[M28] Buddha's journey to liberation

@JumpingBuddha what is the tittle of this book you put pictures of? I want to read it, there is a lot of wisdom there


It’s Personality Development by Swami Vivekanada published by Ramkrishna mission.
Here is the link-

Enjoy reading!

PS: It maybe possible that you do not agree some points, but grab whatever suits you and work for you.


@JumpingBuddha thank you :smiley: I’ll read it for sure

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This can be dangerous bro… because
A man without awareness can pick anything that suits his ego.


Considering perspective and need differs from person to person- Something may not be useful for one but maybe useful for other.
I am assuming the reader have some sense and will to improve self. I meant to say that pick whatever is your need and ignore whatever is not useful.

Thats fine dear. Maybe it will improve readers awareness and provide some mental excercise to his chitta, manas and buddhi eventually. Btw reading book does not have any side effect.:blush:



Sure brother!
Hope you learn many good things.

Keep learning and keep improving.:+1:


DAY 21

Woke up 3:38 AM’
Om chanting
It was raining, but stopped after few minutes
Morning workout- 4km running, 1km walk, lunges, Hindu pushups, Surya namaskar

Cleaning, bath, Breakfast, newspaper
Miscellaneous works

Lunch, Vajrasan

Found the harmonica (mouth organ) which I got in childhood but could not learnt it apart from some random sa re ga ma notes…

Now thinking to learn it. Searched some YT tutorials. Suggestions are welcome.

Russian lesson

Evening workout- skipping 200, burpees, regular, declining pushups
Mahamudra, Shirshasana, Shavasan, Pawanmuktasana
Tonight also I am fasting
Will sleep after sometime.

Today I would like to promise myself two things

  1. Never to disrespect a woman
  2. Leave the anger

Today’s Learnings

  1. Be a man
  2. Faith in self

Sharing code-s1jc5f


This is a negative thought. … in this you will always do anger & disrespect women.

Say yourself 2 things :

  1. I respect women.
  2. I am a Peaceful soul.



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Try this Google drive link

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Taking it positively

  1. Will always respect women

या देवी सर्वभूतेषु शक्ति रूपेण संस्थिता नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः

  1. Indeed I am the eternal, peaceful, blissful soul.

अहम् ब्रह्मास्मि

I will continue improving my friend.

Keep pouring your valuable comments.



Extremly Sorry to interrupt again…

There is no Future my friend.

Start Respecting Women Now
Just say

I Respect women

The Past has gone.
Today is Present Moment.

By saying i will respect women… You are sending your brain a signal that … in future … like you regret your past. We have to break from past as well as future

We only have present moment.

You can create your thoughts today.
Change past shameful thoughts & wiring.

Dont give mind so much time to prepare… Attack him Now

Most of people think i am poking them.
I only waste my time on my friends.


@JumpingBuddha reading your diary is wonderful, here is a lot of wisdom. I wish you all the best in your journay.


Thanks for correcting @Sahas. I don’t mind being poked brother.
I have made a mental note of your valuable inputs.

Thank you very much
PS: Suggestions and criticism are always welcome


Thank you dear.
I just jot down a bit of my learnings and experiences here.
I am humbled by your kind words.


DAY 22

Woke up at 4:16
I had nocturnal emission last night (first in these 21 days). Urges and bad dreams are out of question.

Experienced a lot of emotional waves last evening due to some other reasons(family). I tried to observe these emotional waves during meditation. I knew they are just games of mind, need to succeed in controlling them- Afterall I am the master, not my mind.

In addition to that felt some gas in the evening.
Slept peacefully.

My analysis

  1. A persisting agitated state of mind could have affected the balance of my subconscious mind
  2. Gas in lower stomach putting pressure while sleeping
  3. Though I did not feel any weakness or lethargy, it might be that the excess vital energy which I could not engage in physical, mental or intellectual level was out. Need to channelize the energy.

So these three situations I must avoid to avoid nocturnal emission.
Suggestions are most welcome.

Morning workout- 2km running, lunges, Hindu pushups, Surya namaskar

Cleaning, bath,
Mahamudra, Moolbandh with Siddhasan, Uddiyana bandha

Breakfast, newspaper, harmonica lesson from YT

Lunch, Vajrasan
Harmonica lesson contd.
Russian lesson

Evening workout- skipping 200, burpees, regular, diamond and wide arm pushups, squats
Jalandhar Bandha, Uddiyana bandha, Moolbandha, Mahabandha, Mahamudra, Pad paschimottanasana Shirshasana, Shavasan, Pawanmuktasana, Shashakaaan, Mandukasana
Will sleep now.

Some motivational strong words of Swami Vivekananda, which motivated me today

Sharing code-s1jc5f


Great Sayings you are going on right direction. Hope for good

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I again asking you the name of book of this wonderful saying. One more good book for readers.

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I suggest you just ignore it and move on with your conciousness.

Dont make wetdreams as a problem. Focus on other areas of your life.


It’s the same book- “Personality Development by Swami Vivekananda”

I will finish it soon.
PS: Already shared the link if you are interested in reading-