🎩 League of Gentlemen

Check in today is day 3 just happy to live this way😄


Friends, sadly - once again - I have relapsed.

I’ve heard the quote, “Even if you fall flat on your face, you’re still moving forward.” I think this clearly applies to me now. That little movement forward I take to mean what I have learned through this failure, namely: I have to be all in! I can’t allow for a divided part of myself to stand. If I’m not 100% invested, I’m 100% going to fall, eventually…I just wish I could have learned that while sparing my face.

My lack of commitment showed in breaking the safeguard I had set and being lax about internet use at home. I did that multiple days in a row. Finally this evening while on my phone I was hit with an impulsive temptation, I followed through and soon…relapsed. Not out of the blue, as you can see, a direct result of allowing things to slide.


I am now on my last stand.

For this run I am pulling out all the stops with my safeguards:

  1. Meditation daily
  2. No phone or internet use at home (except for work/rewire app)
  3. Bed by 10pm during the week. Before 12 on weekends.

I believe I can still complete this challenge.

I don’t have to make eighteen days. I only need to make one day, eighteen times.


That’s the spirit bro :grin::+1: , let’s make membership this time , If I had to guess who is gonna make membership , you’d be one of them .


Day 23

Dang that’s a really good way to think about it. I’ve never heard that that way before. Good luck to you Keats, it sounds like your motivation for this run will carry through.


Day 70
HS: 20


We wish you the best, brother. You created this awesome community, gives inspiration to me, and, I believe that everyone can say the same, give hope to all of us. Even if you still aren’t a gentleman, you certainly act like one. We trust you. Do this and join us. This is for everyone.
Hugs from Brazil :fist:


Day 16 :v::pushpin:. 2 days lft to be a member


What about you, guys? How the week is going?


Checking in for day 6/18✅



We all have faith in your brother!

You are our fearless leader in this and we are all rooting for your success.

Don’t be too hard on yourself, but take whatever control you need to and overcome this.

I believe in you man.

Your music is waiting for you.


Good Morning Brothers!

Day 78 :white_check_mark:

Day 35 :white_check_mark: :stop_sign: Habit streak 1 (semen retention)

Day 24 :white_check_mark: :guitar: Habit streak 2 (15 minutes guitar)

I hope everyone’s feeling strong this morning! The week is halfway over and we are in this new phase. I hope everyone is feeling as motivated and empowered as I am. If not, motivate yourself! Empower yourself! You have to do this for yourself first, then you can do it for the rest of the world.

Stay Strong!


Check In : DAY 27✅️
Habits Streak : :zero: :x:
SafeGuard : No Internet Arousals


Day 3 check in :ballot_box_with_check:
Safeguard :heavy_multiplication_x:


Checking in on day 74 :green_circle:

These are not the best days I have so far on this streak. There is a quite strong heatwave around in this part of the world and the flat I rent is really hot even at night, so I can’t sleep well. It’s better than last year, since I changed my lifestyle. So I’m not tired at the morning, but I get tired afternoon and my mood is not quite stable. Yesterday I had bad mood.
Today was a bit better, but after I arrived home, from work, all of a sudden, a thought appeard in my mind, that “I should watch ■■■■”. There was nothing before it that could cause it, but this was usually the time when I used to go to my pc and suffer a session.
However this, now was not an urge, nor a strong temptation, just a thought. It felt wierd. It was like a weak speaking of a once well known but now stranger self. Now that I think about it more clearly, it must have been my old self, who want to make everything back as it was before. The thought felt distant and weak, but don’t misunderstand me, it felt increadibly dangerous. Like it was not only just me, but the devil itself was in the thought. Searching for me, want me to be chained up again in my addiction.
What helped me was to remember how I felt on harder days before and remembered that these days were always hard because the coming days after it showed something new, something even better in life. Of course only when I persevered.
I’m not sure what is in front of me on the comming days. I know that for a while, it won’t be easy at all. I will have a hard exam next week Tuesday at the uni. There is 2 ongoing project in work, both in a highly demanding phase. So I know I will be mentally tired. But I also know that even when I’m weakened, I AM IN CONTROL of my own free will. I won’t ever let that go again. Never.
One more thing is challenging me these days. Probably also due to my tired mind. Lonelyness is on my nerves. I feel solitude and the sadness of it is going through my emotions. I don’t know what to do with this feeling.

Sorry for being long and maybe boring, but this community is different and I felt I could share. Thank you guys, for your overall attitude with each other, with me as well! You guys are a great help!


Check-in day 11✅
Day 11/18
Safeguard: No social media.


Check In ::white_check_mark:
Day : 10/18 :shamrock:


Day 2/18

Another day, another struggle.


You are strong brother. @Duran Keep the flames on.


Sadus is right. @Keats we must come out of this chaser effect including me. Try to find a way to keep yourself busy. Make sure this time, no more excuses :slightly_smiling_face:


You can do it brother
Good Luck👍