Navy Seal Training Challenge -Target 90 days-

@anon31725534 @JANIG @Alex2121 @MrBaller
welcome aboard soldiers. Let’s make each day count while surfing Urges if they arise and completing our to do lists.
Don’t forget to do daily tasks and check in daily.



Here is on how you can add a friend. Follow the steps, and press the 3 dots.


I’m so motivated and fired up after reading your energetic and hopeful post… Congratulations brother. I’m so happy :blush::grinning:

Me too, I will never go back to that depressed and hopeless state. I will die but not slip.

Yes exactly. :100::+1:

That’s amazing. Welcome back brother. That’s the spirit that will lead you to victory :fire:. Learn and grow. Improve and conquer.

Perfect :100::crown:
@MrBaller kindly share your sharing code so we can track each other’s progress and be accountable. Just like @andythepro65 shared.


Yes sir. I agree, and yeah it works perfectly to help others know.


Yes, thanks sir for helping me. It takes alot of my time to post and reply :joy:. I’m doing this while my exams and going on.


Today’s Video

Urge Surfing Fundamental Training Task 4

Buy your favorite food when you are hungry. Instead of eating it yourself, give it to someone close eg friend, family member, some needy and hungry person on a street. :joy::smirk: Observe the urge to eat. Observe the happiness you get by helping others and seeing the smile on their face. Maintain a positive perspective. :grinning: Then go home and eat regular food :joy:. Observe how it fills your stomach and alleviates your hunger. Simple food can curb your hunger too. Pleasure from food is a dangerous thing if it becomes a habit. It drains both your health and your wallet :joy:.


Delay eating food for 30 minutes later than your usual time. Observe the hunger. Surf the urge. Be positive in perspective.


No worries man, here to help.


The final scene tho :joy::joy:

Good video anyway, it’s so motivating :rainbow:


You are right brother
I hope that we don’t give up in the middle of this epic journey and continue to prove to ourselves that that we will be consistent on breaking good :saluting_face::fire::muscle:


I hope that we continue to make eachother happy and motivated by making great achievements and sharing it with ourselves here as we consider this place our home and we are a family :hugs::heart:


Highest streak 5 days
Current streak broken
Can I still be added??


Highest and current streak is same : 13 days 16 hours


isbus8 my sharing code


@Wolverine7777 @Mayur28 welcome aboard soldiers. Let’s make each day count while surfing Urges if they arise and completing our to do lists.
Don’t forget to do daily tasks and check in daily.


@VAGABOND yes I hope too :innocent:

That’s so warm and heartfelt message bro. I’m glad to be part of this family and community :innocent::sparkles:


Check in Day 20 - 2/9 Journey completed Alhamdulillah

“It does’nt matter who we are. What matters is our plan”


:sunny: This is a message to my future self. You were right. You did it. You have broken free. You are truly free now. Fly high oh my best version. Fly high :key::100::innocent::sunny:


Need consistency in fasting and positive perspective at all times.

Tips of the Day again(same, need to practice)

Your mind is a great liar and deceiver. It always says: “that is too difficult. This is too much for you. You can’t do this. This is getting difficult. Things will get worse with time. I’m losing my willpower. I’m at my limits etc” Shut the mind up by doing what it says you can’t.

Push yourself everyday. Your mind should obey you. You are the master. Not the other way around. It’s been so long you played the role of servant that you have forgotten how to be a master. Don’t procastinate anything for even a second. Just do it forcefully whether you like it or not. True freedom lies in the other side of pain and hardship. Fight with your own self. Conquer yourself. Be free.

Keep a positive perspective when flatline, demotivation or Urges hit.

Break big task into smaller tasks if you lack motivation to start working. This really works.

Learn to surf the urge. Any and all Urges. Observe first. Then think. Then react. Be self aware.

While working had, say to yourself you love it. Soon it will be rewarding working hard by associating dopamine with effort and not just end result / reward.

Wake up at same time, go out in sunlight for 10 min, drink coffee after 90 mins.

If you lack focus, don’t drying tea… Just take deep breaths 23 to 30 with 2 sec deep inhales and short exhales and then exhale all your air… Then hold your breath for 40 sec.

At end of the day, relive your day and analyze where you wasted your time, your mistakes and make a plan to improve on them tomorrow. Do this daily. And soon you will surprise even yourself at the progress.

Daily Tasks

Fasting from Fajr till maghrib ( 5am till 5 pm) :white_check_mark:
Positive Perspective :white_check_mark:
Meditation :white_check_mark:
Watched motivational video :white_check_mark:
Quran Translation :white_check_mark:
Cold shower :white_check_mark:
Pushed myself today :white_check_mark:
Study/ Worked today :white_check_mark:
nap 50 mins :white_check_mark:
Exercise :white_check_mark: strength training
No triggers from screen :white_check_mark:
Daily task :white_check_mark:
Namaz :white_check_mark: 5 in masjid
Diet Control :white_check_mark:


Today was a difficult day. Day 20

I made up my mind 20 days ago to not watch any movie, series or anime. Today while studying I had serious Urges to watch a movie. I had to force myself to study too. I was close to breaking my promise. But with Allah’s help, I survived.
I discovered that these urges were just a deceitful way to get away from stress of studying and persue dopamine rush by coming across triggers, an old habit of mine that always lead to relapse.
Today’s fast was just like yesterday’s, I made it with ease physically but mentally I had to deal with alot of stuff today. As I’m writing this down with stomach fed after 12 hours of fasting, I’m realizing how much I need to improve regarding handling stress and Urges. I have faith in Allah Almighty and in my potential.
At last I say, No urge is strong enough and no feeling bad enough to change my positive perspective and make me doubt in my potential.


I want to Join
Name: Wool
Sharing code: 1icct8
Current streak: 23 Days
Longest streak: 52 Days


Day 14 Daily check-in :ledger:

:white_check_mark: Slept :sleeping: on the floor :bed:
:x: Wake up early (woke up at 5:30 am) :clock530:
:white_check_mark: Cold shower :droplet::snowflake: :shower:
:white_check_mark: Affirmations
:x: Visualization
:white_check_mark: Meditation 7 chakras
:green_circle: Went to gym
:white_check_mark: Tricep extension 23kg x30 reps
:white_check_mark: Tricep extension 27kg x30 reps
:white_check_mark: Bench press 20kg x50 reps
:white_check_mark: Pectoral fly 18kg x20 reps
:white_check_mark: Pectoral fly 14kg x10 reps
:white_check_mark: Abdominal 4th weight x60 reps
:white_check_mark: Abdominal crunch 23kg x45 reps
:white_check_mark: Hip adduction 18kg x30 reps
:white_check_mark: Arm curl 23kg x10 reps
:white_check_mark: Arm curl 18kg x10 reps
:white_check_mark: Arm curl 14kg x10 reps
:white_check_mark: Lateral pull 25kg x30 reps
:x: Dips
:x: Pull ups
:x: Push ups
:x: Belly crunches