Nep's diary (in pursuit of being unbreakable)

What ? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
It’s taco Tuesday


As much as I hate to admit it, I binged. And I wanted to do more but I somehow managed to break out of it.
Now I’m not going to let it affect me.

My brain is wanting to feel that high, but I can’t relapse again. Not to mention relapsing like this didn’t make me feel good anyway. Intense workout is the only solution to this. I will be doing it in the evening.


I can only imagine what your brain is going threw at the moment, just shy off 100 days wow i have only completed half of that.
Be thankful for your efforts and everything you learned on the way.Even though you fell once again, you have gained a experience not many men in the entire world will ever,99 days is something to be proud of brother.
If you can 99 days you can do 999 days, Don’t beat yourself up to much,stay away from the chaser effect and get right back to work


sometimes it feels like I really won’t be able to enjoy sex life. Releasing the sexual energy is something I’ve really started to take a dislike for.
Maybe marriage isn’t for me. Well it doesn’t matter anyway.

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Have you ever had sex with a woman before?
You can always hold your seed and just take pleasure in her pleasure.
I think your just beating yourself up because of the recent relapse, did you want to have sex with a woman 3 days ago when you where feeling fine and pmo free?

No. And I don’t know if I want to. In the recent few days I was highly sensitive to woman’s presence, even the smell of their perfume was turning me on. I guess that’s what happens when don’t fap for these many days.

The reason why I wouldn’t want to do it is also because of my broken heart.

I want to keep away from them for now.

Pointless sex is well pointless anyways.Im sure when you find a woman where you both connect and want to start a family it will be different.Not sure what religion or anything you are but i can imagine after 99 days you would feel like actually connecting with someone you love,rather than just busting a nut for few minutes of pleasure.

One of the best painful lessons/teaching’s a man can go threw is getting his heart broken.What you learn and go threw while still being broken is what makes you stronger as a man in the long run.Don’t worry women come and go,just as fast as money does.


Sexual energy if preserved can fuel your strength and intelligence. Will it be worth it for a woman? Different people have different opinions.

It’s not how you think for this case.

It works. For a while at least. My physical strength still exists.

It’s not all gone.

relapsed again. I could’ve resisted it, but I didn’t. And it is my fault.

I respect the self accountability,You are a man of morals and honor just by saying those words.
It’s ok to fck up as a man,aslong as you get back up and have honor in telling the truth and then working even harder towards your goals.
Stay strong over these next few days, another 99 day streak is coming :muscle: :muscle:


I really don’t like this weakness in my body that’s perpetuated right now. One relapse didn’t do much. Multiple relapses are surely going to fuck me up.
Now my physical strength has depleted. And I’ll be keeping sharp till the end of this week. No more relapses.

alright so back to basics.
Finish one day at a time. And I’m feeling confident about it now even with depleted strength. I will not tax myself much. After 2-3 (without relapse) days I’ll be better. Just focus on smaller things first. I got this.

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Sexual energy is definitely precious. Never waste it ever.


That’s depressing after a long streak. That was a tough fight. You fought really hard. Take some rest and come back stronger


:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: wtf
dude this was hilarious :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

But yeah, my RC family has definitely carried me for a while.
Love you all my folks :heart:


And I’m no hero anyway

:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:
Man, this is funny. But the meme is real.
Take some rest and heal yourself. You need it.



10 hours post relapse.
Today was a total waste. Tomorrow I start my routine again.

As of right now, no desire of sex or even fantasizing.

The thing to which I fapped has lost all its charm it had for me. Something positive about this relapse I guess.

I’m stuck in an emotional loop, I have to break out of it. Tomorrow’s exercise might do the trick.

I’m stuck I’m just at the door. So quite possible to pull it off.