Nep's diary (in pursuit of being unbreakable)

Growing attractiveness is a magic of nofap, quite a good motivation to us :laughing:


Lol but sheā€™s just a kid :joy:

Another nightfall.
I was very stressed last evening and it caused me to have it. Brain thinks no other way of finding pleasure. Also the dream was disgusting and not really erotic. I refused to entertain sexual thoughts, Iā€™ll keep doing so. This wonā€™t scare me. And now Iā€™m going to push myself harder, take my thoughts and my problems head on.

Letā€™s get immune to the stress once and for all.
These desires donā€™t rule over me, I rule over them. Iā€™m the master and I want to fight like a monster.


I have relapsed.
I couldnā€™t hold it. This time stress was out of my control.
And it feels terrible.

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You seem to have a lot of stress broā€¦ :sweat: try doing something that genuinely makes you happy and relaxed, like going for a walk, doing things mindfully, or watch some funny videos. Too much stress will harm your health and emotional wellbeing. Think positive!


I could have handled it but suddenly I lost my composure. All my positive thoughts that were with me went away. So I couldnā€™t handle it anymore.


I have to stay strong. This isnā€™t the end. Iā€™m capable of handling my life. Iā€™m capable of handling my mind.


Write what triggered you, How it triggered you, Why it triggered you, When it triggered you.

All these questions can help you from another fall. You did well donā€™t beat yourself too much bro


I was handling them since my entire streak. It was a delicate balance but I slipped.

Man just when I thought things canā€™t go any worse a mosquito went inside my ear :joy::joy:

Good thing I killed it before it could go any further and got mustard oil inside my ear.

Tomorrow Iā€™ll have to go to a doctor to remove the dead body, if it is lying inside my ear. Definitely got to check things out.

I so much hate them now. Fuck mosquitoes lol.
This is not the first time it happened.


Get a grip you fucking idiot. How would you do great things like this?

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Today was a productive day. Iā€™m also mentally and emotionally satisfied as of right now.

Thanks to the almighty.


Iā€™ll keep it here for myself. I should read my scriptures more, they are a goldmine of wisdom like this.

These verses say that the actual self doesnā€™t even enjoy the pleasures of this earth. We just fulfill the wishes of this body. Sometimes those wishes become strong urges and just get out of control.
Iā€™m not this body, Iā€™m something more than that.


Had no idea these were here. I kinda want to get one of the flowers but I have no idea how deep the water is.


My aunt got sick and the doctor messed it up while removing her cysts.

She was so much in pain man. Vomiting out everything she ate. Good thing her reports came normal and no cancer. Iā€™ve seen a lot of cancer for a while nowšŸ™„

Hopefully she makes her recovery.


That sounds horrible. I hope your aunt recovers soon.


I never thought this would happen but it appears that cooking for just 3-4 days has made my hands a lot more resistant to heat. :joy::joy:

I had the oil spill over my hands multiple times today and it didnā€™t affect me at all. I even touched a hot pan with bare hands and while it did hurt me but no burns at all.


Man I love dogs. I just wish they didnā€™t lick their balls so that I could let them lick my hand.


Shit keeps happening :roll_eyes:

A tiger has killed two people in here now :neutral_face:

Last year there was another one which killed 3 people in 2 days. They are becoming a problem now.

Idk if I posted these pics last year


Today I just wish to have his blessings. And not just for me, but for everyone who is struggling through this addiction. Or is going through any other kind of struggle or tough time in life.