Navy Seal Training Challenge -Target 90 days-

Highest streak 77 days
Current streak 5 days
Day 5 done perfectly :mending_heart:


You guys must be thinking I’m so motivated and etc.

The truth is, somedays I’m motivated. I have easy days. But other days are a real challenge. I really struggle on those days with feelings of demotivation and feelings of resistance to follow the preformed routine. Completing tasks no matter how bad I feel is my only goal on those days. I pray to Allah Almighty for His help and He really listens.

This motivates me in dark times.

“So indeed with the hardship is ease. Indeed with the hardship is ease” - from Surah Alam Nashra- Al-Quran.

14 days I have been practicing surfing all types of Urges. I know from experience that after 30 days, real internal Urges will appear. I’m preparing myself for those. It’s my first time I’m preparing to embrace the Urges. I hope i find my training fruitful. In Sha Allah

Signing off for today - Just a normal guy who never gives up.


Daily tasks:
:green_circle: Meditate for 10 mins
:yellow_circle: Sleep and wake up early

Couldn’t do the other tasks. Instead of working out I played a basketball match. Instead of studying 8hrs I couldn’t hit because I had to go out.
I saw slight triggers yesterday visually (kissing)
YouTube I did see one non-self improvement related video so thats a no go.
Need to improve today.


1st person: faps every day, relapses, doesn’t meditate or do excercises, watches Pn all the time, has no girlfriend, single.

2nd person: no-fap, never gives up, meditates, listen to music and do pushups, avoids triggers, doesn’t edge and has a girlfriend and is happy.

Be like 2nd person. Even if you are like 1st person you can always change.


I was a first person before but have become a second person now . Still no luck when it comes to gf. Feeling sad🥺


A girlfriend will come with time. Even if it takes longer than ever. Someone will be with you one day. Just don’t give up.


You don’t need a girlfriend. You need a wife. Don’t be sad. Work hard to become a man your future wife will depend and rely upon. Be physically, mentally, emotionally, and knowledge wise fit. Financial fitness is not a priority. You still need to work to earn money but don’t be sad if you don’t have the job of your dreams or salary like a rich guy you know. God will provide for you as He provides for every single living thing in this universe.
Work hard. Stay happy. Be cool.


Today’s Video


Today’s Task

:warning:REGRET LATER or SAVE YOURSELF NOW :warning: A WARNING :exclamation: MUST READ AND COMPLETE THIS TASK :point_down:

You have to make a decision to change your life. Sit down for 5 mins and evaluate your actions. Are you invested enough in NOPMO to make it a success? Are you willing to sacrifice any and all pleasures to change your life for better? Look at your actions. If they show sacrifice, consistency and improvement over time, you are all in and ready for success.

But if not, don’t fool yourself that you are trying hard. You will relapse sooner or later and it’s a fact. Unless you commit fully to change your life and make a decision, you will be stuck in this loop of trigger, temporary pleasure as relapse, pain and regret, try half heartedly again, trigger, relapse…

Your task now is to sit down in isolation for 5 mins and really reach a decision. I know you can. We all can. It’s possible. We can do it. We will do it. We must do it. Decide and take control of your future. Work hard. Surf the Urges. Be happy. Be cool.


With the job and finances i am happy with what i have. Hope i a get woman soon who becomes my wify forever. Also today is my 100th day streak :blush:.


It sounds amazing. Can you please tell us from how long you are practicing. Whats the benefits you noticed after you started the practice?


I am like you bro, you are not alone

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Awesome :grinning:

Its every man’s dream :blush: including mine :joy:. May this dream of ours come true soon.

CONGRATULATIONS!!! :100::tada: :open_mouth::star_struck:

This is freaking awesome :fire:


I am not doing it daily, also it was just recently that I started again. I am struggling because I have to wake up early to be able to do the meditation because when coming back from work I am already exhausted most of the time so I am not able to do it daily.

When I do the meditation I am more calm in life. I usually get very angry while driving, today I woke up late, so I did not get time to do Meditation. I noticed I was more angry today while driving because of slow drivers in front of me.

Today my sleep broke at 2 am and I fell asleep at 4 am, that’s why I woke up late.

I think it’s because of meditation that I find it easy to deal with PMO

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Day 9 Daily check-in :ledger:

:white_check_mark: Slept :sleeping: on the floor :bed:
:x: Wake up early :sunrise_over_mountains: (woke up at 7am)
:white_check_mark: Cold shower :droplet::snowflake: :shower:
:green_circle:Went to gym
:white_check_mark: Bench press 20kg x60 reps
:white_check_mark: Tricep extension 18kg x45 reps
:white_check_mark: Arm curl 18kg x10 reps
:white_check_mark: Arm curl 14kg x10 reps
:white_check_mark: Arm curl 9kg x10 reps
:white_check_mark: Abdominal 4th weight(no idea what weight) x45 reps
:white_check_mark: Rotary torso right 9kg x20 reps
:white_check_mark: Rotary torso left 9kg x20 reps
:white_check_mark: Lateral pull 25 kg x45 reps
:white_check_mark: Dips x10 reps

Felt happy after working out, this time I really pushed too hard when it was time for pull ups I couldn’t do any lol :dizzy_face:


5 days completed successfully


Brother that’s just genius :100: :fire:


Feeling like a big naked mountain
But a fertile and alive hill is better than a naked and dead mountain.

I feel like a piano without a melody, a song that was never heard. But a musical note is far more peaceful than a piano without a single melody.

I feel like a bird with no wings, a bird who has a dream, a dream to reach the sky of freedom, a dream to see how big the blue sky is. But a dream is not what you see while sleeping, a dream is what you see when you’re awake.

If you’re ready to devote all of your life, if you’re ready to make all the necessary sacrifices, if you stay consistent, disciplined, and willpowered, nothing and no one could ever damage your well decided and happy future.


Wow… That’s well written… Well said bro :100::fire::open_mouth:


“The hardest is always in the beginning. It will become easier later on, you will feel much better as time passes on. It’s important you don’t give in”

-Rewire Companion user


Thank you so much :heartbeat: . It really works. Please listen to a podcast on there website where the explain the tools.