelors always say that we’d marry and have a wife but when things actually go into that direction it gets extremely scary. You’ll feel it too if your family does something like this @prince_king

Trust me on that.


See what PMO did to you. Ok, I am not gonna lecture you, I said that in fun manner but again , relapses take away our confidence.

Be on the right track soon.


Thanks mom. I will :person_shrugging::rofl:

No but seriously I need to get back on track.


I am not sure but I guess you had a massive streak at some point of time? What’s bothering you now?


I haven’t built up my strength enough to handle stuff. I have grown of course but it’s not enough as of now. I’m hoping to get to that point soon.


Unknown heroes.


I think I may have overestimated her. She’s not like that. I mean she’s pretty, but not like beyond my league.
I had the case of false memories. I guess it happens sometimes.


Today I did awesome. I fought like a monster.
I wasn’t happy as I woke up and started my day. I wanted to quit. My mind was asking for a break and was acting highly irritated. I refused to give it the comfort.

I did extra work in the morning, and after that I did extra exercise too. My mind was already too much irritated due to all that, and wanted to quit badly. But my habits have formed strong due to doing them for all these days.

I did 42 Suryanamaskaras in one go, and when I stopped I was dizzy and I thought I’d lose my consciousness(I didn’t, but I felt like it). I sat down just like that. It was among the best things I may have felt in my life. I pushed myself hard and actually completed the goal which I didn’t think I could do. I have to grow. Today after a long time I could say I’m genuinely proud of myself.


Damn bro… thats the beast mentality
I know its random question but do you live alone or hostel?


I live with my parents for now.