League of Extraordinary Gentlemen 🎩

Daily check in :white_check_mark: 11th August

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Daily check. On vacations now!

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Daily check


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:paw_prints: Check in for day 10, streak days 72 :tophat:

Had an overwhelming day in work due to the workload and I faced some extreme stress because I stood up for myself against higher level management.
I had an emotional low at the end of the day due to the heavy load on me in these past days. I’m gonna rest in the weekend. I have to turn myself “off” for a little.


Day 13 check :white_check_mark:
We keep the hustle

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Day 14 successfully completed
Difficulty level 1/10

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Day 5
Checking in

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Check in :white_check_mark:

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Day 2 doing fine:
Mad skillz!

Daily check! Travelling to Argentina today making myself busy and enjoying life and family


:paw_prints: Check in for day 11, streak days 73 :tophat:

My thoughts were still spinning around the work stress today morning. Didn’t had a good sleep as well. So I went to spend time out in the city, went shopping and did anything to feel myself appriciated.

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Good safety measures you got there going. Most of folks reboot when they get less sleep and/or get more stressed.


daily check in :white_check_mark: 12th August


Daily check. Returning from my trip to Gorna Oryahovica. The day was all right.


Day 15 successfully completed
Difficulty level 8/10
Almost relapsed last night, was alone at home and went incognito for a second🤦


Check in :white_check_mark:

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Check in, day 3 in progress :surfing_man:

Almost but at the end not, so be glad, and realise that you were stronger than the temptation. It also means that you can be stronger and better anytime urges and temptation put you to the test.

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Day 14 check in :white_check_mark:

daily check in :white_check_mark: 13th August