Navy Seal Training Challenge -Target 90 days-

It’s ok if we fail but not ok if we give up. Keep fighting soldier :+1:


I haven’t given up, but I did fail. However I am starting again yes, and I found the way why I was failing like the 15th day so that’s why I also failed my 1st day. Since I found out of it.


Wise words my friend :muscle:


Meditation :negative_squared_cross_mark:
Task complete :white_check_mark:
Workout :white_check_mark:
Hydrated :white_check_mark:
Triggers from screen :white_check_mark:
Today is an odd day. My fight got called off bc there are no coaches in town and I had so many urges today but I did not masturbate. How do I fix this?


Hi guys,
:one:I want your help can anyone say how to meditate, i have been meditating from a week i dont want quick results but there are lots of thoughts going on.
:two: can anyone suggest what is 7 chakra meditation (I know about 7 chakras but no idea about the meditation) and how to do it.
Thank You :heart:


@NeverGiveup420 I need to join this challenge for a bit. I have exams coming up.

CS: 16 days
HS: 78 days

Daily tasks:
:green_circle: Meditate for 10 mins
:orange_circle: 50 pushups, 50 crunches, 50 plyometrics
:red_circle: YouTube videos only motivational/self improvement or basketball related
:large_blue_circle: Study 8 hrs per day
:white_circle: No triggers on screen
:yellow_circle: Sleep and wake up early


Don’t fix this. It’s normal. We should get natural Urges. What we need to fix is our perspective. Believe you me, if someone is tired of Urges, sooner or later he will relapse. But if someone sees Urges as normal, learns to acknowledge their presence without attaching any negative sentiments with it, knows that Urges have no power to force us to relapse, and does not responds to them, he will never Relapse. Fix your perspective. Embrace Urges. Surf the urge. Be cool.

Just take calm deep breaths and focus on breathing. When your focus wanders, redirect it without negative feelings. Practice.

Or you can focus on how are you feeling in heart, in body etc.

Or you can focus on 5 senses. Listen to all sounds. Move through different sounds. Then open your eyes and just see. Observe different thing. Then smell. Then touch your hands. Sense the sensation. Then feel the taste on your tastebuds of previously eaten food. Then close your eyes and focus on your own consciousness. Who are you. Where are you. Why are you. Etc…

Or you can move through a thought process reaching a conclusion by focus attentive meditation.

@VAGABOND @debellator welcome aboard soldiers. Let’s make each day count while surfing Urges if they arise and completing our to do lists.
Don’t forget to do daily tasks and check in daily.


Today’s Video

Surf the urge Fundamental Training Task 2

You can surf the urge in literally any task when you are near your limitations.

Task 2 is surfing the urge that says stop exercising.

Do whatever you like to your max rep but surf the urge and observe. Go beyond your limitation. If you usually do 10 push-ups in a row, do 15. Surf the urge that arise after 10 push-ups that says I’m at my limit. I cant do more. Observe that voice but don’t respond. You can say positive things like I’m only at my 40% limit. I can definetely do more.
Push-ups, situps, crunches, leg raises, planks, jumping rope, you name it. You can surf the urge in all of those and go beyond your limit.
@mphexpert @4battle this is Surfing the urge you required without needing to breath through nose and without running.



You don’t need to fear Urges. You just need to avoid triggers at all cost. But You don’t need to fix Urges. It’s normal. We should get natural Urges. We are living breathing humans after all. And when we get urges, we should surf the urge. Observe them without reacting. We are not slaves to our Urges. They are just input signals coming to our consciousness. Our output is totally under our control. Unless we surrender our control.

What we need to fix is our perspective. Believe you me, if someone is tired of Urges, sooner or later he will relapse. But if someone sees Urges as normal, learns to acknowledge their presence without attaching any negative sentiments with it, knows that urges have no power to force us to relapse, and does not responds to them, he will never Relapse.
Fix your perspective. Embrace Urges. Surf the urge. Be cool. :100::wink:


Thanks all guys @Binocular @rajameghanan @textmr03 @anon33800963 @roshan2304 @NeverGiveup420 and others … Finally i achieved the highest streak of 20 days in “MONKMODE” ,by all the suggestions and advise and experience you all share …And my life and mood and even studies are going so smooth Alhamdulillah…It’s not easy guys ,but it’s worth it …And benefits are immense and intense…i feel so close to God , focussed in studies and happy …Learn to surf the urge , it’s normal …You maybe in distressing situation for few minutes in the journey,but for 23 hours ,you will be in joy …On the road ,to become the best version of myself…Keep pulling each other soldiers …Fallen soldiers don’t give up on mercy of Almighty,pray and believe it’s possible… We have to win the war ,even though battles maybe lost …Keep striving and keep struggling …THIS IS THE ONLY WAY to keep your soul intact…As one of the user said , I will be away from this and keep fighting,I’m not going to return to hell…Let’s guard our soul and pull each other towards purity


Hell yeah
I will be checking here daily
Currently i am in day 5 once it’s completed i will write here and i thank you for taking me in bro


You can start here also bro @Lext
Join us if you want

1 Like

I (Dr. Ted Roberts) had the privilege of serving as a safety officer in several squadrons. Part of the job
involved investigating aircraft accidents and discerning what had taken place and why. At times, it was a
gruesome task that deeply challenged my problem-solving skills, but the struggle was always worth the
effort. The lessons learned in the process could save lives in the future.
Like with crash site investigations, I have come to the realization that to help individuals stop the
insanity of continual relapsing, they needed training in how to do a thorough investigation of the crash
site in their lives. A relapse can look and feel a lot like a smoking hole in the ground of an aircraft crash
site. At first observation it seems like there are no clues as to what might have happened. It can feel like
part of you has died. There is the acrid smell and taste of shame in the air, and you can feel hopeless!
Yet, if you start carefully analyzing the wreckage, it will tell a very clear story of cause and effect. The
crash and the relapse didn’t just happen. There were decisions made, attitudes embraced, boundaries
violated, and thoughts tolerated that were in place long before you slammed into the ground. There
is also a cause for the relapse, and if you examine the crash site, you will see a very strong underlying
pattern driving the downward spiral!
1 Describe the last relapse you experienced and describe the crash site in vivid detail.
2 What did the start of the downward spiral look and feel like?
• List the last three weeks of your FASTER Scale results. What was the lowest level you reached each
week prior to Relapse?
• In detail, describe the Double Binds you were struggling with during those three weeks.
• Why do you think you never resolved those Double Binds so you could get off the FASTER Scale and
return to Restoration?
3 What accelerated the downward plunge?
• What were your Commitments to Change during those three weeks?

• Why did you give up on the Commitment to Change that could have pulled you out of the downward spiral?
• How many calls to group members had you committed to make each week?
• Why didn’t you call a group member for help when you were headed into the ground?
• What were the triggers that set you up?
• What boundaries, or middle circle (Seven Pillars of Freedom, Pillar 5) issues, did you ignore or
willfully violate?
**4 What lessons did you learn from this relapse? **
5 If you experienced multiple relapses, what is the common pattern in your relapses?
6 What new guidelines do you need to put into place with respect to:
• Sleep
• Exercise
• Anger
• Being alone and the need for a Safety Plan when you find yourself alone
• Dealing with family of origin issues
• Media usage
• If you are married, dealing with conflict
• Your tendency to isolate
• Your eating habits
7 Does your wife, if you are married, have a Safety Plan, and are you aware of the natural
consequences if you relapse?

8 What is your plan for the next time you find yourself in that familiar pattern of relapse? On a separate sheet of paper describe in detail how you are going to pull out of an approaching crash.


You can find the faster scale here it really helps with a podcasts how it works


Hi Imraj,

Sorry I was busy today.

For meditation of 7 chakras.

We start with Pranayam 1st, asking for God to assist us( I usually recall Shiva above my head, and radha Krishna in my heart) I mean I visualize them above my head and in my heart.

After doing Pranayam. I meditate at the base of my spine. Uttering the word Lam.
I inhale and while exhaling pronounce the word Lam. Feel the vibration at the base of the spine.
Trying to visualize the red color or the picture below

For 2nd Chakra I visualize orange color or the picture below while uttering vam.

For 3rd Chakra, I visualize yellow color or the picture below while uttering ram(pronounce rum)

For 4th Chakra, I visualize green color or the picture below while uttering yam

For 5th Chakra, I visualize blue color or the picture below while uttering hum.

For 6th Chakra, I visualize purple color or the picture below at 3rd eye point between the 2 eyebrows while uttering om.

For 7th chakras, I visualize violet color or the picture below just above my head while uttering om.


I’ve never thought of welcoming my urges as a good thing. Thank you for this advice it’s for real changing my thinking. I’m gonna keep at it boss💪


No thanks among us brother.


That’s what I do to keep pushing my limits


Great :+1::fire:… Mention not bro… Much obliged. :innocent:

@abiq thanks alot bro… :smiling_face: This seems like a great tool to become more self aware of our behavioral patterns. Awesome post :100:. This will be really helpful.

Me too :joy:. This is my first time practicing this and I’m so relieved. I don’t have to panic every time I accidently glance at a female. I just lower my gaze and remain calm. I become mindful of my own thoughts and sensations. Previously, I used to panic that now Urges will arise. But now, I’m immune. And don’t confuse this with delebrately checking females out, I don’t. That’s dangerous. That’s triggering. Also, testing your self control is just you fooling yourself into a relapse. So I am careful. I just lower my gaze and remain calm.

Mention it boss :100::innocent:

I’m glad to hear that. :grin: That’s awesome :fire:


Check in Day 14

My goal like David Goggins is to do something daily that challenge my limits. I ran again 6 Km with mindfulness. I feel like I can conquer the world, like I can achieve anything. But my legs, feet, and thighs hurt so I’m gonna postpone conquering the world and rest tonight and tomorrow to recover :joy:. I’ll challenge myself mentally in studies tomorrow instead of physical challenge.

:sunny: This is a message to my future self. You were right. You did it. You have broken free. You are truly free now. Fly high oh my best version. Fly high :key::100::innocent::sunny:


Sleep early. Should be in bed by 11 pm.
I need to sleep on time and offer Fajr in masjid.

Tips of the Day again(same, need to practice)

Break big task into smaller tasks if you lack motivation to start working. This really works.

Learn to surf the urge. Any and all Urges. Observe first. Then think. Then react. Be self aware.

While working had, say to yourself you love it. Soon it will be rewarding working hard by associating dopamine with effort and not just end result / reward.

Wake up at same time, go out in sunlight for 10 min, drink coffee after 90 mins.

If you lack focus, don’t drying tea… Just take deep breaths 23 to 30 with 2 sec deep inhales and short exhales and then exhale all your air… Then hold your breath for 40 sec.

At end of the day, relive your day and analyze where you wasted your time, your mistakes and make a plan to improve on them tomorrow. Do this daily. And soon you will surprise even yourself at the progress.

Daily Tasks

Meditation :white_check_mark:
Watched motivational video :white_check_mark:
Quran Translation :white_check_mark:
Study/ Worked today :white_check_mark:
nap 24 mins :white_check_mark:
Exercise :white_check_mark: 1hr 40 mins… 6 Km mindfulness run, martial arts and football.
No triggers from screen :white_check_mark:
Daily task :white_check_mark:
Namaz :white_check_mark: 5 in masjid ALHAMDULILLAH :innocent:
Diet Control :white_check_mark: