Nep's diary (in pursuit of being unbreakable)

I had a dream where a middle aged lonely woman tried to seduce me and surprisingly instead of giving in to her I actually pushed her away.

Bigger than my hand. Itā€™s awesome.


Hibiscus has been one of most abundant plants in our state a decade ago. Idk climate is so erratic these days. We have like 40 degree celsius here now.Its been roughly a 5 - 6 years Iā€™ve seen a hibiscus here.

Nice your place is edowed with natural beauty. Cool to see these pics posted frequently.

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We have it here too. It can go till 45-46 degree celcius.
But we have a lot of forest here as well (with tigers in it :space_invader:).
So I get to see a lot of different species of birds, some of which also suck the nectar out of these hibiscus flowers.

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Also this time it was quite a lonely birthday on rewire Imao. Last time everyone had wished me here. And obviously very less folks wished me in real life too. I didnā€™t really much care about it this time though, so I guess I grew up :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

But @prince_king was the only guy to do it to me. So thanks bro.


I am sorry . Ik I am late. But Belated Birthday Wishes bro :birthday: !! Hope u have cut your cake and enjoyed with your family / friends etc.


Thanks. I donā€™t cut cake though. I have my reasons. But canā€™t tell them here as it might offend a lot of people.

I did have this. It was just some Shrikhand first then I added banana and some pedha to make it look fancy :joy:

Whole day I spent in library studying that day. I barely got some 4-5 wishes. Oh well one more person from RC forum did it to me. That was @Dari

Donā€™t think sheā€™s active here anyway.

So thanks to everyone :hugs:

I just wanted this on my birthday. And as it seems for now Iā€™ve been so busy in my work that I didnā€™t get time to think of this.
So maybe I do have his blessings. Or idk


Looking at the photo, is that shrikhand?


Yep. Saffron flavoured.

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You sir have come out of nowhere and made us all craving shrikhand now ā€¦tf


Then get some. It should be easy right?

Nah manā€¦Iā€™m on diet and canā€™t have that while still hitting the gymā€¦guilty conscience

After a period of one week of no thoughts about sex I relapsed due to some stress.

Not to worry though, I have done something that I wasnā€™t able to do before. Forgetting about sex entirely and focusing on my life. I was stressed in this week multiple times but I didnā€™t think about relapsing. And after that I managed to gain control over that stress as well.

Not just nofap, I handled my tendencies to seek refuge in other destructive ways. I didnā€™t do YouTube, or much internet in general. I kept my head where it was necessary - self development.

I did awesome, as it wasnā€™t just nofap aspect I was caring about but a complete holistic development.
Not to mention this relapse did absolutely nothing to my stress and I had to deal with it myself which I did again. And I did that after getting even more sad due to my relapse.

In short, I handled a lot more than I thought I could. A couple of months back Iā€™d have thought this to be entirely impossible. My resilience has increased.

Iā€™ll also keep this here. Itā€™s an old memory.


I watch that video before workout just to pump myself up. Mainly I watch it for that hulk roar.


I remember when I was 3-4 years old Iā€™d go in school bus.

Adults always told me that if I put my hand outside it will be cut off if another vehicle passes. So I tried to understand how it works, I tried to put my hair outside if they get cut off or not.

It never worked, because my hair was too short to be out. I had a thought of using a girlā€™s hair for the experiment but I could never do it.


You are growing stronger brother.

The stress we try to escape through PMO still waits for us, and the relapse only increases it. The best decision is always to keep going despite the challenges. When we are free from addiction we are in the best position to solve our problems.

Keep going, keep growing :muscle:


So true. It is never the answer.


It never were. What day you are in btw?

Day 0
(20 characters)


Bruh where do these hoes get the ideas?

I skimmed through YouTube a little and there was this channel called ā€œbikinihistoryā€ and the woman was wearing a bikini and apparently talking about some history.

What the fuck :roll_eyes: who are these people?