[Morty's diary] Journey to a better life

Day 21 [21 July 2020 time is 10:30PM IST]

One of the happiest day of my life, took the first step to my journey to success :heart_eyes: Day went very well, got appreciation from the team for the support which I did for yesterday’s work. Will remember this day forever.

Woke up early :white_check_mark:
Excerise and meditation :white_check_mark:
Learning :white_check_mark:
Work :white_check_mark:
Mobile usage reduced :white_check_mark:
Spend time with family :white_check_mark:
Get motivated :white_check_mark:
Motivated others :white_check_mark:
No PMO :white_check_mark:

As I said this is one of the best day but I know this is just a beginning still lots to go and even better days are coming :hugs:

Staying strong :muscle: To infinity and beyond :v:


You dont need to remind yourself of no pmo.
Think about your Goals brother.
Let go of shore.
March Forward.


That’s fine brother :wink::+1:


You just completed first stage of nofap where many of us fail. Really happy for you bro. You have made this far .


Day 22 [22 July 2020 time is 10PM IST]

Had night fall last night, don’t know how it happened, I don’t even remember having any erotic dream, slept peacefully got shocked on see this on the morning :pensive:

Had some urges today managed to get rid of it, hopefully everything is going well. Feeling bad about this, but this is just a minor setback on the journey.

Woke up early :white_check_mark:
Excerise and meditation :x:
Learning :white_check_mark:
Work :white_check_mark:
Mobile usage reduced :white_check_mark:
Drink lots of water :white_check_mark:
Spend time with family :x:
Get motivated :white_check_mark:
Motivated others :white_check_mark:

Overall a below average day :neutral_face: but I know I will be back stronger than ever :muscle:

During the course of your temporary hurdles, keep searching for a tad of optimism

-Charmaine J Forde

Staying strong :muscle: To infinity and beyond :v:


Night fall can do nothing to you, if you are strong enough to fight the urges

1 Like

Thanks for the inspiring words man :relaxed:


Always there for my frnds

1 Like

Day 23 [23 July 2020 time is 10PM IST]

Feeling better than yesterday, things are going well good, thankfully no urges today.

Woke up early :white_check_mark:
Excerise and meditation :white_check_mark:
Learning :white_check_mark:
Work :white_check_mark:
Mobile usage reduced :white_check_mark:
Drink lots of water :white_check_mark:
Spend time with family :x:
Get motivated :white_check_mark:
Motivated others :white_check_mark:

Overall an okayish day but far better yesterday.

"I wake up every morning believing today is going to be better than yesterday.” – Will Smith

Staying strong :muscle: To infinity and beyond :v:


Great brother… keep going like that .


Day 25 [25 July 2020 time is 11:20AM IST]

I couldn’t able the update the dairy yesterday because my work got extended and this is happening frequently. So from today, I’ll be posting the activities and the things I faced on the previous day as soon as I can on the next day :blush:

Well as I posted earlier few days before I had night fall, from then I was demotivated and upset for some unknown reason till last evening. I was working last evening and all of the sudden I started feeling happy I’m clueless of what happened and this happiness started to increase gradually, work got extended and I had to complete some additional tasks as well, but I didn’t frowned upon instead I continued working happily, thinking this is one of the benefit we will get on this journey and I love it :heart_eyes:

Yesterday’s checklist :point_down:

Woke up early :white_check_mark:
Excerise and meditation :white_check_mark:
Learning :x:
Work :white_check_mark:
Mobile usage reduced :white_check_mark:
Drink lots of water :white_check_mark:
Spend time with family :x:
Get motivated :white_check_mark:
Motivated others :x:
Going to bed early :x:

Overall an average day this could be better but still love it :heart_eyes: and I hope all our brothers and sisters who are in this journey will feel the same thing :blush:

"Happiness is a state of mind. It’s just according to the way you look at things - Walt Disney

Staying strong :muscle: To infinity and beyond :v:


If you can do it, I can also do it.
You are progressing more day by day


Exactly, don’t underestimate yourself bring out the beast in you, let us travel to glory.


Day 26 [26 July 2020 time is 11:10AM IST]

As yesterday was off, took a much needed break from work. Having that same happiness from the previous day, started reading Sherlock Holmes novel, I have already watched the movie and series but reading gives new meaning to the entire story, will continue reading the novel in my free time and complete it entirely :wink:

Woke up early :x:
Excerise and meditation :white_check_mark:
Learning :white_check_mark:
Work :x:
Mobile usage reduced :x:
Drink lots of water :white_check_mark:
Spend time with family :white_check_mark:
Get motivated :white_check_mark:
Motivated others :white_check_mark:
Going to bed early :white_check_mark:

Unproductive day but spend time on other activities and it felt good :grin:

“Push yourself, because no one else is going to do it for you.”

Staying strong :muscle: To infinity and beyond :v:


26 days! Congratulation :smiley:


You have reached that point! Never look back!


Day 27 [27 July 2020 time is 11:10AM IST]

Yesterday was off, not a productive day. But continued reading the Sherlock Holmes novel and spent great time with family :heart:

Last night, I watched a movie with my family and time ran away quickly, I haven’t noticed the time but by the time the movie ends it was around 12AM I went to bed but I didn’t get sleep, tried excerise and meditation none of it worked, all of the sudden I started having memories of O and the urge hit me very hard, was not able to sleep till 1AM, I was distracting my mind but it didn’t worked out. Then I opened the forum luckily @Einzelganger was online, I pinged him immediately and man, he is a gem and a life saver!! he supported me like anything. I did 3 sets of push ups but I don’t think it helped me as much as his words!!! my urges went away and then l heard my favorite music for sometime and slept peacefully.

One thing I learned from yesterday was even though if we think our mind is strong it would be nice to have a good companion in this journey. Sometimes our mind may let us down, but our companions will never let us fail, once again thank you so much @Einzelganger brother much love :heart:

Woke up early :white_check_mark:
Excerise and meditation :white_check_mark:
Learning :white_check_mark:
Work :x:
Mobile usage reduced :x:
Drink lots of water :white_check_mark:
Spend time with family :white_check_mark:
Get motivated :white_check_mark:
Motivated others :white_check_mark:
Going to bed early :x:

If you can’t run, you crawl. If you can’t crawl, you find someone to carry you. -Joss Whedon

Staying strong :muscle: To infinity and beyond :v: in


Lucky to have you as my companion too brother. :blush:
Together we will journey to greatness,
To infinity and beyond :fist:


Day 28 [28 July 2020 time is 10:10AM IST]

Yesterday was a great day, woke up in good mood, worked in good mood, mind was full of happy thoughts :blush: only problem was worked for nearly around 10hrs and the headache hit me very hard. Took a tablet and went to sleep earlier.

Woke up early :x:
Excerise and meditation :white_check_mark:
Learning :white_check_mark:
Work :white_check_mark:
Mobile usage reduced :x:
Drink lots of water :white_check_mark:
Spend time with family :white_check_mark:
Get motivated :white_check_mark:
Motivated others :white_check_mark:
Going to bed early :white_check_mark:

Overall a good day but I could be great if I just reduced mobile time :expressionless:

We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey. – Kenji Miyazawa

Staying strong :muscle: To infinity and beyond :v:


Day 29 [29 July 2020 time is 10:10AM IST]

Yesterday was an okayish day, woke up early with great mood, till I started work, day was perfect. By the time I started work, loads and loads of work queued into my plate and literally worked for 13+ hours yesterday, with breaks only for lunch and dinner, didn’t spent time on other activities because of this.

Woke up early :white_check_mark:
Excerise :x:
Meditation :white_check_mark:
Learning :x:
Work :white_check_mark:
Mobile usage reduced :white_check_mark:
Drink lots of water :white_check_mark:
Spend time with family :x:
Get motivated :white_check_mark:
Motivated others :x:
Going to bed early :x:

Most of the things are crossed-out :neutral_face: from today even if work load increases need find some time to spend on other activities. Work alone won’t improve my skills and lifestyle.

If you want to shine like a sun learn how to burn like a sun - Unknown Rewire Companion user

Staying strong :muscle: To infinity and beyond :v: